August 2020

We might show hubris as we begin the month of August. Perhaps we are dealing from a mindset of entitlement whereby things should be a certain way solely because we want them so.

It may be part of our conditioned mindset that things happen because we make them happen, as opposed to the characteristic of the paradigm shift where we are no longer in control of situations but rather co-creator with the universal unfolding.

Any tendency to gloss over situations, negate important details, and assume that things should go ‘right’ just because we want them to would be ways to build upon sand rather than upon rock with the eventual consequence of our efforts being washed away in time.

We come into August with a willingness to battle against any obstacle and every impediment blocking our way.

The 1st of August has Mercury opposed Pluto. We could be unwilling to accept any opinion other than our own. Drawing upon the old adage that ‘a strong offense is a a good defense’, we might be argumentative and belligerent, closing our mind off to alternatives and options that may prove a better way. If we would avoid getting in our own way and were to draw upon serious reflection regarding what we are dealing with, our mind can be laser-like, able to get to the core of the situation and then determine the most expeditious manner to successfully address pertinent matters.

But the liability of arrogant narcissism cannot be discounted in early August.

The Sun squares Uranus on the 2nd. Although we are in a paradigm shift when things can happen in a most unexpected way and in the process open us to magic and mini-miracles, we might be somewhat pig-headed, narrow-focused and intent on doing things the way we want to do them, even if there are better alternatives that might be more streamlined and effective. We could be playing out the old saying that ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. And yet, during this time of intense disruptions, old ways are unlikely to work, and we need to be open to options we might not have considered previously.

Once again, humility is called for, although unlikely to be engaged.

Einstein is said to have defined insanity as ‘doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results’.

No matter how much head-banging we have to endure, eventually we’ll get with the new program.

The Aquarius Full Moon on the 3rd [11:59 AM EDT] with the Sun Moon opposition completes the oppositions of Mercury transiting Cancer to the three Capricorn-transiting planets with Mercury opposed Saturn. While we may be looking at spreading our wings and engaging consideration of a wide realm of possibilities, we might feel limited by our responsibilities and our commitments. The push pull between old and new can be sharply engaged with this Full Moon, but it would be wise for us to recognize that moving forward is not necessarily a giant leap forward but rather steps taken ahead with occasional sidesteps, all the while cognizant of where we have been. By drawing upon our experience and what we have learned up to this point in our journey through this life experience, we are better able to take into account the wide range of possibilities that present themselves. Instead of jumping ahead blindly, we can determine new trajectories for ourselves utilizing the skill set and the understandings we have gained through our previous opportunities and prior challenges.

A sense of wanting to get on with it, whatever ‘it’ might be, can be strong on the 4th when Mars squares Jupiter. We may choose to aggressively move ahead based more on confidence and our own self-regard than any well thought out plan of action. Wanting to put our personal mark on our involvements, we could cut our own path but without itinerary or even destination in mind.

The 4th of August also has Mercury ending its transit of Cancer to enter Leo [11:32 PM EDT]. Our thoughts are focused more on summer good times than responsibilities or tasks at hand. August is traditionally the month when people take off from their jobs and enjoy a long summer vacation. Memories of the imposed lockdown, and even any further attempts to restrict our movement, can only stir up greater desires to be out and about, doing our own thing, and having a good time.

Venus exits Gemini on the 7th and enters Cancer [11:21 AM EDT]. Whether we are choosing to travel this month or deciding to stay at home, much of our social interactions may be with family and friends. We are likely to be fixing up our home, some of which could be making changes to our home environment to incorporate more permanent work set-up.

During this Spring, Saturn briefly transited Aquarius before retrograding back into Capricorn. In mid-December, Saturn reenters Aquarius for a two plus year cycle of the Fixed Air Sign through the first week of March 2023. This recent brief Saturn transit of Aquarius gave us a good heads-up regarding some of the changes we might see over the next two years.

We are more fully moving into the Information Age with the innovative technological advances occurring and dramatically impacting virtually every segment of our economy and of our lives.

One of the most significant changes we might see in the years ahead is the blending and integration of our home life with our professional life. In so many sectors of our economy, we are finding that our home can also serve as our professional base of operations.

Any so-called return to normalcy will be under a ‘new’ normal and not the old normal. Many companies have reported that, rather than their initial concerns of a decrease in effectiveness of their staff, productivity of their workers has increased during this time of working from home. Some organizations have already reported their intention to maintain working-at-home along with occasional in-house meetings. Education has employed virtual instruction, and doctor’s visits have engaged telemedicine.

