This sense of ‘all things possible’ may be our mantram as we come into January, the beginning of the New Year of 2020, a Master Number year that speaks to the Master Builder if we live up to its potential, or may merely be another slog-along work year if we fall short in our efforts.
Category Archives: This month
December 2019
We come into December and we may feel the cold of winter with its sense of delay and restriction increasingly strong.
November 2019
We come into November under the dampening effect of the start of the Mercury retrograde. The next three weeks into November 20th has us mired in Mercury retrograde with its web of confusion, misunderstandings, deceptions and illusions. Welcome to the fun house!
October 2019
We enter October with a sense of ‘out with the old, in with the new’. Whatever we find wanting in our life, we might feel it to be an irritant and something to be rid of.
September 2019
We come into September with insightful awareness and the ability to draw upon the support of a trusted confidante.
August 2019
As we come into August, we are certainly looking for good times with good friends. Our plans may be disrupted at times, but the more we can shift and turn as things occur, the more we can successfully navigate these times and enjoy the process. The universe has a great sense of humor, and it »more
July 2019
July begins with a thrust of energy as we look to engage the fun and games of summertime.
June 2019
We come into June with a ‘feel good’ attitude and a willingness to do whatever needs to be done to successfully produce our desired results.
May 2019
A sense of thwarting action may be felt as we come into May.
April 2019
April begins with us all over the place, juggling any number of things and doing so in a rapid, if not frenetic, manner.