Category Archives: This Season

  • Summer 2022

    The summer season begins on the 21st of June at the Summer Solstice as the Sun exits Gemini to enter Cancer [5:14 AM EDT]. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are at the greatest light, and the energies are such that we are likely to bask in the sun.

  • Winter 2021-2022

    We enter the winter season on the 21st at the Winter Solstice as the Sun exits Sagittarius to enter Capricorn [10:59 AM EST]. The winter season begins with a Stellium of four planets in the Cardinal Earth Sign as the Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn.

  • Autumn 2021

    The autumn season begins with the autumn equinox as the Sun moves into Libra [3:21 PM EDT] on the 22nd of September. The signature for this autumn season highlights the concept of choice in our attitude. Are we going to focus on the positive, the blessings, the opportunities in our lives? Or will our disposition »more

  • Summer 2021

    Summer officially starts late on the 20th of June at the Summer Solstice as the Sun enters Cancer [11:32 PM EDT]. Although we might have grand hopes for our summertime activities, the season begins impacted by delays, frustrations, hopes unfulfilled. Not only do we have a Fixed Sign Grand Cross for the signature of the »more

  • Spring 2021

    Welcome to Spring! One of my favorite seasons, spring offers the promise of new births, rebirths, the renaissance of life. It is hard not to be in awe as the trees open up into full leaf, the flowers blossom, and the animal world exhibits its new birth of baby animals. I wish you and your »more

  • Winter 2020 – 2021

    At the Winter Solstice on December 21st, 2020, we enter the winter season as the Sun exits Sagittarius to enter Capricorn [5:02 AM EST], and even more significantly we cross a threshold into a new world order as the ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Aquarius triggers the technology revolution and passage into times »more

  • Autumn 2020

    Just as nature in the early autumn has a balance of conflicting energies with warm days and cool nights, so too for ourselves we might find the early autumn to be a question of balance, the balancing act between our own interests and those interests of other people, the balancing act of our times of »more

  • Summer 2020

    The summer season begins on the 20th of June at the Summer Solstice [5:44 PM EDT] as the Sun exits Gemini to enter Cancer and imprints the season ahead. The true kickoff of a season occurs with the New Moon in that Cardinal Sign and with this summer we don’t have to wait too long »more

  • Spring 2020

    The Sun enters Aries on the 19th – 20th at the Vernal Equinox to begin the Spring season.

  • Winter 2019 – 2020

    The Sun’s entry into Capricorn at the Winter Solstice on December 21st kicks off the winter season, and the imprint of the Winter Solstice speaks to dramatic changes this season with the push pulls of the labor of growing pains. We may all be looking at making major changes, freeing up in various ways but »more