Category Archives: This month

  • April 2023

    We come into April with a burst of energy wanting to spread our wings and put our individual mark on our involvements. We do have to be wary of costs involved, expenses we might either negate or dismiss as irrelevant to consider.

  • March 2023

    We come into March with our creative juices flowing, our head in the clouds and our feet held to the ground by a trusted confidante.

  • February 2023

    We may stumble into the month as we come into February. Perhaps during January, we got too cocky, too full of ourselves and ran too far ahead.

  • January 2023

    We begin January to start the New Year of 2023 with the Stellium of four planets in Capricorn and the Mercury retrograde and the liability of a hangover from having imbibed too much, ingested too much and/or spent too much during the holidays.

  • December 2022

    A liability of rushing around and listening to wrong advice could greet our December.

  • November 2022

    We come into November with a T-Square by Sign in the Fixed Signs. We can experience delays, frustrations, concerns about our finances and a feeling that there’s no way out but to go through the quagmire with as little hurt as possible.

  • October 2022

    October begins with the two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, in opposition. Whether we are being dazzled by the copious decorations for Halloween at the end of the month or just feeling the autumn thrust of warm days and cool nights, we may be looking at expanding beyond our normal parameters »more

  • September 2022

    We come into September with all cylinders firing as Mars sextiles Jupiter on the 1st. Whatever we engage, we are likely to do so with determination and optimism.

  • August 2022

    We come into August rearing to go. Mars conjuncts Uranus on the 1st of August. While we have to engage brain before brawn, we can have a thrust of energy to explore and discover new trajectories for ourselves. We just have to avoid being impetuous and impulsive, for the liability to accidents cannot be discounted »more

  • July 2022

    We come into July on the 1st with Mars square Pluto, an unfavorable influence liable to provoke aggressive actions, violent behavior. As if a great deal of energy has been suppressed, kept under wraps, this energy configuration could trigger intense releases. We have to be wary that we don’t push the envelope or aggressively forge »more