Summer 2007

This Summer begins with the Summer Solstice and the Sun’s entrance into the Cardinal Water Sign of Cancer on June 21st. This Summer starts on a fiery note with a Grand Trine in the Fire Signs linking all three of the Fire Signs with Mars in Aries, Venus and Saturn in Leo, and Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius.

At the time of the Summer Solstice, we have five planets in Fire Signs, one planet in an Earth Sign, one planet in an Air Sign and three planets in Water Signs. There are three planets in a Cardinal Sign, three planets in Fixed Signs and four planets in Mutable Signs. Six planets are in Positive Signs [Fire – Air] and four planets are in Negative Signs [Earth – Water].

While we begin the Summer with a Grand Trine in the Fire Signs, we also begin the season with a Mutable Sign T-Square. We may have a great deal of energy, but we could also find ourselves all over the place, overwhelmed by having too much on our plate. The Mutable Sign T-Square has the Moon in Virgo, Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces. We have gone through a month of a Mutable Sign T-Square as the Sun transited Gemini. While the Mutable Sign T-Square loses the Moon in Virgo in less than twenty-four hours, the Summer Solstice chart and the Summer itself is under the influence of a Mutable Sign T-Square.
With the Moon in Virgo being the only Earth Element, this Summer begins with a lack of Earth. Our practicality may not be the strongest, especially with the influence of the Saturn Neptune opposition that has daunted us since last Autumn. The issue of appearance versus reality continues. We have to be careful that we don’t buy into our projections or seek an escape from our normal circumstances in fantasies of possibilities that are only illusions. The question of fact or fiction remains to challenge our opinions and test our judgments.

This test or challenge is increased by Summer starting under the Mercury retrograde configuration. As mentioned above, this second of this year’s three Mercury retrogrades started back on the 15th of June and continues through the 9th of July. Communications can be off, travel plans might be disrupted and we could experience various computer glitches. Misunderstandings may run rampant, especially in light of the added factors of [1] the Saturn Neptune opposition whereby we could easily get seduced by the wizard of oz screen without pulling back the curtain to see the little guy punching the buttons, and [2] the lack of Earth combined with the emphatic Fire and Water embellishing our emotions and passions but without the reasoned thought behind them.

Summertime is a time when the living once was easy, but we may find this Summer to be fast-paced and fairly intense. The Saturn Neptune opposition is exact on the 25th of June keeping us wondering whether we are walking the garden path or meandering through minefields. Our sense of certainty may be questionable at best and probably should be. This configuration has created a questioning of our ability all the while being enticed by possibilities for our future. Old issues that have yet to be completed may pop up again, and we could find ourselves doing a walk down Memory Lane. We do have to watch for any element of revisionism where we view our experiences from an emotional perspective rather than true reality.

We pick up some Earth on the 24th of June as Mars exits its own Sign of Aries and moves into Taurus, a Sign of its Detriment where Mars is not comfortable. Our self-assertions, self-affirmations and even our rashness and impetuousness can shift to a more plodding, stubborn, unyielding quality. It does slow things down a bit, and provides a reliable and focused intent.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 30th of June feels the influence of the Saturn Neptune opposition with added weight of Venus exactly opposing Neptune and Venus close to conjunction with Saturn. We could easily deceive ourselves, seduced by appearance and winding up looking for love in all the wrong places. Our interactions with others may include various reunions and reconnections, but we might also question what our connection with these people might have been in the first place. We could be sorely disappointed in our contacts with others. If we could use our social get-togethers as a mirror to show us how much we have changed, we’re less likely to take personal affront at any discomfort we might feel or a sense of guilt from other people’s expectations of us.

July 1st has the Venus Saturn conjunction exact. Mercury sextiles Mars at the same time. This weekend could demand that obligations be met. Home projects or family situations may be on the agenda for us. We may have family get-togethers with all their mixed blessings or might feel the obligation to include people into our social plans out of commitment rather than desire. We could be reconnecting with people from our past. While we might be doing a walk down Memory Lane, we should also consider stretching beyond normal routine and habit patterns. Although we might be tempted to postpone our planned commitments, hide out and hang out the sign ‘gone fishing’, it would be best to swallow our distaste and just grin and bear it. Although misunderstandings could be rampant, it is important not to harbor ill feelings. Otherwise, we may feel as though salt is being placed in our wounds.

