May 13th – 19th, 2024

The astrology for this week of May 13th through the 19th can provide us some intriguing incidents if we avoid getting stuck in our ways and our wants.

The week begins with us feeling like we’re in the right place at the right time despite the shifting sands under our feet.  By thinking things through, creatively visualizing a best practices approach from start to finish, and being willing to adapt to changing circumstance, we could be highly productive in advancing our interests.

The mid-week period may have us feeling like we’re hitting the wall with obstacles and impediments not merely getting in our way but making us feel less than.  We need to prevent ourselves from overreaching or being too assertive in our efforts.  If we make things all about ourselves, we might experience nasty pushbacks from different directions.

While we can fall back and regroup, we are liable to nurse our grievances which we could give voice to towards the end of the week.  If our ego is bruised, let’s not seek retribution.  While there’s truth to the saying that ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’, why waste our time distracted by seeking to extract some comeuppance?

The weekend may be a highly pleasant time with serendipitous encounters and fun social occasions.  We can enjoy ourselves and the company we keep, and we could accomplish a great deal with our springtime projects.

All in all, like many of the weeks we have experienced, this week could be a roller coaster week of good times and challenging occurrences.

Monday, May 13th – If Not This Way, That Way – Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Sun, Uranus, Venus, Saturn.  Monday is an action-packed day and begins in the overnight with the Cancer Moon sextile Jupiter, the Moon square Mercury, and the Moon trine Neptune. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost an hour and a half as the Moon completes its transit of Cancer without making any further connections to the planets and before the Moon enters Leo where today the Leo Moon opposes Pluto.  The Sun conjuncts Uranus, and Venus sextiles Saturn.  We may feel impelled to put our personal mark on this Monday as we start the week with hopes of newness in various aspects of our life.  ‘Same old, same old’ just might not cut it for us.  We are feeling upbeat, inspired, and desirous of streamlining operations and engaging new directions.  We need to avoid getting ahead of ourselves or pushing the envelope, since self-assertive actions can engage serious pushbacks.  This day suggests we entertain options to ways of doing things.  We could be more effective with less expenditure of energy and accomplish more by drawing upon alternative methods.  If we feel blocked by pushing ahead in a particular manner, someone could provide an objective perspective and valuable insights as to how best to accomplish our goals.  This is a day, should we feel stuck, when we need to approach things in a different way.  If something doesn’t work one way, there may be other ways and better ways to get done what we intended to do.

Tuesday, May 14th – Come Hell or High Water – Mars, Venus.  Tuesday continues with the Leo Moon with the Moon today trine Mars to begin the day, and the Moon square Venus towards the end of the day.  We could be full speed ahead as we start this Tuesday putting our best efforts forward even if stepping on toes in the process.  We may be oblivious to any considerations other than what we wish to get done on this Tuesday.  We might prove a little much for some people.  Narcissism and arrogance may be a characteristic of our society, but it doesn’t always go well with our interpersonal relationships.  And so it could prove true on this Tuesday.  Even if people stay out of our way during the day as we plow forward doing whatever we want to do and putting our personal mark on our endeavors, the evening hours could have us subject to various criticisms, especially if we were so hell bent on doing what we wanted that we neglected certain specifics and particulars or offended someone as we went.  Instead of forging ahead oblivious as to how our behavior is affecting someone, it would be wise for us to be aware and mindful of our surroundings and other people’s concerns as we proceed on this Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 15th – Pushback – Uranus, Sun, Jupiter, Moon Void-of-Course, Mercury, Mercury Taurus.  Wednesday has the Moon finishing its transit of Leo with the Leo Moon today square the three Taurus-transiting planets of Uranus, the Sun, and Jupiter.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for five hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Leo and before the Moon enters Virgo later in the day.  The Virgo Moon trines Mercury which has just exited Aries to enter Taurus [1:05 PM EDT].  Tuesday evening could have had relationship issues.  Perhaps someone thought we were priding around, making too much of our exploits, and sought to take us down a rung or two.  A sense of rebuke to our efforts may happen on this Wednesday.  We might feel that we don’t have the necessary resources, or we could find ourselves skirting legitimate involvements.  If we are being a law unto ourselves, we are liable to experience a nasty pushback.  No cutting corners today, for transparency can bring swift and harsh reactions.  While we might be foiled early in the day, the latter part of the day could prove highly effective.  With Mercury exiting Aries, we might temper our self-absorption and impetuousness.  With Mercury entering Taurus, we now have five planets in the Fixed Earth Sign as Mercury joins Venus, Uranus, the Sun, and Jupiter all in the Venus-ruled Sign of Taurus.  Many of our concerns are likely to revolve around our worth, our finances, our assets.  Acquisition and accumulation could be in the forefront of our mind and with a willingness to temper immediate returns for long-term benefits.  Equity markets can be lively with some records possibly broken.