These changes to the ways of our doing routine matters may have been necessary methods during the virus-imposed lockdown, but these new ways could continue on with a recognition that such methods are not only effective but possibly more productive than the old ways.

Many of us may have difficulty transitioning from our old ways into new ways and making new ways more permanent patterns in our life. Looking for stability and security, we might try to revert back to our old ways of doing things.

But the times they are a’changing.

This push – pull between old and new may be evident on August 10th when Mercury squares Uranus. Generally speaking, this aspect is my least favorite for air travel. It is also an energy configuration when communications might be off, computer and Internet problems arise, and getting from place to place can be hampered.

This energy with Mercury in Leo and Uranus in Taurus also speaks to the push pull between the old mindset of being in control of situations versus the serendipity of the universal unfolding. It is indicative of the struggle between the old paradigm and the paradigm shift presently going on. We may try to reinstall our old habits, patterns of making things happen according to our will, only to find a major pushback from unexpected scenarios that reinforce the reality that we are not in control but can only be co-creators with the universal unfolding. Surprising developments could be forthcoming that force us to question our belief system as to the way things work — they no longer occur according to the old paradigm of linear reality with its beginning, middle, and end. On the contrary, the paradigm shift is taking us into asequential reality where things occur in a most inexplicable manner, a life continuum somewhat akin to a kaleidoscope of various mixtures, different patterns, but all creating a marvelous symphony of life that for us might have been hard to imagine.

Old habits die hard, and we might experience the vanity of our efforts on the 13th of August when Mars squares Pluto. With unbridled optimism and a continued belief in our invincibility, we could push the envelope trying to make things happen according to our will. Extreme force may only ratchet up the consequent immovable opposition to our efforts. This can be one intense time, and it would be wise for us to draw upon our patience and adaptability to circumstance. People are liable to be acting out and various explosive behaviors are likely. Caution is essential at this time.

The weekend of the 15th – 16th of August has Uranus turning retrograde on the 15th [10:25 AM EDT], followed on the 16th by the Sun trine Mars. We may have to rework some of the templates we have created for our security, especially since we may have been looking to establish stability in a most insecure, highly fluid world.

Once we are accepting of the changes in the paradigm shift, with things occurring in a strange and unexpected manner, but also providing the opportunity of mini-miracles and magic afoot, we can work with the universal unfolding rather than trying to control our own unfolding. Flexibility and adaptability are called for, both of which open the door to our being more effective, productive, and successful.

By getting on the track with the serendipity of these times, we can operate on greased wheels with things unfolding easily, naturally, with a recognition of bumps along the way but with us able to ride the bumps without us being thrown off.

The key to a successful life in this new paradigm is humility, losing the arrogance and narcissism, and reengaging the awe and wonder of childhood, whereby we marvel at the perfection of imperfection, as the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi would advise.

The Sun trine Mars configuration on the 16th is followed on the 17th with Mercury trine Mars and the Sun conjunct Mercury. We are on the dark side of the Moon prior to the Leo New Moon on the 18th. We can get our motor running, get our plans for creative endeavors in mind, choose how best to express our thrust of energy, but we might wait to pull the trigger and implement our intentions until after the New Moon on the 18th.

The Leo New Moon on the 18th of August [10:42 PM EDT] would seem paradoxical. On the one hand, we are fully invested in a grand summer blowout, looking to participate in recreational activities, spreading our wings and recharging our batteries. On the other hand, we feel the impending approach of the autumn with a semblance of regularity beckoning us to get back on track.

Finding the balance between our personal enjoyments and our obligatory routines may prove quite a juggling act during this latter part of August. We might sense the dying embers of summertime but unwilling to let it go, largely in recognition that our joy for living was dampened earlier in the year and even threatened over recent months as a result of the virus scare and lockdowns. We may feel the need, even the right, to engage the traditional involvements of summer by getting out of town, enjoying leisurely and recreational times, and putting much of our responsibilities aside.

Tradition and reality hardly mix effectively, and more so during these times of tumultuous disruption. Even recent years have seen the encroachment of autumn characteristics impeding upon the summer season. While traditionally the school year often began after Labor Day in September, the school year now often starts in mid to the latter part of August.

Whether there is a return to the classroom and the college halls this year or the new normal continues with virtual instruction online, this latter part of August may have us returning to our responsibilities and obligations.

On the day of the Leo New Moon, the 18th also has Venus sextile Uranus. Let’s keep in mind that similar to the likely integration of our personal life and professional life more integrated and more established in our home environment, we can both balance and incorporate personal time with our obligatory commitments.