Venus trines Pluto on the 8th and what a difference from the week before. We’re now more passionate about our relationships, less likely to have expectations or hold up hoops for others to jump through. We might also be meeting people from different backgrounds, people with a depth of character and wealth of experience.
Mercury turns direct on the 9th of July, ending its three-week retrograde cycle. Much of the confusion and some of the problems we might have experienced regarding home, family, travel and communication matters can now straighten themselves out. We may ‘find’ our tongue, better able to express our feelings. We might also consider making changes to our home.

The 11th of July has the Sun trine Uranus. With the recent impetus to expand our scope and broaden our reach, we may seek to incorporate changes to our routine. Thrills, excitement and adventure may be what we’re looking for. Getting down to the shore and taking in water activities could be a fun way to cool off the summer heat.
We are certainly champing at the bit and wanting to be free to explore and stretch and discover new aspects of our selves. This energy is accentuated by the Cancer New Moon on the 14th of July with the Sun Moon conjunction trine Uranus. Change is in the air, and we want to embrace it. Whether we have summer renovation projects or decide to move things around, we may want to streamline our living space and make our life easier. We want to free ourselves up, be more spontaneous, even impetuous. The 14th also sees Venus moving into Virgo adding another planet to the Earth Element. Venus in Virgo could also have us critiquing our relationships. People could have a carping attitude, looking at the flaws either in others or in themselves. A critical disposition could put a damper on our social skills.

July 16th, Mars sextiles Uranus. We can work smarter rather than harder. We might discover new means by which to increase our revenue stream. We may stretch our wings, become aware of unexpected matters that could be more in tune with where we want to go.

On July 22nd – 23rd, Sun enters its own Sign of Leo. We’re looking for fun, engaging in recreational activities and embracing the height of summer activities. While we might feel a burst of energy, we do have to watch for accidents or missteps. Mars squares Neptune on the 24th and Mars squares Saturn on the 31st. Although we may be feeling energetic, we also need to be careful. Ill-considered actions could lay us low, either wiping us out energetically or triggering muscle sprains or accidents. Mars creates a T-Square in the Fixed Signs squaring Neptune in Aquarius and squaring Saturn in Leo. This T-Square could put us between a rock and a hard place and engages again the Saturn Neptune opposition that keeps us wondering whether we’re dealing in reality or with fantasy.

With Venus turning retrograde on the 27th and the Aquarius Full Moon on the 29th – 30th, relationship issues could surface. Everyone may want to be in the spotlight and the sense of consideration for other people might be lacking. One thing for us to avoid is drawing lines in the sand. People may not be cutting enough slack for each other. Attitudes could turn belligerent even to the point of verbal or physical confrontation.

Now is not a time to have more brawn than brain. The Mercury trine Uranus on the 28th gives us insights as to how best to handle situations. While we have the Fixed Sign T-Square triggered by Mars in Taurus, the Mercury Uranus trine allows us to think outside the box and come up with the most effective solutions. Flexibility is key. The less fixed and the more adaptable we can be, we’re likely to find opening to us a vast new world to discover and explore.

The beginning of August feels light and airy. Early August could see us out and about, heading off for summer vacation or filling our summer time with fun, upbeat activities.

With the Sun trine Jupiter on the 2nd, we can regain our confidence and recognize that any recent blockages were only as if we had stubbed our toe. It may have been a painful misstep but not a lasting catastrophe. Our exuberance and optimism re-emerges and we’re ready again to put our mark on everything we do. Suddenly, we get a second wind. We’re determined to make our plans a reality. Even if we assumed our resources were limited, we can find a way to make them work for us. With Mercury sextile Mars on the 3rd, we could come up with inventive ideas to stretch a dollar and put on a show that is dazzling and impressive without breaking the bank.