Thursday, May 16th – Slow but Steady.  Thursday continues with the Virgo Moon with the Moon today making no connections to the planets.  This day may best be served by taking care of the details of our lives.  Filing, sorting, cleaning up, clearing out could be a good use of today’s energy, or the lack of intense energy.  We can certainly feel the weight of the Taurus Stellium with the five planets in the Fixed Earth Sign.  As an ancient proverb reminds us: “slow and steady wins the race.”  This is a day for us to take care of what needs to get done.  We might have a plodding sense to this day, but slow, methodical progress could help us accomplish a great amount today.  It may not be an exciting day, but it could prove to be a highly productive day.  We just need to keep our head down and address the mundane matters of our life.

Friday, May 17th – Keeping One’s Counsel – Saturn, Venus, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto.  Friday has the Virgo Moon opposed Saturn early in the day, and the Moon trine both Venus and Uranus both in Taurus later in the day.  Mercury squares Pluto.  This Friday could begin on a sour note.  People may feel put upon with an attitude of criticism that reflects the sentiment of a ‘strong offense is a good defense’.  It would be wise for us to watch our tongue, even bite our tongue, rather than engage a liability of disdaining someone’s behavior or opinions.  Let’s recognize that divisiveness has become a plague on our society.  The ‘either you’re with me or against me’ sentiment has become extreme and triggered distances and separations among family and friends.  If we can get out of the morning hours unscathed, then the latter part of the day could prove far more pleasant and even far more functional.  We could determine a best practices approach, engage streamlined methodology, and accomplish more than we might have in the morning hours.  Let’s not fall prey to either the blame game or playing the victim, neither of which is a winner.  Even if the morning hours could be bumpy, later in the day we are more engaging and receptive to unanticipated developments.  Wait for it, wait for it, since this Friday gets better later in the day.

Saturday, May 18th – Attentive to the Signs – Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Venus, Uranus.  Saturday has the Moon completing its transit of Virgo in the early morning hours with the Virgo Moon trine both the Sun and Jupiter both in Taurus, and the Moon opposed Neptune.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Virgo and before the Moon enters Libra where today the Libra Moon trines Pluto.  Venus conjuncts Uranus, and the Sun conjuncts Jupiter.  Whether we stepped in it early Friday by being belligerent or were the recipient of a verbal lashing, things shifted later Friday to a more positive tone, a tone reenforced on this Saturday when it might seem as though everything is coming up roses.  As we awaken, we may feel accomplished in much of what we attempted during the week.  We might have had our ups and downs over the week, but that’s our recent life during these volatile times — good times, bad times with wild swings between the two.  This Saturday morphs into a far better time for our relationships.  Getting together with our special someone, or friends and family, can be pleasant and engaging.  There could even be a serendipitous encounter that puts a smile on our face and infuses us with optimism and confidence for our road ahead.  This day is not a day for missed opportunities.  No matter our plans for this Saturday, let’s be willing to alter our intentions and be open to veering into unexplored realms if the situation arises.  Days like today are infrequent, and all the signals today are for ‘go’.

Sunday, May 19th – Resting – Mars, Moon Void-of-Course, Sun, Neptune.  Sunday has the Libra Moon opposed Mars before the Moon goes Void-of-Course for thirty and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Libra and before the Moon enters Scorpio on Monday evening.  The Sun sextiles Neptune.  There is not a great deal of energy on this Sunday.  We might see it as a day of rest and a day to savor the excitement of Saturday.  If we were attentive to the energies yesterday, we could have had one bang-up day when everything seemed to go our way with some delicious surprises sprinkled in.  Although it would be fun to let the good times roll on and on, life during this paradigm shift is not like that.  The energies are often sporadic with good times, challenging times, and times of hiatus interspersed.   Yesterday may have been exceptional, but today is more likely a time of hiatus, a time to rest, regroup, contemplate, and reflect.  By taking the time to consider what we have been doing and how we have been doing, we can better appreciate our life journey.  Getting out into nature or down by the water could make us aware of the natural rhythms in life, rhythms that we might then recognize in our own life, no matter the volatility of these times of paradigm shift.  Even though we live a fast-paced life of constantly being on the go, this Sunday is a day for resting, stepping away from the hurly-burly, and allowing the nickels to drop regarding the significance of what has been going on in our life.  As Lao Tzu stated and recorded in the Tao Te Ching: “With no desire, at rest and still, All things go right as of their will.”