June 10th – 16th, 2024

The astrology for this week of June 10th through the 16th of 2024 can be challenging with us encountering the bombastic and narcissistic.  Oh, joy.

Last week and this week could seem a replay of life’s sense of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.  After last week that may have been rather pleasant, although likely to have been scattered and ditzy at times amidst the good, this week adds those latter two sentiments of bad and ugly.

Although the week can be slow starting, the energy shifts quickly with the intensity ratcheted up and liabilities to explosive situations, overbearing individuals, and egos running rampant.

Any knee jerk reactions this week could have severe blowbacks.  Caution is recommended for much of this week by keeping ourselves out of harm’s way.

It would be wise for us to temper our physical energy and our communication style.  People may be riding their high horse only to be knocked off from it by someone or by some situation.

Arrogant assertiveness might be in play, and it is essential that we not get involved in any one upmanship.

Peace may finally reign on Saturday, a day for us to appreciate the beauties and blessings in our life.  While much of the week has a great deal of intense energy, Saturday provides a brief reprieve from the hurly-burly.  Like a blank slate, Saturday allows us to do whatever we choose to do.

Sunday ends the week with Father’s Day, the obligatory time to honor the patriarch.  So long as we honor and be ingratiating to father figures, little will go wrong.  We might feel as though we are not being real, but at different times each of us plays various roles.  Sunday is a day for us to be almost childlike in the presence of the father.

Monday, June 10th – Catching One’s Breath – Mercury.  Monday begins this week with the Leo Moon, which late in the day has the Leo Moon sextile Mercury.  Monday is sandwiched between this past weekend that could have been exhausting and the next few days that might prove challenging.  If we have no pressing demands, today would be a good day to catch our breath and reenergize ourselves.  There is not a great deal of energy today with a feeling of depletion from this past weekend’s engagements and apprehension regarding the impending intensity of the next few days.  We might want to get out of town into unfamiliar locales to shake off the routine and get a fresh perspective.  This is a day when we do not want to be encumbered by our responsibilities or our obligations.  The rest of the week can put us through our paces, so it would be wise for us to regroup and recharge on this Monday to prepare for the days ahead.  Tomorrow may ratchet up the energy severalfold.  Whether we can get away today or not, let’s find some time today to step off the track and focus on the good things in our life. 

Tuesday, June 11th – Extreme Caution – Sun, Venus, Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Mars, Pluto.  Tuesday continues with the Leo Moon with the Moon today sextile both the Sun and Venus both in Gemini.  The Moon squares Uranus before the Moon goes Void-of-Course for over ten hours with the Moon making no further connection to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Leo and before the Moon enters Virgo early Wednesday morning.  Mars squares Pluto.  Although we could be in something of an upbeat mood today, situations around us or events we hear about could upset us or make us harried.  The liability of explosions, intense storms, bomb blasts, and people acting out cannot be discounted with this intense energy of the Mars Pluto square.  We need to be wary of the volatility today, a volatility that can impact any number of situations.  The Mars Pluto adverse aspect is my least favorite since it often indicates physical violence.  It’s interesting to note that in the next US Administration’s chart there is a Sun Pluto conjunction opposed by Mars.  If voting in the US in the November Presidential elections, I would suggest you strongly focus on the Vice-Presidential candidate.

Wednesday, June 12th – Licking our Wounds – Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn.  Wednesday has the Virgo Moon trine Mars, and the Moon square Jupiter. Mercury squares Saturn.  With yesterday’s intensity still reverberating, we could be fast out the door but without clear direction in mind.  This Wednesday suggests we take our time and strategize our intentions before we start our day.  We might feel overwhelmed or frustrated by our situation or by someone acting out.  Whatever may have occurred yesterday, it might demand that we alter our thoughts, perhaps even change our direction.  It is essential during the paradigm shift occurring that we do not assume our invincibility over conditions and circumstance.  On the contrary, the unexpected twists and turns happening force us to shift and change in accord with what seems to be going on.    We might not always like what is going on and may feel forced to adapt to unexpected developments, but these times are dynamic times when things can morph from one thing into another suddenly and dramatically.  I’ve written it before, shall write it again, these times call for us to embrace the Taoist sentiment of: “bend like a reed or break like an oak.”

