May 27th – June 2nd, 2023

The astrology for this week of May 27th through June 2nd of 2024 puts us in the summertime mood of good times with good friends with a focus on fun occasions.

The week begins in the US with the last day of the long Memorial Day holiday weekend, often considered the unofficial start to the summer season.  And what a way to start.

Thanks to last week’s Sign shifts of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter coming out from Taurus and entering Gemini, we are “in a spin, loving the spin I’m in”, to borrow from the Johnny Mercer co-written classic song of That Old Black Magic.

We are in a three and a half weeks Stellium in Gemini where our behavior and our attitude might be one of spinning: sampling, running around, and going for all the gusto that springtime and approaching summer could offer.

We seem far more interested in enjoying ourselves and engaging people in social occasions than getting much work done.  Our view may be more on our future than our present.

Mid-week can prove a little dicey as our appetite is likely to be larger than our resources.  And a tendency to go for the gold has us liable to be impetuous in our actions with a desire to have what we want without fully considering the consequences.  It would be a wise idea to budget our time and our finances since we could easily get caught up in the excitement of the moment.

The end of the week may provide startling news, interesting insights, and a validation of these times of the paradigm shift with magical incidents and mini-miracles with us being in the right place at the right time.

The weekend is suited to doing whatever we damn well please with a desire for variety and lots of it.  Social occasions and conversations could provide us with options and alternatives we might not have considered and can give us the optimism and confidence that our personal world is truly an oyster that we can sup on and truly enjoy.

Monday, May 27th – Here Comes Summer – Uranus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn.  Monday begins the week in the US with Memorial Day, the last day of the three-day holiday weekend that unofficially starts the summer season. And an energy-packed day it is.  We begin the day with the Capricorn Moon trine Uranus and the Moon sextile Neptune.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for forty-five minutes with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Capricorn and before the Moon enters Aquarius later today with the Aquarius Moon trine Jupiter and the Moon conjunct Pluto.  Mercury sextiles Saturn.  As in recent weeks, the three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are engaged.  Much can be accomplished today, whether we choose to concentrate on home projects, or we choose to revel in social gatherings for a good time.  The Gemini Stellium that began last week may have us going from one thing to another with little hesitation in between.  Let’s concentrate on the truly meaningful with the recognition that we are putting an imprint on the next four weeks by what we decide today. We can draw upon both a visionary sense and a critical analysis of matters to determine a best practices approach.  We just need to temper our enthusiasm, our high nervous energy, and any devil-may-care attitude we might have.  There may be a wide range of activities we could engage, and it would be wise to do so by sampling rather than lengthy involvements.

Tuesday, May 28th – Not Letting Go – Venus, Sun.  Tuesday continues with the Moon in Aquarius with the Moon today trine both Venus and the Sun both in Gemini in the early morning hours.  Our schedule for this Tuesday may be replete with a wide range of engagements, whether planned or unplanned.  We might not want to let go of our holiday spirit.  If possible, we may decide to elongate the long Memorial Day holiday weekend.  The anxieties and frustrations of recent times may have taken a toll, and we may prefer additional ‘down time’ to recharge and reinvigorate after the recent challenging years.  If we are trying to get things done today, it would be better to do so in spurts of energy.  Concentrated effort solely on one issue might not go well, for the energy suggests juggling and working with a productive time cycle no matter how short that cycle could be.  Catching up with friends and reaching out to contacts can provide lively and uplifting conversations.  Everyone may seem to be in an ‘up’ attitude.  Discussions can lead to serious considerations of the best ways to proceed both with our uncompleted projects and with our intended involvements for our future.  Monday and Tuesday are two days when we might assume that nothing can get in our way or block our objectives.  We could have our head in the clouds with our feet firmly planted on the ground.

Wednesday, May 29th – Pathway Paved with Good Intentions – Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Jupiter.  Wednesday has the Aquarius Moon square Mercury, the Moon sextile Mars and the Moon square Uranus.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for ten hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces in the evening with the Pisces Moon square Jupiter to end the day.  As if we had gotten a second wind, we could be fast out the door as we start this Wednesday.  In our rush, we could be impulsive and impetuous and therein lies a problem.  They say that ‘the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions’, and so it might be for us on this Wednesday.  We may have the best of intentions, but we might not fully vet a situation nor account for the law of unintended consequences.  Costs of our involvements could be greater than we estimated, and unexpected twists and turns might only add further difficulties or more expense.  Blind optimism can lead us down a rabbit hole, getting out from which may prove formidable.  Once we start in a ‘wrong’ direction today, it likely would be hard to circle back.  It could be far better for us to start off slow, apply the brakes, and evaluate and re-evaluate our direction and itinerary as we go along.

