Author Archives: Frank Don

  • July 2015

    July begins with an upbeat, exuberant, ‘feel good’ attitude.

  • Summer 2015

    We could be hell-bent for having a good time, stretching our wings, and diving into great new adventures as we start this Summer season.

  • June 2015

    June can have us juggling any number of things. We are far more interested in trying this, doing that than any long-term committed involvement. We could be all over the place, both literally and figuratively. We just have to watch the push pull and not be seduced by bright shiny objects or sparkly images. Clarity »more

  • A Princess is Born

    The Duchess of Cambridge, the former Kate Middleton and present wife of Britain’s Prince William, gave birth to a little girl on Saturday, May 2nd, at 8:34 AM in London.

  • May 2015

    Here we are in the merry month of May. The merriment, however, may be more the welcoming warmth of Spring than our own sense of personal contentment. We may all be champing at the bit, wanting to get on with it but wondering in which direction to go and what the ‘it’ might actually be.

  • the times they are a-changin’

    Each of us has experienced some dramatic changes over the past few years. A new ‘normal’ has arrived on the scene, a normalcy that questions stability and security and replaces it with variability and change. Welcome to the world of the twenty-first century!

  • April showers bring May in Connecticut for Frank

    I shall be back in Connecticut and available for in-person sessions in Stamford from late Tuesday, May 12th, through early Tuesday morning, May 19th. Stamford is less than an hour train ride from Grand Central Station in New York City. If you, or someone you know, would like to meet with me while I am »more

  • April 2015

    April begins on a high note with us feeling sharp, although there could be someone who thinks we are playing staccato and flat.

  • Spring 2015

    We may be singing ‘Let the good times roll’ as we come into this Spring season on March 20th at the time of the Vernal Equinox as the Sun moves into the Cardinal Sign of Aries.

  • March 2015

    Similar to the beginning of the new year in January, March comes in with a burst of energy and a most expansive energy at that. We shall need to keep our wits about us, for we might experience our progress being tripped up by unexpected monkey wrenches thrown into the spokes of our wheels and »more