Monthly Archives: August, 2013

  • September 2013

    September can be a most productive month, a time when we can employ our energy and strength to bring about fundamental changes to our planned ambitions and to the ways we do things. We are considering both the big picture of the gestalt of our lives and the smaller perspective of the specifics and the »more

  • Connecticut Visit September 13th – 18th

    I shall be back in Connecticut and available for in-person sessions in Stamford from Friday, September 13th, through Wednesday, September 18th. Stamford is less than an hour train ride from Grand Central Station in New York City. If you know someone who would like to meet with me while I am in Connecticut, please have »more

  • The Prince Known as George Alexander Louis [G.A.L.]

    Last month, on July 22nd, Prince William and his wife, the former Kate Middleton, had their first born, a son whom they named George Alexander Louis. The young prince was born with an incredibly powerful chart.

  • August 2013

    August seems generally pleasant and can provide a nice reprieve from the build-up and possible explosions that occurred at the end of July and over the past few months.