Author Archives: Frank Don

  • July 2018

    We come into the month of July with a sense that no matter how dire circumstances may be that we are truly protected. We may wish to take some quiet time for ourselves, withdraw into our own personal world and feel the comforts of home and family.

  • Summer 2018

    The Summer Season begins on the 21st with the Summer Solstice as the Sun enters the Cardinal Water Sign of Cancer. We may wish to go in new directions but with a sense of being held back by our responsibilities and our obligations.

  • June 2018

    June begins on a high note with the likelihood of various social occasions or casual get-togethers.

  • Uranus in Taurus

    Beginning in May of this year of 2018, Uranus will exit its seven-year cycle of Aries and move into Taurus at the time of the Taurus New Moon on the 15th of May.

  • May 2018

    The astrology for May of 2018 begins with us considering many varied options. We might have more of a spring in our step and feel as though we have embraced the promise of renewal and rebirth that the Spring season offers. Nothing may be too much for us, but we do have to be wary »more

  • In Connecticut In May

    I shall be in Connecticut in May seeing clients. In Stamford, Connecticut, I have In-Person sessions available by appointment from Tuesday afternoon, May 1st, through Monday, May 7th I shall be at the Stamford Suites Hotel, 720 Bedford Street in Stamford. Stamford is less than an hour train ride from Grand Central Station in New »more

  • April 2018

    April begins with us considering how best to develop our creative talents. We might feel blocked by our responsibilities and the interests of someone else, but even if we are delayed we are refusing to be thwarted.

  • Spring 2018

    The Sun enters Aries on the 20th of March at the Vernal Equinox heralding the advent of the Spring season. If we are not encumbered by past obligations and by old outstanding matters, we can begin to plant the seeds of new ambitions. We may be willing to push the envelope against ‘correctness’, choosing instead »more

  • March 2018

    We begin March feeling divinely guided with a sense that our life has true purpose with determination to put our spirit into action.

  • February 2018

    February begins with us looking far afield, no longer content to put one foot in front of the other, and perhaps even more appreciative of the paradigm shift from linear reality into asequential reality with its flurry of what we might interpret as ‘random’ happenings.