The Winter Solstice on the 21st of December has the Sun exiting Sagittarius and the Sun entering Capricorn to usher in the winter season. The Sun’s Sign change also ends the Stellium of three planets in the Mutable Fire Sign and triggers a Stellium in the Cardinal Earth Sign as the Sun joins Saturn and »more
Author Archives: Frank Don
December 2018
The astrology for December 2018 starts the month with increased intensity. We are liable to be suspicious, even jealous, of things happening around us. We have to be cautious that we don’t move forward with little more than confidence.
November 2018
We begin November feeling better about things, ready to put our mark on the world and interested in collaboration rather than just going it alone. We might have the sense that a suffocating shroud has been lifted from us, that we can stretch our wings and explore the four corners of the world, no matter »more
November in Connecticut
I am returning to Connecticut in the first week of November.
October 2018
We might not be operating at our optimum as we begin October. People could be irritable, setting the bar high for their relationships and giving little quarter for the foibles of humanity.
Autumn 2018
The astrology for this autumn begins with the Autumnal Equinox as the Sun enters the Cardinal Air Sign Libra on the 22nd – 23rd of September.
Autumn Travels
I am closing out the summer season and entering autumn by returning to California and seeing clients in San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles.
In California this Month of September 2018
I shall be back in California later this month to see clients.
September 2018
The astrology for September begins with the urge to put nose to grindstone, concentrate on practical matters and streamline operations to achieve our goals, all the while not allowing any particular detail to be glossed over.
August 2018
As we enter the month of August, the Fixed Sign T-Square with the Sun in Leo, Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus is heightened as Mars squares Uranus on the 1st.