Thursday, June 13th – Keeping it Real – Lunar T-Square, Saturn, Mercury.  Thursday continues with the Virgo Moon with the Moon today triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon opposed Saturn and the Moon square Mercury.  Yesterday had Mercury square Saturn, and today the Moon impacts that same square.  Wednesday and Thursday are two days for us to watch our moods and emotions.  People could be in a funk on these two days with a tendency to see the half glass of water as more half empty than half full.  Any negativity today and yesterday might be more our choice of attitude, wanting what we want, but disappointed by what we have.  Our anxieties and concerns could be ratcheted up.  We need to cut ourselves and other people a fair amount of slack this week.  These are not the easiest of times.  Some people can get hypercritical with a sentiment that a ‘strong offense is a good defense’.  The liability today is to come up with a worst-case scenario.  Let’s keep in mind The Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Friday, June 14th – There, Not Here – Uranus, Lunar T-Square, Sun, Venus, Neptune, Moon Void-f-Course, Lunar Grand Trine, Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury.  Friday is one paradoxical day, a day when we can go from hyper-activity of banging and crashing about to being on greased wheels and in the company of supportive connections.  The first half of this day is similar to yesterday’s energy configurations with the Virgo Moon triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon square both Venus and the Sun both in Gemini, and the Moon opposed Neptune.  The Moon then goes briefly Void-of-Course for not quite twenty minutes as the Moon finishes its transit of Virgo without making any further connections to the planets and before the Moon enters Libra where late in the day the Libra Moon triggers an Air Grand Trine with the Libra Moon trine Pluto in Aquarius and the Moon trine Jupiter in Gemini.  The Sun conjuncts Mercury.  After the past few days, we may be worn out by all the fracas we might have encountered.  Our nerves may be somewhat shot, and we can certainly embrace the sentiment: ‘living for the weekend’.   We may be trying to complete too many matters prior to the weekend but doing so in haste and confusion.  Thursday and Friday can be somewhat dysfunctional and lead us to spinning our wheels.  We do not have to resolve everything before the weekend, and certain issues could be better concluded under more auspicious days.  The evening provides the impetus for good times with good friends and the likelihood that someone might offer suggestions that could light our way.

Saturday, June 15th – Still.  Saturday has the Moon continuing its transit of Libra but with the Moon making no contacts to the planets.  After what might have seemed a rather rough week, this Saturday is a day for us to engage stillness, a time for us to recharge our batteries, reinvigorate ourselves, and enjoy the serenity of quietude.  Not that we need to spend the entire day deep in meditation.  Connections with that special someone or the special people in our life could be nurturing and something that would help take the edge off the incidents of the week.  This Saturday might seem like a blank slate providing us the ability to do whatever appeals to us.  Friday evening may have laid the groundwork for a most pleasant Saturday.  Let’s use this Saturday to shake off the events of the week and appreciate all the blessings we have in our life.  Peace reigns today after a turbulent roller-coaster week.  Although we often think of Sunday as the traditional day of rest, for this week Saturday offers greater opportunity for us to catch our breath, appreciate the stillness in the air, and look on the bright side of life.

Sunday, June 16th – Hail the Patriarch – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune.  Sunday does not have a great deal of energy until we come to the latter part of the day when the Libra Moon trines both the Sun and Mercury both in Gemini, and Venus squares Neptune.  The early part of the day can have us continuing the quietude we engaged on Saturday.  We might feel more together, less anxious, and inclined to be more responsive and less reactive to situations and conditions.  Today is Father’s Day in the U.S., and many of our thoughts could revolve around the male legacy in our family of our father, grandfather, and patriarchal ancestors.  Although we often view the male energy as assertive and competitive, we might see a softer side to the experiences we have had with various males.  While this day could prove confusing in regard to our relationships, it would also allow us to recalibrate our perception of masculine energy.  Let’s keep in mind that in each one of us has both male and female traits.  The paradigm shift we are going through diminishes the male tendencies of control and making things happen to a greater recognition that the universe with its twists and turns is forcing us to be more responsive to the unanticipated shifts and changes in conditions and circumstance.  We are no longer sole determiners of our course of action [as if we ever were] and now more co-creators with the universe unfolding.  A heavy weight can be lifted as we come to better appreciate our true role in our own life’s journey and that we do not have to do it all.  Today is a day for us to also honor our inner child and the part we have played in fathering that inner child.