There could be a sense of nose to grindstone as we start the month, and we may have to put some of our plans and hoped-for intentions on the back burner as we deal with our daily, mundane concerns.
Category Archives: This month
December is a month of turns and switches, ups and downs with extreme movements thrown in to continue the volatility of these times.
November continues with the volatility that we have seen with one significant difference. While much of the wild swings that have been occurring since the Autumn of 2008 have been influenced by the Saturn Uranus opposition that has been operational and continues to impact us, both in our personal lives and in the world at large, into 2012; we now have a further energy configuration to deal with and one that may be even more powerful and forceful in its influence.
This October seems a paradoxical month, but should that surprise any of us? We have been living, continue to live and will be living in a paradoxical world. For many of us, we may feel as though we have entered a strange and bizarre landscape where the parameters have dramatically shifted, the terrain unstable at best, and people’s attitude a little edgy, edging towards a seething frustration, fraught with anxiety.
September is a time when we get back to our normal routine, although normal is hardly the word to describe these times. We are locked in a push – pull between old and new, between deathings and birthings and often wondering which is which.
We’re looking for good times even if that means suspending rational judgment and embracing irrational exuberance. It doesn’t matter. We want to have fun, affirm our hope and assume that things are straightening out and getting ever better after a period of tumult and turmoil.
July seems like a roller coaster type of month with ups and downs, but we should be used to that pace by now during these volatile times. The characteristics of July can be seen in a paraphrase of the old nursery rhyme: when it is good, it is very, very good. But when it is bad, it is horrid. The month has swings from irrational exuberance and downright delusions to snags, delays and frustrations that can let the air out of the inflated balloon.
June seems a largely upbeat, flying high kind of month when we may want to engage in various social activities, have some fun adventures and get out of Dodge to explore new terrain. We are looking at spreading our wings, fixing up our homes and our lives, and looking to get the past behind us in order to start anew or, at least, rebuild on more solid foundations.
We all probably remember the nursery rhyme of ‘April showers bring May flowers’. We might feel as though our lives are flowering during this May period after a long, hard winter, autumn and late summer when the world appeared to be crashing down a bottomless ravine. Perhaps we are just getting used to…
April could be a real whipsaw month, a month of extremes, and a month of paradoxes. Like the old western classic movie, it’s a month of the good, the bad, and the ugly. We are likely to be high energy (or is that high anxiety?) during this month.