The two US major political parties have picked their tickets for the 2016 presidential campaign. The tag team of Trump & Pence for the Republicans provide a great deal of Gemini energy, while the tag team of Clinton and Kaine for the Democrats provide a great deal of Water energy.
Author Archives: Frank Don
August 2016
No matter the enticements to get back on track and back on board with our regular routine, early August may have us seeking time to get out of Dodge, even if only briefly, to enjoy another summer breather.
July 2016
As we come into July, we may be gearing up for summer fun. Whether we choose to travel on holiday or take time for a staycation, our interest focuses on enjoying ourselves with the proverbial ‘hot fun in the summertime’ [to borrow from Sly and the Family Stone].
Summer 2016
With the Sun exiting Gemini to enter Cancer at the time of the Summer Solstice on the 20th and impacted on the same day by the Sagittarius Full Moon with the Sun in the last degree of Gemini and the Moon in the last degree of Sagittarius, the Summer season certainly bears the imprint of »more
June 2016
June starts off and continues through the Spring season in a most bonker-type style. Things may level out as we come towards the end of the month.
Bread and Circuses – An Astrological Perspective on the 2016 US Presidential Election
I would like to provide you with my take on the personalities of the main presidential candidates.
May 2016
The first half of May concentrates on the plant seeding and the physical rebirthing that goes along with nature at this time of year.
April 2016
Increased retrograde motion occurs during the month of April. We start the month with both Jupiter and Saturn retrograde. During April, Mars turns retrograde on the 17th, Pluto retrogrades on the 18th and Mercury retrogrades on the 28th.
Spring 2016
This Spring can have us tripping the light fantastic, feeling in love with life and looking to put an impressive imprint on our own personal world.
March 2016
March is the bridge between the old astrological year and the new astrological year as the Sun transits through Pisces and then moves into Aries at the time of the Vernal Equinox and the beginning of the Spring season.