Thursday, May 30th – Blithely Going Along – Venus, Sun.  Thursday continues with the Moon transiting Pisces with the Pisces Moon today square both Venus and the Sun both in Gemini.  If we got off on the wrong track yesterday, we could continue down it today.  One of the problems we can encounter during this three-and-a-half-week Gemini Stellium is making snap decisions that might not hold up over time.  A tendency to get things done without due diligence but rather just to get them done could be a short-term solution that is truly no solution whatsoever.  It is far better for us to avoid impulse purchases at this time and prevent fantasizing about situations that could prove only illusions or delusions.  These times demand that we take everything said and heard and viewed with a grain of salt.  We may want to go blithely along assuming that everything will work out for the best, but such an attitude might open us up to being taken advantage of and seems lazy thinking of seeking immediate resolutions without considering the specifics or the particulars.  Wednesday and Thursday are two days when it might be wise for us to steer clear of significant decisions or important commitments.  These two days could be a case of ‘what you see is not what you get’.  Tricksters may be at play.

Friday, May 31st – Heed the Muse – Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, Neptune.  Friday has the Moon completing its transit of Pisces with the Pisces Moon today conjunct Saturn to begin the day, the Moon sextile both Uranus and Mercury both in Taurus mid-day, and the Moon conjunct Neptune late in the day.  Friday ends with the Moon exiting Pisces to enter Aries.  Mercury conjuncts Uranus.  Friday could seem to have us stepping out of a two-day fog when blind optimism and a sense of non-reality may have been at play.  We might start Friday disheartened.  Perhaps sweeping the cobwebs from our mind can give us a sense of disappointment or frustration with us feeling that two days were wasted in spinning our wheels.  Even if we feel discouraged as we start this Friday, extraordinary incidents can brighten our day, make us aware of options we had not considered with a sense of things coming together neatly and easily.  Insights can spark a realm of possibilities that could prove easy to achieve.  We just need to get out of our own way, be open to receive insights, and understand that during this paradigm shift things can occur in a most unexpected manner with things coming together effortlessly.  This is a good day to bring matters to completion, for the Moon is ending its month-long transit of the Zodiac wheel, and this weekend begins a new monthly transit for the Moon with us emphasizing our personal interests and taking machete in hand to carve our own path.  This Friday opens the door to an exciting and uplifting weekend.

Saturday, June 1st – Hitting our Stride – Jupiter, Pluto, Venus, Sun.  Saturday has the Moon in Aries with the Moon sextile Pluto in Aquarius, and the Moon sextile the three Gemini-transiting planets of Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun.  This is a day when we have the vitality and energy to put our imprint on our individual world.  We may choose to do any number of things today, but our choices are likely to revolve around our personal interests.  We may prioritize our activities with a belief that we can cover any number of bases today.  We may feel less responsive to whatever is going on with a determination to initiate and follow through on whatever we choose to engage.  There could be a tendency to go from one thing to another to another, but every involvement needs to speak to our passion and our wishes.  Little may have any real depth to our engagement.  On the contrary, sampling this, trying that, can have us in constant motion today and loving every moment of it.  This day is a day for us to initiate new beginnings.  We don’t have to make major commitments today, just an opportunity to explore, investigate and appraise possibilities.

Sunday, June 2nd – Higher and Higher – Mars, Moon Void-of-Course, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, Neptune.  Sunday has the Moon continuing its transit of Aries.  Late in the day, the Aries Moon conjuncts Mars.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost eight hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Aries and before the Moon enters Taurus early on Monday morning.  Much of the energy on this Sunday is late in this day.  Jupiter trines Pluto, and Mercury sextiles Neptune.   Today is a good day to get out of Dodge, enjoy the luxuriant foliage of springtime nature, and just generally air out.  We might feel that we’re going higher and higher in our confidence, in our focus, and in a well intuited and grounded approach.  Friday through Sunday are primo days for whatever we choose to do.  Whether we choose to re-create through fun activities and social engagements, or we go solo with the proverbial machete in hand and survey all sorts of possibilities by dipping in rather than jumping into a wide and diverse assortment of likely involvements, this Sunday is the cherry on the top of an exciting and uplifting weekend with a dash of romance sprinkled in.  Yes, this week ends with an uplift of loving the spin we’re in.