On August 4th, Mercury enters Leo creating a stellium of three or more planets in the Fixed Fire Sign. We’re seeking recreational activities, and wanting joy in our living. We might decide now is the time to step off the track and take a holiday or, at least, a break from our daily routine.

Saturn trines Pluto on the 6th, the same day that Jupiter turns direct. Our fire is turned up and our creative spark ignited. We are not like a shooting star blazing across the midnight sky only to burn out. Our efforts are well-considered, and our actions measured and methodical. We can accomplish a great deal. If we are looking for encouragement and support, we need to look to ourselves. Venus square Mars on the 7th could provoke irritations in our contact with others. We might find that people are making demands on us. Also on the 7th, Mars leaves Taurus to enter Gemini. And Venus on the 8th retrogrades out of Virgo to enter Leo. We’ve now lost connection to the Earth and a sense of impracticality could take its place.

On the 9th, Mercury trines Jupiter giving us a sense of inspired uplift and on the 12th – 13th we have the Leo New Moon with five planets in Leo. With seven planets in Fire Signs, everyone is a star and standing in their own spotlight. We need to watch that we’re not a shooting star, streaking across the sky of activities only to burn out. With no Earth and a tease from Neptune, our enthusiasms and self-interests could get in the way of realistic appraisals and rational judgment. We might have difficulty getting our bearings. We need to be careful that we don’t rush headlong into anything until we are certain as to where we are going.

On August 13th, the Sun opposes Neptune and Venus conjuncts Saturn, followed on the 14th by Mercury opposed Neptune. We might make assumptions based upon our desires and what we want to be true rather than the reality of the situation. Relationships could be a tug of war so diplomacy and consideration would be suggested in the place of stubborn self-interest.

We can re-engage our passions and repair any relationship problems on the 15th as Venus trines Pluto and Mercury conjuncts the Sun. We can say what we mean, have heart-to-heart discussions and be focused in our intent. The intensity of our concentration can be ratcheted up as we come to the weekend.

The weekend of the 17th-19th is action-packed with various energy configurations. On the 17th, Mercury conjuncts Venus, Venus conjuncts the Sun and Mercury trines Pluto. Our ability to concentrate is almost laser-like. We can strip away the nonessentials and get to the substance of any matter. On the 18th, Mercury conjuncts Saturn and on the 19th the Sun trines Pluto with Mercury leaving Leo to enter its own Sign of Virgo. If we harness our drive and determination, we can effectively blend brain and brawn, using the force of our will with insightful means to achieve our goals. It will be important to check on our actions and consider our decisions as we go along, a process of slowing down and reviewing before speeding up again.

The latter part of August could prove dicey. We might experience delays, feel lethargic and go through some wild swings of activity – inactivity. We can feel uncomfortable with our lives, champing at the bit to do something, anything that is a break from our ordinary circumstances. We could be feeling antsy. The sense of Summer drawing to a close may be poignant as we feel the weight of our responsibilities bearing down on us.

Some of our greatest plans for this Summer might seem thwarted. The Sun conjuncts Saturn on the 21st. Our recent drive and passion can seem like idle musings as past issues and usual obligations start to call.

Although the Sun moves into Virgo on August 23rd beckoning us back to our normal routine, we are unwilling to let Summer pass. A Mutable Sign T-Square on the 23rd – 24th can keep us hopping, seeking to expand our activities in our quest for fun and good times. Mars opposes Jupiter and Mercury squares Jupiter. We may push ourselves to extremes and gloss over details to embrace the bigger picture of what we want. Like a kid in a candy store, we could engage our sensual delights, wanting more and more. This push to indulgence is increased by Mercury square Mars and Venus opposed Neptune on the 25th. We could easily buy into appearance without considering the substance or the consequence of our decisions. Although in the back of our mind we know better, our actions may be driven more by impulse than well-considered moves.

