September 2018

The astrology for September begins with the urge to put nose to grindstone, concentrate on practical matters and streamline operations to achieve our goals, all the while not allowing any particular detail to be glossed over.

Early September can be a highly productive time with the continuation by Sign of the Earth Grand Trine as the Sun continues its transit of Virgo, Uranus in Taurus and the Capricorn Stellium of Mars, Saturn and Pluto.

We can draw upon someone’s assistance as Mercury sextiles Venus on the 3rd of September. We can be a cheerleader for someone’s projects just as someone can advocate for our creative abilities.

On the 5th, Mercury exits Leo to enter its own Sign of Virgo accentuating our reasoning, analytical mind and enhancing the Earth Grand Trine.

Saturn turns direct on the 6th, ending its five month retrograde cycle where things could have taken longer with various delays and frustrations along the way.

The 7th has Mercury triggering the Earth Grand Trine with the Virgo Mercury trine Uranus in Taurus and Mercury trine Saturn in Capricorn. The Sun opposes Neptune also on the 7th.

This is a time for us to devise, strategize and plan. We may be champing at the bit to get on with things, and we may believe we have devised the most effective template, but we could still have a niggling concern as to whether we have covered all the bases, dealt with all the particulars and taken into account all the facets including the likelihood of shifts and changes once we implement our plans. We have to be wary that we are not spending too much trying to get things correct and wind up spinning our wheels and merely creating castles in the air.

The challenge at this time will be one of letting go, recognizing that we have done the best that we can and that our projects have a life of their own where we can be the vision keeper and maintain our hand on the wheel but with the realization that things may shift and change as we move forward with our projects. We may be called upon to trust — trust our own capabilities, trust our integrity and trust that the projects we are engaging will work out by our concentration on developing them and by the natural progression of the projects unfolding successfully.

Whether we can rely upon the confidence of our abilities or we necessitate confirmation from someone else can be an issue on the 8th when Venus squares Mars. Too often we do not trust our own instincts or fully appreciate our talents. We seek the acceptance and approval of the outside world. We mirror our sense of self more by what we do rather than who we are and by how people see us instead of how we feel about ourselves.

Even if we get in our own way and our ego personality highlights our faults rather than our sterling qualities, the Virgo New Moon on the 9th of September gives us the combination of intuitive foresight with practical application, the ability to prioritize, and the persistence and determination to accomplish whatever we choose to engage. We can be in the ‘zone’, get out of our own way and can BE the project we are looking to develop.

Also on the 9th, Venus exits its own Sign of Libra and enters Scorpio. While Venus in Scorpio has Venus in Detriment, being in a Sign that is uncomfortable for Venus, this transit allows us to focus on what we need to do and want to do without overly considering how people might perceive our actions. We may hold our cards close to our chest and just move forward with our plans.

This two-week period under the influence of the Virgo New Moon impacts the end of the Summer season and the first two days of the Autumn season, and does so in a way whereby we are concentrating on our goals and our ambitions. The Summer sun may entice us to enjoy momentary respites from our day-in, day-out, but our attention veers more toward what we want to accomplish.
We are likely to be truly back on track focused on our everyday routines.

The 10th of September has Mars re-entering Aquarius ending the Stellium of three planets in Capricorn but giving greater thrust to our future plans.

We can be feeling upbeat and highly productive as the Sun sextiles Jupiter and the Sun trines Pluto on the 11th. This is a time when our optimism and our persistence can make things happen. We may feel as though we are realizing our personal destiny, that we are operating at our optimum and achieving our greatest potential. We just have to be wary that we don’t get full of ourselves, be slightly overbearing or critical of other people. If we go there, we can be wasting some great opportunities for collaboration or well-deserved appreciation from someone.

The 12th of September can have us resourceful and adept at being more effective with less expenditure of energy. Jupiter sextiles Pluto, Venus opposes Uranus, and Venus sextiles Saturn. Although we might be intrigued by the better mousetrap and seek to incorporate technological wizardry into our schema, we could discover that we would be more productive drawing upon the ‘tried and true’ rather than the whiz-bang of something new. Experience and expertise may be better able to deal with situations than the latest gadgetry or software applications.

