Category Archives: This Season

  • Autumn 2014

    Autumn is upon us and enters on an emphatic note. This season may have various high notes, sharps, flats, lilting sounds and staccato all in the seasonal mix.

  • Summer 2014

    This Summer brings out the adventurer is all of us as we look to expand beyond our normal circumstances and engage thrilling scenarios even to the point of risky behavior.

  • Spring 2014

    During what could have been a brutal Winter weatherwise and otherwise for many of us, we have eagerly awaited the coming of Spring, which begins with the Vernal Equinox on the 20th of March.

  • Winter 2013-2014

    This winter 2013-2014 emphasizes the idea of ‘out with the old.’ In so doing, eliminations may feel like the rug being pulled out from under us.

  • Autumn 2013

    This autumn seems a time of black swans a’swimming. Developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, black swan theory speaks to situations that arise unexpectedly and have a major impact on conditions and circumstances. Welcome to the new ‘normalcy’. Welcome to the autumn of 2013.

  • Summer 2013

    This Summer of 2013 can have us making grand plans, catching up with family and friends and looking at fully enjoying ourselves in the great outdoors. It’s summer after all,…

  • Spring 2013

    Spring begins on March 20th with the Sun exiting Pisces and entering Aries at the time of the Vernal Equinox. Astrologically, this is the beginning of the New Year, the renaissance and rebirth that Spring promises…

  • Winter 2012 -2013

    This winter is a season when we may feel as though we have found our solid grounding but with things developing to reveal a slippery slope…

  • Autumn 2012

    This Autumn is a time of significant change, mixed messages, rampant confusion and drastic alterations…

  • Summer 2012

    This Summer of 2012 seems a season of clustered energy, offering up the sentiments expressed in the title of the 1966 spaghetti western movie ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’