October 2016

October begins with us in a la-de-da kind of attitude. We would far prefer to engage an attitude of blissful ignorance, step out of our mundane realities and traipse merrily into Elysian Fields rather than deal with the so-called realities that appear to be happening in the world-at-large.

The Libra New Moon on the 30th of September gave the imprint for the next fortnight, and this first New Moon after the seasonal change from summer into autumn seems to reinforce the qualities of the season as if opening the starting gate for the season.

This Libra New Moon influences us through the 15th of October up to the Aries Full Moon and accentuates relationships and possibly otherworldly experiences as the New Moon is also impacted by the Venus Neptune trine on the 1st of October. We could easily be in love with love but not necessarily seeing clearly. Our romp in idyllic mind meadows with sparkling brilliance can be tantalizing but with a liability of our being blinded by the light. It would be wise for us to stay grounded and consider the ramifications of our actions and decisions, although oblivious to unintended consequences. This is a time when the splendor we see might merely mask a rather dystopian reality of the crazies operating in the world-at-large. What we see may not be what we get.

Venus trines Neptune on the 1st, followed during the first week of October with the Sun sextile Saturn on the 4th, Venus sextile Pluto and Mars square Jupiter on the 5th, and the Sun square Pluto and Mercury exiting Virgo to enter Libra on the 7th.

This early October can have us looking at the half glass of water as half full with water being constantly replenished. We may have few concerns but rather a desire to see perfection in all things.

“Everything is beautiful” might be our mantram, and a mantram we repeat even if doubts sometimes arise as we mouth the words.

We may feel as though our lives are influenced more by other people than by our own actions. Although someone could be of great assist to us during this time, we have to be wary of becoming overly dependent upon that person, or persons, to make things right for us. Let’s draw upon wise counsel and helpful assistance but maintain our accountability and our responsibility for our choices and our actions. If we give someone too much authority in regard to our matters, their due diligence might prove less than our own would be. People can be of assistance as far as suggestions and clarifications, but we are the ones who need to address and deal with our own personal issues.

Discernment and selectivity in regard to our associations could be the crux of the matter during this first week of October. As the parable cautions: ‘Cast ye not pearls before swine.’

The Mars square Jupiter on the 5th and the Sun square Pluto on the 7th raise issues regarding our interactions with other people and whether they are of benefit to us or are detrimental to our goals. Excess and belligerence could be at play during this time. We might hit some obstacles in our way, but brute force would be ill-advised. There are times when we just need to let the energy die down, shift and change. The 5th – 7th of October could be one of those times to let things pass before immediately reacting.

October can be a bit of a roller coaster with some significant ups and some intense downs.

The 11th has Mercury conjunct Jupiter and Mars sextile Neptune. We could be feeling upbeat and inspired and feeling as though everything is going right in our world. While feeling spirited is always a good thing, we need to avoid pushing the envelope or assuming that we can move mountains. This is a day when instead of trying to force things, we can draw upon our intuitive sense and develop an effective means for things to progress smoothly.

Our old conditioning had us making things happen, having total control of circumstance and being the master of our conditions. The paradigm shift, of which we are on the threshold, asks us, even demands, that we accept the reality that we are NOT totally in control. Rather, in the asequential reality of this new paradigm, we are co-creators with the universe unfolding. We have choice and free will as to how we wish to address circumstance, but conditions can arise in a most unexpected manner and without us being the precipitating factor. Things can be easier so long as we don’t make them harder.

Since we are still on the threshold of this paradigm shift, there are times when things flow naturally and easily, other times when we engage our learned response and try to force issues.

The second week of October may provide us incidents of both facets — the ease of movements on the 11th and 14th, and us pushing and pulling and banging and crashing on the 13th and 15th.

The 13th of October has Mercury square Mars. Coming off a sense of exuberance and confidence, we might feel that people are not necessarily accommodating our desires or capitulating to our needs. Discussions can devolve into arguments, as people are likely to take on a belligerent attitude with the assumption that being forceful in expression will win people to their cause.

Whatever dustups occur on the 13th can be resolved on the 14th when Mercury sextiles Saturn. Clarifying situations and seeing the larger picture might resolve some of the niggling details that people might have hung on to in order to make their point or try and win their case. There can be a meeting of the minds when looking at the big picture rather than obsessing over the slightest detail.

