September 16th – 22nd, 2024

The astrology for this week of September 16th through the 22nd of 2024 can have us feeling pushed and pulled in various directions and necessitates our maintaining a grounded perspective as conditions play to emotional reactions.

The week begins with our emotions heightened and our nerves stressed.  Metronome-like, we could swing from moments of elation to moments of despair with little real hold on the true reality of what’s going on.

We might feel as though we are lost in some sort of fantasyland with thoughts, feelings and actions determined more by illusions and delusions than by hard, cold truths.

This is a week for us to slow things down, avoid any rush to judgment, and wait to make definitive decisions until we have more concrete information.

Let’s recognize that the hucksters, spinmeisters, and apocalyptic visionaries may be out in full force spinning their tales, offering seductive presentations, and trying to win folks to their viewpoint.

Hopefully, each of us has attuned our thinking by combining both intuitive insights with critical analysis to cut through the fog of deceptions and come to our own assessment of what is really going on.

If we keep a tight hold on our emotions, this week and next week can prove two highly productive weeks when we could accomplish a great deal towards realizing our goals and achieving our ambitions.  We need to keep focused on our goals and responsibilities, avoid being distracted by mindless drivel or getting caught up in the general anxiety, and realize that the greatest impact we may have is on our personal world.

This week is also the last official week of the summer season as the summer ends and autumn begins on Sunday with the Autumn Equinox and the Sun exiting Virgo to enter Libra. 

Monday, September 16th – After the Party is Over – Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Mars.  Monday begins this week with the Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in the early morning hours.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for four and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces.  Late on this Monday, the Pisces Moon trines Mars.  Yesterday might have been a highly pleasant day of good times with good friends.  Perhaps we would like to keep the ball rolling, continue the party pleasant atmosphere, but life is not like one constant theme but rather has twists and turns of shifts and changes.  Unexpected developments may throw us for a curve ball as we start this week.  Once we realize that responsibilities are beckoning, we can attend to what we need to get done expeditiously.  We might be rather moody.   If we would put on blinders and attend to obligations, we can accomplish a great amount today and over the next two weeks.  The main thing is for us to avoid our emotions getting in our way and instead concentrate on that which is right in front of us that will lead to achieving our ambitions.

Tuesday, September 17th – Costs of Living – Lunar T-Square, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse.  Tuesday continues with the Pisces Moon with the Moon triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon conjunct Saturn, the Moon opposed Mercury, the Moon square Jupiter, and culminating with the Moon opposed the Sun at the Full Moon [10:34 PM EDT], a Lunar Eclipse.  Anxieties might be heightened, and we need to ask ourselves whether our imagination is running rampant or if we are seeing things from a realistic perspective.  We may wonder if we have the resources to cover our expenses and then achieve our plans.  The push pull between what we want and what we have could be accentuated.  Today is a day for us to hold steady and not get caught up in the frenzy of these times or the projections, either positive or negative, that might be bombarding us. If we can get out of town, do a drive about and change the energy from familiar patterns, we could get relief from the intensity of this day.  A strong grip on our emotions is called for.  Let’s appreciate the fact that in our post-modern world in which we are living everything takes on a subjective hue and forsakes objective understanding.  Reality is no longer fact-based, but rather the consensus of opinion or edicts handed down by the powers-that-be.  It is essential that we do not get caught up in the appearances or the lack of information.  Today demands critical analysis, our reasoning mind, and a detachment to sentiment to understand what is truly going on.

Wednesday, September 18th – Out of our Way – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mars, Mercury, Saturn.  Wednesday continues with the Pisces Moon with the Moon triggering the three transcendental planets with the Moon sextile Uranus, the Moon conjunct Neptune, and the Moon sextile Pluto.  Later in the day, the Moon exits Pisces to enter Aries where the Aries Moon today squares Mars.  Mercury opposes Saturn.  This Wednesday suggests we get out of our own way and listen to the muse of revealed information or intuitive understanding.  Since we have been conditioned from an early age to be in control of situations [as though we ever truly were], this Wednesday could prove difficult and frustrating with the liability of lost opportunities by lacking in humility and being too self-centered.  Oblivious to signs along the way can lead to bumps, scrapes and pitfalls.  Why go there when the universe is beneficent and provides constant clues regarding ‘right’ action and the appropriate way forward?  During these times of paradigm shift, we do NOT have to do it all, but we do need to be aware, mindful, and willing to observe and take advantage of unexpected shifts and changes that are in our favor.  We could lose sight of prospects by being too analytical or too risk adverse.   Today calls for us to combine our visionary foresight and reasoning analysis along with a willingness to be co-creators with the unfolding universal energies.