On the 28th, we have a Pisces Full Moon. With a Grand Cross in the Mutable Signs as the Pisces Moon opposes the Virgo Sun, squares Jupiter in Sagittarius and squares Mars in Gemini; we could be all over the place. Our emotions could go through a real whipsaw, up and down. We may feel buffeted by circumstance. At the time of the Full Moon, Mercury opposes Uranus, both in Mutable Signs. While we could get some startling insights, even ‘Eureka’ moments of solving problems long plaguing us, things are moving very quickly and we need to be nimble and quick to take advantage of sudden opportunities and to deal with unexpected situations. The pace is accelerating rapidly and we need to pick up our pace to a sprint. We may feel on overdrive, having more on our plate than we intended. Defensive driving, backing up computer files and thinking before speaking are all cautionary suggestions to keep us from having problems and difficulties we may need to address and later rectify.

September begins at a fairly frenetic pace. On the 2nd, we have a major Sign change as Saturn ends its two and a half year cycle of Leo and enters the Mutable Earth Sign Virgo. Increasingly, we are likely to focus on our health concerns with primary attention to our intestines. Work issues and our daily routine may be of major concern for all of us. The shifts in energy at the beginning of September can be explosive. On the 3rd, we have a kaleidoscope of energies — Mercury squares Pluto, Mars squares Uranus, Venus sextiles Mars and the Sun squares Jupiter. There is no going quietly into the night for us. Rather, we can be feeling intense and champing at the bit. People may become hypercritical, looking at the half glass of water as half empty rather than half full. We might discover that we have carved out an existence that keeps us constantly on the go. Now is the time to strategize, plan and figure out the best methods to deal with our responsibilities.

On the 5th, Mercury moves out of its own Sign of Virgo and enters Libra. Our thoughts may turn to relationships, balance and serenity. But we might also recognize the Hopi idea of koyaanisqatsi, life out of balance. Certainly, this early September can have us going through extremes augmented by Pluto turning direct on the 7th and Venus turning direct on the 8th.

On the 9th, Mars trines Neptune and the Sun opposes Uranus. We could be looking at future plans, considering various prospects and entertaining all possibilities. We’re looking for change and possibly looking only at change for the sake of change.

A sense of nervous agitation can be ramped up with the Virgo New Moon on the 11th. With seven planets in Mutable Signs and a Grand Cross in the Mutable Signs at the time of the New Moon, we could be pushed and pulled in various directions during this next fortnight. While we are concentrating on our standing in our community, our work environment and our social circle, we might be thrown off center by the ratcheting up of our activities and involvements. We really have to consider whether we just have too much going on. We may scurry from one thing to another, having to address surprising situations that come up out of the blue, all the while that we’re considering more, more, more.

On the 13th, Mercury sextiles Jupiter. We might want to add on more social activities and plan more social get-togethers. We’re feeling upbeat, but we also have to look out that we don’t bite off more than we can chew. The fast pace of life can be invigorating but could prove exhausting. We have to watch that we don’t commit ourselves to overwhelm which might be exhilarating at the time of our decision but may also have adverse health consequences of burn-out, spiked blood pressure, or nervous anxiety in the future. Now is a time to streamline our operations, to consider the most effective means by which to deal with our responsibilities and allow time for new interests. It is important that we learn to work smarter rather than harder. Mid-September could offer the proving grounds for more effective methods with less expenditure of energy.

The last week of Summer can be a roller coaster with significant ups and downs. Various Mars Pluto aspects can ramp up the energy with us trying to cover all bases only to cast aside some of our involvements. We begin the week with the Sun square Mars on the 17th, mid-week on the 19th Sun squares Pluto and we end the week with Mars opposed Pluto on the 21st.

We could easily get carried away by our personal ambitions, which could prove taxing on our relationships. We have to watch that we don’t draw lines in the sand, demand black and white scenarios without considering the gray matter, or become overly adamant in our opinions.

Fortunately during this time, Mercury sextiles Venus on the 17th and trines Neptune on the 18th. If we take time to think things through and discuss matters with other people, we can make the case for our interests by persuasion and reason. We don’t have to bulldoze our way through or win our point by aggression. We would be more effective combining brain and brawn.

On the 21st, Venus opposes Neptune at the same time that Mars opposes Pluto. We might be infatuated by someone or something, but we have to ask ourselves whether we are buying into first impression or making a seasoned judgment.

Summer 2007… hot times in the summertime…