June 2017

The astrology for this early June and much of this latter part of the Spring season can be pleasant with reunions and get-togethers and some surprising encounters.

We start June with Venus trine Saturn on the 1st. Reconnecting with people and planning for reunions during the month can be the topic as we begin the month. We are looking for a blend of old and new, encompassing those significant people we have known with some fascinating, even quirky, people we might meet.

This first week of June can have us doing a personal makeover in preparation for planned social occasions. We want to look good, feel good and give off a good impression.

We may be feeling at the top of our game on the 3rd of June as the Sun trines Jupiter and Venus conjuncts Uranus. No matter what we are doing on this weekend, we might feel that we are in the right place at the right time. Similar to participating in a Mutual Admiration Society, our interactions with other people can be affirming, uplifting and just downright good fun. There can be some interesting meetings, serendipitous encounters as we are introduced to a person who engages us, embraces our uniqueness and puts our heart aflutter.

Sunday the 4th of June can have us feeling betwixt and between. The Sun squares Neptune and Mars exits Gemini to enter Cancer. We could have the sense that some of the past week has provided opportunities that seem just too good to be true. We might feel as though we have stepped out of our mundane reality to cavort on Mount Olympus with the various gods and goddesses. We may not want our ‘feel good’ attitude to end but we might also not trust its true reality. We could use this Sunday to hunker down in home base, wonder who we are and whether we had stepped out of our world into some Twilight Zone or Disney World. Perhaps we feel undeserving or believe that all the bumps along the way and the rocks in the road that we have traversed are the tenor of our life journey. Why believe it? Some times the upsets in our lives help us to change direction, shift our focus or provide a tweaking. As the slogan states: ‘Life is good’.

The sense of goodness in our living can certainly be felt through the rest of this Spring season.

The 6th of June has Venus exiting Aries, a Sign of its Detriment where Venus is not comfortable, to enter Taurus, a Sign Venus rules. On the same day, Mercury exits Taurus to enter its own Sign of Gemini. With Venus and Mercury in their own Signs there is a reinforcement of these particular energies. Our mind can consider all sorts of ideas with far more communication going on. We are also likely to focus on how we present ourselves with a desire to looking our best and enjoying all the good things in life.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 9th also has Jupiter turning direct and Venus sextile Mars. Much of our focus can revolve around our significant relationships. We are looking for win-win situations and wishing to spend time with those people we love and adore. There can be fun get-togethers, even to far away places but all with a sense of enjoyment and getting the most out of our engagements.

While much of this time can be all fun and games, we do have to be careful not to overdo. With the planets transiting Gemini, a Mutable Sign T-Square is triggered with the Gemini-transiting planets square Neptune in Pisces and opposed Saturn in Sagittarius. During this June period we can be all over the place and we might emulate the sentiments of the classic song That Old Black Magic:

“Down and down I go
Round and round I go
In a spin, lovin’ the spin I’m in
Under the old black magic called love”

The 13th of June has Mercury trine Jupiter and Mercury square Neptune. We may be enjoying the camaraderie of someone and might want to participate in everything and more. Let’s avoid engaging so much that we take on a dazed and confused perspective. Fun is fun, but enough is also enough.

Excess could have its costs, and we might experience the costs on the 15th when the Sun opposes Saturn, the 16th as Neptune turns retrograde and on the 18th when Mercury opposes Saturn and the Sun sextiles Uranus.

We could be wiped out and feeling out of sorts. The tried and true ways may no longer work for us, and we might be called upon doing things differently or else trekking off in new directions.

Old situations and old obligations and our responsibilities could put a damper on how we feel and what we think during this 15th – 18th of June.

Fortunately, any down feelings can be dispelled as we end the Spring season. The last day of Spring, June 20th, gives us Venus sextile Neptune and Mercury sextile Uranus. Venus is in its own Sign of Taurus and Neptune, also in its own Sign of Pisces, is considered the higher octave of Venus. Mercury is in its own Sign of Gemini and Uranus is considered the higher octave of Mercury.