And so it may be during this two-week period from the August 18th New Moon up to the September 2nd Full Moon.

The 19th has a major shift in energy, as Mercury exits Leo to enter its own Sign of Virgo [9:30 PM EDT]. This energy shift is heightened on the 22nd, as the Sun exits Leo to enter Virgo [11:45 AM EDT].

With the Virgo Sign being transited, we now have by Sign an Earth Grand Trine with the planets in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus, and trine the three planets in Capricorn — Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. Continuing through the end of the summer season, this Earth Grand Trine is in effect and provides us the energy to deal effectively with mundane matters and forge ahead cautiously with our goals and ambitions, all the while recognizing and honoring the paradigm shift where things can change dramatically and suddenly in a nanosecond of time or less.

By going cautiously and slowly, being mindful and aware, maintaining flexibility and adaptability, this latter part of August through the rest of the summer season can be highly productive.

We need not close the door to recreational activities, but rather continue the juggling of work and play, remembering the importance of play as suggested in the proverb: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Change is hard. Old patterns are strongly engrained, and we might run afoul of our role as co-creator and try to reinforce our sense of control over situations as Mars squares Saturn on the 24th of August. We may battle our desire for freedom and spontaneity against our responsibilities and experience. This is a day to avoid impetuousness and pushing too hard, for we could find that the pushback is severe with us winding up banging our head against the wall.

Pulling in the reins on our self-absorption and utilizing both patience with a ‘wait and see’ attitude and our intuitive sense of things, we can avoid falling down the rabbit hole of narcissistic arrogance.

The 25th of August has Mercury trine Uranus as the Virgo-transiting planets begin to trigger by aspect the Earth Grand Trine. While Mercury square or opposed Uranus can indicate severe difficulties with communication and movement, Mercury sextile or trine Uranus provides those ‘ah-ha’ moments of inspiration and revelation. Like a light bulb going off in our head, we may become aware of the solutions to our most perplexing problems. We might hear some surprising and uplifting news. We just have to be open in order to receive.

The 25th also has the two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, opposed one another. We have to be wary of excess. We might feel the need of purchases for our home or work environment. We may decide a good clean up and clear out is in order. What we have to avoid is extreme actions. Too much of anything can prove to be — too much.

Relationships may seem especially pleasant on the 27th as Venus trines Neptune. A soulmate connection could have us seeing the idyllic qualities in our personal connections. We can see below the surface, beyond the appearance, into the true depth of someone, and we like what we see.

The 29th has Mercury trine Jupiter offering us confidence, an upbeat attitude, and a willingness to appreciate the goodness in life rather than the nattering negativities.

The volatility of these times is seen with the difference between the energies on the 25th, 27th and 29th as compared to the 30th. We might feel as though we have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous. Whereas we may have had remarkable insights and clarity of thought on the 25th with the Mercury Uranus trine, might have had the idyllic and soulful relationship connection on the 27th with the Venus Neptune trine, and felt good about life and our future with the Mercury trine Jupiter on the 29th; the 30th can see all those pleasantries go down the rabbit hole with Venus opposed Pluto and Mercury opposed Neptune.

Our relationships may sour. Instead of seeing the sterling qualities in someone, we could focus on their frailties and their flaws, even to the extent of excising someone from our life. Our thinking might become confused with a liability of seeing what we want to see and a tendency to highlight the negative and the less than perfect.

Why go there? People have their own opinions, their own point-of-view, their own experiences. People with a different take on things could make us aware of factors that we don’t see for ourselves. Not one of us is the same. We can learn from our differences rather than demanding conformity to a particular point of view or to the consensus opinion, which is so often wrong anyway.

If we don’t jump to conclusions, we could draw upon our intuitive sense and our reasoning mind to see both the big picture and the many details that go into successfully accomplishing the big picture.

If we don’t fall into a negative spin that feeds upon itself and takes us on a downward spiral, we can embrace the concept of integration. Just as we are looking to balance our personal life with our professional life into a healthy integration, we can do the same with our relationships with other people and with our own thinking process.

The Age of Reason, in process of giving way to the Information Age, and neither should negate the fanciful, the imagination, which is truly the seed bed of tomorrow’s creations.

Integration comes with balance, the balancing of different factors, different characteristics, different experiences. As we enter a new paradigm of asequential reality, we can balance the experiences we have had and learned from with the serendipitous opportunities that come about almost magically.

August 2020… too hot to handle…