February begins with a burst of energy. Whether we have launched new projects or merely been in the planning stages, we are likely to be champing at the bit and wanting to get on with our new beginnings.
Author Archives: Frank Don
January 2017
January brings us into a whole new year. Whether consciously or subconsciously, we might have the sense that we are not merely ending one year to enter into a new year, but that we are also turning a page and entering a brand new phase. Not only is 2917 a new year. It is also »more
Winter 2016 – 2017
The astrology as we begin the winter season of 2016-2017 provides us with the motivation for planning our moves as we enter into 2017, lining our ducks in a row, and drawing upon needed assistance from someone or those people that can encourage and support our dreams. Here’s to us dream believers who are looking »more
December 2016
December begins with us in full throttle. Everyone may seem on the same page, gung-ho to move things forward with a focus on the future possibilities. Our physical energy is strong, but we would prefer to winch the boulder up the mountain rather than to roll the boulder up the mountain Sisyphus-like.
Donald Trumps Goliath
Two strong correlations between the charts of Trump and the US: Trump truly believes that he can ‘Make America Great Again,’ and his astrological chart indicates that he can be a significant president with his Sun in the Aquarian decanate of Gemini and Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, both trine the Aquarius Moon in the »more
November 2016
The astrology for November 2016 begins with a strong Neptune influence. We could be enchanted by presentations, seduced into believing the hype and fully accepting of the spin. Unless we draw upon our intuitive sense with no rush to judgment but take the time to see what is really going on, we could fall prey »more
October 2016
October begins with us in a la-de-da kind of attitude. We would far prefer to engage an attitude of blissful ignorance, step out of our mundane realities and traipse merrily into Elysian Fields rather than deal with the so-called realities that appear to be happening in the world-at-large.
Autumn 2016
The astrology for this Autumn season has an accentuation of a Cardinal Sign T-Square with the implications of start-ups, initiations and sudden situations demanding shifts and switches as time goes on.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter takes a yearlong transit through each of the twelve Zodiac Signs, twelve years to make an entire circuit of the Zodiac wheel. On September 9th, Jupiter ends its yearlong transit of Virgo to enter Libra for a yearlong transit. Jupiter is in Detriment in Virgo, an uncomfortable Sign for Jupiter, and the transit of »more
September 2016
The astrology for September begins with high anxiety and wondering what’s up and what’s done, all the while that we might feel spun around. While the start of September can be frantic, fortunately the end of the month can be close to ideal.