As we come into February, we may have the passion and the determination to virtually move mountains without ruffling many feathers. We can be passionate and determined about what we are doing and the way we are accomplishing things.
Author Archives: Frank Don
January 2016
Happy New Year! January begins the year of 2016, a year in numerological terms indicative of the 9 year, a year of culmination of the past eight years.
Winter 2015-2016
This winter allows us to realize how far we have come over the recent past. Even though we may have scraped our knees, been hit with a lateral lobotomy by a whack on the side of the head, not only are we still standing. We have come a long way, baby.
December 2015
The emotional whipsaws with various ups and downs and different push pulls continue during this December.
November 2015
Much of November offers us the ability to move things along productively and effectively, drawing upon a best practices approach and an intuitive understanding as to how to do more with less.
October 2015
The volatility of these times continues during this October with wild swings between euphoric confidence and unsettling concerns.
Autumn 2015
This Autumn 2015 is a time of shifting pieces, letting go of outmoded situations, realizing unexpected opportunities and seeking balance in an unbalanced world.
September 2015
This September is a month when we need to find our balance and try and maintain our balance despite the vagaries of these times, vagaries that could be spiked at times during this month.
Connecticut, See You in September
I shall be back in Connecticut and available for in-person sessions in Stamford from late Wednesday, September 9th, through early Wednesday morning, September 16th. Stamford is less than an hour train ride from Grand Central Station in New York City. If you, or someone you know, would like to meet with me while I am »more
August 2015
This August can have us stepping off the track, getting back on track, stepping away and back off the track. Confusing? It doesn’t have to be. It’s a question of balance, always a question of finding the balance.