May 6th – 12th, 2024

The astrology for this week of May 6th through the 12th of 2024 is largely pleasant with an inclination to plant our seeds of springtime projects and enjoy the company of those special people in our life.

The intensity of recent days simmers down with people more willing to take things in a methodical, step-by-step manner rather than the rash impetuous behavior of recent days.

The week begins with us on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon prior to Tuesday’s New Moon. 

Although we might start the week with a desire to stretch our wings, expand our operations and go hell-bent for glory, shortly after this thrust of energy we become more grounded and more willing to take things in a pragmatic way.

The Taurus New Moon has five planets in Taurus.  We may feel as though our passion has been tempered and that we are plodding along, but we are also being certain that nothing falls between the cracks and no detail is missed or skipped over.

The imprint of the New Moon influences us up to the Full Moon on the 23rd.  These two weeks can be highly productive, a time when we may put our spirit into action and accomplish a great deal.

While we might be champing at the bit to get on with things and may feel that our focus is narrowed like a horse with blinders on, the latter part of this week could have us engaged in various distractions.  It might be a case of the old proverb: ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’

The weekend is geared for home and family matters as we celebrate mother on Mother’s Day on Sunday.  With the craziness going on in the world and violence reigning, it would be wise for us to acknowledge, appreciate and embrace the maternal qualities of caring, nurturing and being receptive to the concerns of others.

Monday, May 6th – Buzzing About – Mercury, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto.  Monday starts this week with the Moon completing its transit of Aries with the Aries Moon conjunct Mercury before the Moon goes Void-of-Course for almost sixteen hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Aries and before the Moon enters Taurus later in the day with the Taurus Moon square Pluto.  We may be flying high as we start the week but without much gas in our tank.  We could be buzzing about wanting to move beyond our usual parameters, possibly planning faraway travel, or just trying to spread our wings.  Much of today’s energy can have us bustling around but without much solid progress.  Is it a case of spinning our wheels?  After a weekend that could have had us partying and enjoying ourselves, the tenor of the weekend continues into this Monday.  Let’s not expect too much of ourselves today, not until late in the day when we may take a more grounded, practical approach to matters.  Some of the bloom can come off the rose as we realize that some of our greatest desires might be beyond our present reach with the recognition that we either don’t have the resources presently to achieve our goals or that the investment would put a serious crimp on our finances.  The air might seem to go out of our balloon of aspirations, but we could become more realistic in our expectations.

Tuesday, May 7th – Laying Down Foundation Stones – Venus, Saturn, Taurus New Moon, Sun.  Tuesday has the Moon continuing its transit of Taurus with the Taurus Moon today conjunct Venus, the Moon sextile Saturn, and the Moon conjunct the Sun at the time of the New Moon [11:22 PM EDT].  The Sun sextiles Saturn.  Although much of the day could be spent anticipating the trigger of the New Moon late in the day, this Tuesday allows us to consider shopping excursions and our intended purchases to spruce up our home, streamline our operations, and engage makeovers of various aspects of our lives.  With the New Moon as a trigger and an influence over the next two weeks, we are moving into a highly productive period where we can lay down the foundation stones for our future.  Prior to any shopping excursions, it would be wise for us to consider our finances, budget our expenses, and avoid impulse purchases.  This New Moon has an overbalance in the Fixed Earth Sign with five planets in Taurus.  We may take a plodding, step-by-step approach, but we do need to rein in any desire to buy, purchase and accumulate without considering their purpose and their impact on our credit card balances.  Sometimes, enough is more than enough.

Wednesday, May 8th – Bump on the Hump – Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto.  Wednesday continues with the Taurus Moon with the Moon today conjunct both Uranus and Jupiter both in Taurus, and the Moon sextile Neptune.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Taurus and before the Moon enters Gemini where late this Wednesday the Moon trines Pluto.  As has occurred over recent weeks, the Moon connects with all three of the transcendental planets — Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  Although Wednesday is often considered ‘hump day’ falling as it does in the middle of the work week, this day can provide some interesting and positive bumps in our course of action.  Surprising developments as we start the day could open the door to some exciting opportunities.  Even if we are merely involved in our mundane, routine activities, we might want to keep our eyes and ears open to surprising events that can change our intended trajectory.  Yes, this is a day of magical incidents, things occurring in rather unexpected ways.  While much of our day may be spent attending to our goals and focusing on what we wish to accomplish, we may experience greased wheels whereby we get more done and in the most expeditious manner than we could have imagined.  This is a day for us to put the pedal to the metal as far as our responsibilities and moving ahead with our long-range ambitions.  Late in the day, the energy shifts, and we may be far more interested in juggling any number of things over the next two days than the concentrated attentiveness we may have exhibited today and yesterday.

