Category Archives: This Season

  • Summer 2024

    The summer season officially begins with the Summer Solstice on June 20th as the Sun exits Gemini and enters the Cardinal Water Sign of Cancer [4:51 PM EDT].

  • Spring 2024

    The astrological new year begins on the 19th of March at the time of the Vernal Equinox when the Sun exits Pisces to enter Aries [11:06 PM EDT].  The Sun begins its annual transit of the Zodiac wheel and initiates the spring season, a season that promises renewal, rebirth, the renaissance. 

  • Winter 2023 – 2024

    The winter season begins with the winter solstice as the Sun exits Sagittarius to enter the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn in the dark of the night on December 21st [10:27 PM EST].

  • Autumn 2023

    We enter the autumn season on the 23rd of September as the Sun exits Virgo and enters Libra [2:50 AM EDT] at the Fall Equinox.

  • Summer 2023

    Summer officially begins on June 21st with the Sun entering Cancer [10:58 AM EDT] at the Summer Solstice. Mercury sextiles Mars at virtually the same time. We are geared for hot fun in the summertime and may be considering plans for getaways. After two years of lockdowns during the virus scare, people are out and »more

  • Spring 2023

    The Sun moves into Aries on March 20th at the Vernal Equinox [5:25 PM EDT] to launch the spring season. We are entering the season of rebirth, renewal and new beginnings. In astrology, we recognize the entry of the Sun into Aries to initiate an astrological new year as the Sun begins a new cycle »more

  • Winter 2022-2023

    The winter season begins on the 21st as the Sun exits Sagittarius to enter the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn at the Winter Solstice [4:48 PM EST]. As the Sun enters Capricorn, the Sun squares Jupiter. The question of what we want as opposed to what we need may be engaged. Limitations and restrictions could impede »more

  • Autumn 2022

    The autumn season begins at the Autumn Equinox on the 22nd of September when the Sun exits Virgo and the Sun enters Libra [9:04 PM EDT].

  • Summer 2022

    The summer season begins on the 21st of June at the Summer Solstice as the Sun exits Gemini to enter Cancer [5:14 AM EDT]. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are at the greatest light, and the energies are such that we are likely to bask in the sun.

  • Winter 2021-2022

    We enter the winter season on the 21st at the Winter Solstice as the Sun exits Sagittarius to enter Capricorn [10:59 AM EST]. The winter season begins with a Stellium of four planets in the Cardinal Earth Sign as the Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn.

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