Author Archives: Frank Don

  • February 2015

    A most mystical time envelops us as we enter February. Although this is the dark of winter, there is much magic afoot with glimmers of light shining through.

  • Session Appointments still available in L.A. on Friday the 23rd and Saturday the 24th

    I still have a few session appointment times available in Los Angeles on this coming Friday, the 23rd, and Saturday the 24th. If you know someone who would like to meet with me for an astrology session, please have them contact me to schedule an appointment. I shall be meeting clients by appointment only at »more

  • Availability in Los Angeles later this month

    I shall be back in Los Angeles and available for In-Person sessions by appointment on Thursday late afternoon of January 22nd through Sunday morning, January 25th. I shall be available for astrology sessions by appointment at Le Montrose Suite Hotel, 900 Hammond Street in West Hollywood. If you, or someone you know, would like to »more

  • January 2015

    Happy New Year! The New Year of 2015 is numerologically an eight year, the most powerful of the nine year cycle. And 2015 begins on January 1st with Mars opposed Jupiter. The potential for going for the gold, silver, platinum, bronze and copper can be strong. We might want it all and then some.

  • Saturn in Sagittarius

    Saturn takes 27 -30 years to transit the Zodiac and consequently Saturn takes 2 and 1/2 years to transit a Sign.

  • Winter 2014

    This Winter continues with more changes to our personal lives and to the backdrop of the world at large. That old saying ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’ may be seen as an archaic reminder of a different time on a different playing field.

  • December 2014

    We can feel uplifted, able to take on the role of a magician, and enlightened by sudden opportunities and wonder-filled surprises as we begin this month of December.

  • November 2014

    November can be a month when we carom between irrational exuberance and depressive restrictions. This whipsaw can allow for extremes of action and sentiment, swinging from enthusiasm and optimism to downheartedness and limitations.

  • October 2014

    Similar to the early autumn period when the days are balmy but the nights are crisp, October may be akin to what Charles Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities: ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’

  • Autumn 2014

    Autumn is upon us and enters on an emphatic note. This season may have various high notes, sharps, flats, lilting sounds and staccato all in the seasonal mix.