Thursday, September 19th – Different You, Different Me.  Jupiter, Venus, Sun, Uranus.  Thursday has the Moon in Aries engaging the two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm with the Aries Moon sextile Jupiter and the Moon opposed Venus.  The Sun trines Uranus.  We can be operating at our optimum on this Thursday.  We might feel as though everything is moving easily along as if on greased wheels.  There may be surprises early in the day, so it would be wise for us to be flexible and adaptable to changing conditions which may provide interesting opportunities of exciting activities for us to pursue.  This week through next week we have a Grand Trine in the Earth Element with a planet in each of the three Earth Signs which could contribute to things fitting neatly together.  We might accomplish a great amount, especially by drawing upon new techniques, advanced technologies, and catching the wave of innovation.  What we do have to prevent is getting a little full of our selves.  Even if we are feeling upbeat, optimistic, and confident of our abilities and our endeavors, let’s not be too much for other people.  People will celebrate our successes, but if we crow about our accomplishments an advocate is liable to turn into a nemesis.  Engaging humility and being sincere in our interactions open the door to the magic and mini-miracles of these paradigm shift times.  Each of us has gone through changes.  Our personalities have evolved.  There’s a different you and a different me.

Friday, September 20th – Impenetrable Forces – Pluto, Mars, Sun, Neptune.  In the early morning hours of Friday, the Aries Moon squares Pluto.  The Moon then goes into Taurus where the Taurus Moon late in the day sextiles Mars.  The Sun opposes Neptune.  We may want to do one thing on this Friday but find ourselves needing to do something else.  Even if we try and push forward with our plans, we could experience delays and blockages to what we intend to do.  There are times when the energies are like greased wheels with everything running smoothly and to our benefit, other times when the energies impose obstacles in our way.  We might suffer the latter on this Friday.  Whatever we encounter as a problem today, it would be wise for us not to force the issue but rather to step away, give ourselves time, and wait for a more propitious time when the situation could be easier sledding.   We may want to accomplish certain matters today, but the time might just not be quite right.  While we can try and push ahead, we are liable to exhaust ourselves or do so in a haphazard manner that necessitates our revisiting the matter at another time.  Today suggests we ‘chill out’, do what we can effectively but not have high expectations as to how much we want to achieve.  This is a day when it would be wise for us to engage the snarky idea of “why do today what you can put off until tomorrow”?  Quiet time at home in the evening could provide the comforts of our sanctuary and safe space.

Saturday, September 21st – All This and More – Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter.  Saturday has the Taurus Moon sextile Saturn and the Moon trine Mercury.  Mercury squares Jupiter.  If we felt flummoxed by certain matters yesterday, this Saturday provides the opportunity to make yesterday’s issues ‘right’.  We may be less impatient and less self-focused and better able to see positive solutions to matters that vexed us yesterday.  Similar to yesterday, however, we have to avoid rushing through things.  Impatience and trying to do too much with an attitude of overconfidence could be our failings.  Let’s be optimistic and confident without being overly in any category.  Attitude goes a long way to determining our outcomes.  Combining enthusiasm and confidence with a focus on what needs to get done can result in successful results.  This is a day for us to draw upon our optimism and our due diligence.

Sunday, September 22nd – Foundation Stones – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sun, Venus, Autumn Equinox, Sun Libra, Venus Scorpio.  Sunday has the Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus, the Moon sextile Neptune, the Moon trine Pluto, and the Moon trine the Sun.  The Moon then moves into Gemini but makes no connections to the planets today.  The Sun trines Pluto just before the Sun exits Virgo to officially end the summer season and enters Libra [8:44 AM EDT] at the Autumn Equinox to officially begin the autumn season.  Venus squares Pluto just before Venus exits its own Sign of Libra and enters Scorpio [10:36 PM EDT], a Sign of Detriment for Venus.  Sunday has the Moon triggering the three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, as it has done on certain days in recent months.  We are on a major threshold, not only in regard to the seasonal change but with increasing evidence of the paradigm shift.  Today would allow us to consider how we can best deal with the many numbers of things that our life entails.  Each of us may have noticed the acceleration in the pace of our life.  We are being asked to juggle an increasing number of things and often in far shorter time spans.  This is a day for us to consider what we want to do and how we want to do it and with the recognition that there are times when the universal energies support us, other times when the energies challenge us.  Today, the energies are supportive. Relationships might prove a little dicey with the Venus square Pluto and with Venus now entering Scorpio where our relationships can be passionate with wild swings between love and hate.  We may all have to learn to effectively walk on eggshells with many of our relationships.