Monthly Archives: June, 2013

  • July 2013

    This month of July seems bookended with highly intense energies at the start of the month and to close out the month. Despite the furor and frenzy at the beginning and ending of the month, much of July can be quite pleasant with family get-togethers, home projects and times to step off the track and »more

  • Jupiter in Cancer

    On June 25th – 26th, Jupiter ended its yearlong transit of Gemini to enter Cancer and Jupiter began its yearlong transit of the Cardinal Water Sign into July 16, 2014. Jupiter was in Detriment in Gemini, the Sign opposite the Sign it rules, and where Jupiter was not comfortable. Communications were glib, shallow with little »more

  • Summer 2013

    This Summer of 2013 can have us making grand plans, catching up with family and friends and looking at fully enjoying ourselves in the great outdoors. It’s summer after all,…