Thursday, May 9th – Doing My Thing – Mars.  Thursday has the Gemini Moon sextile Mars.  Hopefully, we accomplished a great deal on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, because today and tomorrow may be two days when we want to do our own thing and with an emphasis today of being spontaneous, even impulsive, regarding what we decide to engage.  On this Thursday we could feel like ‘the world is our oyster’ with our tendency to engage any number of things but more in a sampling mode rather than in-depth involvement.  We could be here, there, and everywhere today with an emphasis on the concept that ‘variety is the spice of life’.  This is a day for us to try out things that speak to us.  Whether they have a significant purpose or not, today instills an investigative quality to our activities with our curiosity ratcheted up.  We might not want to do all-day spa treatments, but it is a good day to pamper ourselves.  A strong case of ‘spring fever’ may have us wanting to get out of Dodge, literally or figuratively, for we are less interested in what is right in front of us and more intrigued by what lies beyond our normal parameters.  Let’s enjoy this Thursday and allow ourselves to feel like a feather on the wind.

Friday, May 10th – Monkey Wrenches – Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course.  Friday has the Gemini Moon square Saturn at the beginning of the day, the Moon sextile Mercury mid-day, and the Moon square Neptune late in the day.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Gemini and before the Moon enters Cancer at the end of the day.  Someone’s interests or concerns could put a damper on our easygoing and carefree nature.  We might have to attend to something for someone.  Even though our interests may not be involved, another person can have us marching to their drummer rather than our own.  If we attend to the needs early in the day, the mid-day can be a time of enjoying ourselves and focusing on the weekend ahead.  Some of us may be traveling for Mother’s Day, others readying for a family gathering.  Instead of feeling totally boxed in by forthcoming events and their preparations, let’s make sure we have some ‘me’ time today and do whatever we choose to do.  The evening hours could prove dicey with our being reminded that we might not have reached someone’s expectations.  Today may seem like a roller coaster of emotions impacted by other people, so this is one of those days when we might need to ‘grin and bear it’ and make certain that we have some personal time amidst the frenzy of interactions.

Saturday, May 11th – Collective vs. Individual – Mars.  Saturday has the Cancer Moon square Mars.  Home and family matters can impede upon our personal desires.  This weekend is geared towards Mother’s Day and may make demands on our time and what we want to get done.  This day is a good case of individual interests and how they mesh or conflict with the greater good of family and community.  In the increasing demand for collective group think, it is hard for us to express our opinion unless it is in sync with the collective consciousness and the accepted narrative.  To be an individual in a compliant demanding society is not only difficult but opens one up to ridicule or abuse.  This Saturday suggests we walk a fine line between what we want to do and obligations felt to our family and to our community.  To avoid discord today we might want to temper our personal desires and focus more on what is best for the greater good.  No need for us to be rebels without a cause or rebellious in stomping to get our own way.  This weekend suggests we put our personal interests second.

Sunday, May 12th – Hey, Ma – Venus, Saturn, Sun, Uranus.  Sunday is Mother’s Day replete with the Moon in its own Sign of Cancer, and the Cancer Moon today trine Saturn, and the Moon sextile three of the Taurus-transiting planets of Venus, the Sun, and Uranus.  What a spectacular day for Mom or any variation thereof.  Even if some of our past incidents with our own mother were not always the best, today we are more likely to see the upside of our connections with mother and with women in general.  Acts of kindness are often more meaningful than lavish expenditures.  Increasingly, we can see the radiant beauty of nature in full flower.  Getting out into nature could be reinvigorating and restorative for us.  We might have a sense that everything is beautiful in its own way.  This Sunday can be one of those days when we appreciate being alive.  Let’s celebrate on this special Sunday our good fortune of good family, good friends, and a good life.  Remember: we can always see the half glass of water as half empty or half full.  Our choice, always our choice, and today’s energies imply that the water glass is half full and filling up. En joy!