Author Archives: Frank Don

  • July 2020

    As we come into July, we may feel the pulls between old and new tugging at us, impelling us forward in new directions, holding us back in our familiar.

  • Summer 2020

    The summer season begins on the 20th of June at the Summer Solstice [5:44 PM EDT] as the Sun exits Gemini to enter Cancer and imprints the season ahead. The true kickoff of a season occurs with the New Moon in that Cardinal Sign and with this summer we don’t have to wait too long »more

  • June 2020

    June begins with our attention turned to our relationships, those people that add so much to our lives. Whether the transitions in relationships through social media to social distancing have created a personal divide, we may be more considerate of our friends and family, our neighbors and strangers.

  • May 2020

    We come into May with a greater appreciation that things can occur in a most unexpected manner if we are willing to take off the blinders and be willing to look with peripheral vision rather than the narrow focus of what merely lies straight ahead of us.

  • April 2020

    We come into April somewhat akin to Noah’s Ark with twosomes of planets in Signs. The month begins with Venus and Uranus in Taurus, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, Mars and Saturn in Aquarius, and Mercury and Neptune in Pisces. The Moon is in Cancer, the Sign that the Moon rules. And the Sun is »more

  • Spring 2020

    The Sun enters Aries on the 19th – 20th at the Vernal Equinox to begin the Spring season.

  • March 2020

    We come into March still betwixt and between – our old conditioning and the magic of the paradigm shift. It could be crazy-making for those of us stuck too much in the past and attached to our desire for stability and security when in truth these times are more a time of frenzied disruption where »more

  • Zodiac Sign, Wobble, Apples & Oranges

    Well, here we go again: misinformation redux.

  • February 2020

    As we come into February, we seem to come back to earth, get more grounded, all with the help of a trusted confidante. We are less likely to buy into the hype, fall into the impressions or be swayed by the images and appearance. On the contrary, we can focus on the essentials, see what »more

  • 2020 – Year of the Master Builder

    The Chinese proverb that some would call a curse — ‘May you live in interesting times’ — might be a truly accurate summation for the year 2020.