We end the Spring season on a high note. Our mind is sharp, clear and open for insights and startling revelations. We may be aware of the changes in our thinking during this season and also aware of some of the technological advances that could have occurred. We are also likely to be highly appreciative of the people in our lives, recognizing their support, their spiritual connection, and an idyllic rapport with them, as though our lives are sprinkled with soul mate connections.

What a wonderful way to end a season. What a wonderful world in which we live. What a wonder-filled life we have.

The 21st of June gives us the Summer Solstice as the Sun enters Cancer. This is the day in the northern latitudes of the greatest daylight and inaugurates the summer season. The 21st also has Mercury exiting Gemini to enter Cancer and the Sun and Mercury conjunct in the first degree of Cancer.

The summer begins with a splash with us seeking to embrace our home and family, and looking to present ourselves with style, grace and capability. We are focused on the ‘good life’ and ‘good living’ and willing to strip away the non-essentials to concentrate on the very essence of our lives. We might feel bound by our obligations but we are wearing them well, fully engaging them and not being hindered by past commitments or limited by our responsibilities. We can concentrate on the big picture of our plans and goals and still deal with the details and particulars that make up the larger schema.

The 23rd has the Cancer New Moon with the Stellium in Cancer of the Sun, Mercury and Mars joined by the Moon at the time of the New Moon. Family matters may be paramount now and impacting the fortnight up to the Capricorn Full Moon on the 9th of July.

This latter part of June might have us involved with family gatherings as we come together in various celebrations and reunions. At the same time, it would be wise to keep in mind that this latter part of June also accentuates the Cardinal Signs and by Sign emphasizes a Cardinal Sign Grand Cross with the transiting Cancer Planets by Sign squaring Jupiter in Libra, opposing Pluto in Capricorn and squaring Uranus in Aries. We might be more interested in start-ups, new beginnings and grand adventures than follow through or maintenance. We might fully endorse the concept of ‘hot fun in the summertime’ and do so with neither remorse nor concern about ramifications.

The 24th of June has Venus trine Pluto. Connections, whether old or new, could be highly useful and supportive in our developing and acquiring our ambitions. Depth of our interactions may be soulful with little superficial engagement but with true meaning and purpose to the contact.

We might have to sift through our involvements, consider what truly works for us and in contrast those activities, situations and people that might have served us previously but no longer meet the measure of our standards. We could feel as though we are on a narrow pathway with our trajectory necessitating eliminations of the outmoded, the non-productive and the less than essential. We are looking for the substance, the core and the rudimentary basics on which to move forward.

We could meet with resistance from even those whom we might have assumed would be supportive. Mars squares Jupiter on the 25th, and we could find that our desire to change and transform and truly come into a new sense of our self is being thwarted and blocked by our past and those people who have been close to us but feel threatened by any change to their definition of who we are, a definition based upon their experience with us but all too limiting for our growth and exponential development.

This latter part of June asks us to draw upon our faith, our inner knowing and for us to trust that inner voice within ourselves that recognizes our intended journey and personal destiny. Our faith can be strengthened by Mars trine Neptune on the 26th and by Mercury trine Neptune on the 27th followed by Mercury conjunct Mars on the 28th.

This last week of June has both the Cardinal Sign Grand Cross operating with much external focus and also the Water Element engaged with a greater internal understanding.

The Mars square Jupiter on the 25th is followed by Mercury triggering a T-Square with Mercury square Jupiter on the 27th and Mercury opposed Pluto on the 29th.

We might feel the need both in our words and in our action to fight for what we feel to be right for ourselves. Attempts to explain or garner the support of others may be a waste of energy.

The Mars trine Neptune on the 26th, the Mercury trine Neptune on the 27th, and the Mercury conjunct Mars on the 28th gives us the sustenance to take machete in hand and carve our own path, fully knowing that what we believe to be right for us is truly the right way ahead.

We might feel conflicted towards the end of June, but let’s keep in mind the dynamic involved whereby in true reality thesis versus antithesis eventually results in synthesis. This equation may not be in favor in present day ‘reality’ but it is the way of the universe and true reality.

June 2017… idyllic moments to hot handles…