But we can be back at it on the 15th – 16th when the Sun opposes Uranus, Mercury squares Pluto and we have the Aries Full Moon. We could also be feeling the impact of the Mars Pluto conjunction exact on the 19th.

This mid-October could prove quite intense. There may be moments of camaraderie, but the liability is towards impetuousness, acting without thinking and being overly belligerent in speech and in action.

We may want to do our own thing and break free of our restrictions and limitations. Unfortunately, what we consider to be our restraints could also be the support systems that we have established for ourselves. This mid-October period can have us being quick to respond both in word and deed. It would be wise for us to build in escape hatches, those times when we step away from our regular routine and find a safe happy place where we can recharge and reinvigorate ourselves.

This mid-October period could prove rather explosive, especially with the Mars Pluto conjunction on the 19th. On the 18th Venus exits Scorpio to enter Sagittarius. We may take on a more philosophical approach as to how we do things, and it would be wise for us to engage such an attitude. For otherwise, we could easily get caught up in our goals and our ambitions and fall back into the trap of believing that we are the sole masters of our destiny.

This Mars Pluto conjunction could also shake things up. There can be earth movements such as earthquakes and volcanic activity. There can be intense geopolitical actions as governments come under increasing scrutiny and possible demonstrations. There can be bombings and explosive accidents. There can be corporations taking over other corporations, and some corporations seeming to be on shaky financial ground. This configuration is an intense one, ratchets up the energy and could result in ‘all fall down’.

The Mars Pluto conjunct on the 19th is followed by Mercury opposed Uranus on the 20th. Communications can be off, computer problems rampant, and the adverse aspects of Mercury Uranus are my least favorite for air travel. This October period is a time for us to avoid impulsive actions, to count to ten before reacting to situations and to make sure that we take healthy ‘time outs’ for ourselves.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd of October, followed by Mercury entering Scorpio on the 24th. With the co-rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, having been conjunct on the 19th and still in close orb, the mid to latter part of October could prove rather intense. People may have an edge on, somewhat secretive in their actions and vowing to take no prisoners in any confrontational situations. This is the time in nature when in the northern latitudes the trees are bare of leaves and naked to their skeleton. It is also a time when we tend to turn inward, reveal less but have greater inner nature.

Things can percolate below the surface and rise up quickly and without warning. We might want to tread lightly during the mid to latter part of October, but we may also want to be astute to what is going on. Let’s keep in mind that two of the keywords during these times are awareness and mindfulness.

We might not communicate everything that seems to be going on but we are likely to have a watchful eye with a cynical attitude but unrevealing as to what we perceive.

Venus squares Neptune on the 25th. Relationships may not be what they seem but we also have to avoid jumping to conclusions. First impressions might not reveal the true characteristic of someone. As we might be judgmental and tending to look for the warts rather than see the beauty marks, it would be wise to suspend judgment and take the time to get to know someone or to be more aware of the characteristics of the people we encounter.

The Venus Jupiter sextile on the 26th is a Mutual Reception with Venus in the Sign ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter in the Sign ruled by Venus. The two ‘good guys’ of the planetary energies can make this a rather happy time for social occasions and might bring us out of ourselves. We may be looking for new engagements. We might seek out people who may be foreign to us and to our experience but who present the exotic and the unfamiliar and may be at a distance to make the connection plausible but not interminable.

This latter part of October can be quite a roller coaster with our connections. We may be enchanted, dazzled but also liable to fall for the ‘trickster’, someone who appears one way in a perfect light but the reality being quite a different story, an illusion if not a deception in clearer light.

The Venus aspects continue with Venus conjunct Saturn on the 29th, a day when Mars squares Uranus and when we are in the dark side of the Moon prior to the New Moon on the 30th. If interactions with other people have left us stunned and dismayed, we might retreat into ourselves or act in a most unexpected manner. This is a time when we have to be especially careful in regard to what we do and how we do it, for the liability towards impetuousness and consequent accidents cannot be discounted.

The Scorpio New Moon on the 30th has the Sun, Moon and Mercury trine to Neptune. We could be enchanted by presentations, seduced into believing the hype and fully accepting of the spin. Unless we draw upon our intuitive sense with no rush to judgment but take the time to see what is really going on, we could fall prey to the snake oil sales people.

October 2016… Weighing the Scales, Seeking the Balance…