Category Archives: This Season

  • Spring 2017

    Spring begins on March 20th with the Vernal Equinox as the Sun enters Aries and triggers the astrological new year. It’s a fiery start to the astrological new year with a desire for renewal and rebirth that springtime and the astrological new year promise.

  • Winter 2016 – 2017

    The astrology as we begin the winter season of 2016-2017 provides us with the motivation for planning our moves as we enter into 2017, lining our ducks in a row, and drawing upon needed assistance from someone or those people that can encourage and support our dreams. Here’s to us dream believers who are looking »more

  • Autumn 2016

    The astrology for this Autumn season has an accentuation of a Cardinal Sign T-Square with the implications of start-ups, initiations and sudden situations demanding shifts and switches as time goes on.

  • Summer 2016

    With the Sun exiting Gemini to enter Cancer at the time of the Summer Solstice on the 20th and impacted on the same day by the Sagittarius Full Moon with the Sun in the last degree of Gemini and the Moon in the last degree of Sagittarius, the Summer season certainly bears the imprint of »more

  • Spring 2016

    This Spring can have us tripping the light fantastic, feeling in love with life and looking to put an impressive imprint on our own personal world.

  • Winter 2015-2016

    This winter allows us to realize how far we have come over the recent past. Even though we may have scraped our knees, been hit with a lateral lobotomy by a whack on the side of the head, not only are we still standing. We have come a long way, baby.

  • Autumn 2015

    This Autumn 2015 is a time of shifting pieces, letting go of outmoded situations, realizing unexpected opportunities and seeking balance in an unbalanced world.

  • Summer 2015

    We could be hell-bent for having a good time, stretching our wings, and diving into great new adventures as we start this Summer season.

  • Spring 2015

    We may be singing ‘Let the good times roll’ as we come into this Spring season on March 20th at the time of the Vernal Equinox as the Sun moves into the Cardinal Sign of Aries.

  • Winter 2014

    This Winter continues with more changes to our personal lives and to the backdrop of the world at large. That old saying ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’ may be seen as an archaic reminder of a different time on a different playing field.