Drawing upon our intuitive sense to devise a best practices approach might be strong on the 13th when Mercury opposes Neptune.

Either we can be brilliant and spot on in making our plans or we can be deluded and diverted by images and appearance without doing our due diligence. The more we are able to combine our sense of things and how things ‘feel’ with a critical, reasoning analysis, the stronger our strategies, itinerary and direction are likely to be.

The weekend of the 15th-16th could be highly productive. Our mind can zero in on the heart of any matter, see the whole picture without losing sight of the specifics.

Mercury trines Pluto on the 15th followed on the 16th by Mercury sextile Jupiter. If we have an argument to make, a case to present, then we can be both charming and engaging yet with a laser-like focus on the substance of the issues with little to counter our points. This weekend would be a good time to focus on the truly meaningful, prioritize our activities and budget our resources. We may feel at the top of our game and capable of virtually moving mountains.

With astrology, a reflection of life itself, we realize there are various cycles, different phases with times of streamlined operations and other challenging times.

Although much of the recent days may have been relatively easy gliding, we come to the 18th and may encounter a significant bump in the road. Mars squares Uranus on the 18th, the energy configuration we experienced back on the 1st of August and on May 16th before that. Often in the law of three the first time over is the most severe, the second time over a review of the issue in focus, and third time over brings a completion and hopefully resolution to whatever lesson or challenge we might have encountered.

Mars square Uranus warns us not to be impetuous, not to run headlong into a buzz saw and raises the red flag of being liable to accidents. We might try to go too far too fast with this energy configuration indicating a likelihood of leaping before looking. Spontaneity is all well and good but only if we consider the conditions and circumstances in which we are entering.

The end of the Summer season has the Sun conjunct Mercury on the 20th followed by Mercury exiting its own Sign of Virgo to enter Libra on the 21st just before the Sun exits Virgo on the 22nd to enter Libra at the Autumn Equinox and the beginning of the Autumn season. We can tie up loose ends, create an astute template to deal with our routine matters and prepare our way before moving into the season of balancing our actions and our interactions.

With the Sun and Mercury entering Libra, these Libra-transiting planets will square the Capricorn-transiting planets of Saturn and Pluto and will also trine Mars in Aquarius.

These energy configurations can be paradoxical with a sense of ‘hurry up and wait’.

We get the first sense of this rushing forward only to slam on the brakes on the 23rd when Mercury squares Saturn and Mercury trines Mars. We may feel out-of-sorts and obligated to do something for someone, all the while that our interests lie not in our past but rather in our prospects for the future.

Let’s keep in mind the idea of a suspension bridge whereby we create the bridge slat by slat to get from where we have been to where we are going. We may not be able to make a great leap across the chasm between our past and our future. We can, however, create the slats that will get us from where we have been to where we choose to go. We might have to go back now and then before we totally cross the chasm, land in our future and are then able to cut the ties that bind. Before we get to the other side, we still have loose ends to address, matters needing to be tied, and issues to be resolved.

While we could become despairing and despondent over the impediments in our way forward, we can deal with what needs to be done and still give energy to our future intentions.

The 24th of September gives us the Aries Full Moon. The issue of our own individual interests and of our collaboration with someone else or other people can prove quite the balancing act. We need to have our personal space but it’s essential that we are not ‘islands unto ourselves’ but rather part of a larger community. Individual vs Collective Rights could prove a significant conundrum, especially in light of the Full Moon configuration by orb triggering a Cardinal Sign T-Square as the Full Moon squares Saturn in Capricorn. No matter the push pull between our own desires and those of someone else, responsibilities, obligations and past experience can all hamper clear delineations and easy sailing.

It may not be Christmas, but the ghosts of our past could prove haunting at this time.

Around this latter part of September we could feel thwarted. Not only do we have to address our past, our present and our future, but our considerations take into account not only our own personal concerns but the needs or concerns of other people and all juxtaposed by our past experiences and the standards of the conditions in which we find ourselves.

This latter part of September can have us feeling every which way but loose.

The 25th has the exact aspect of the Cardinal Sign T-Square with the Aries Moon square Saturn and the Libra Sun square Saturn. We might feel blocked at every turn. We could be spinning our wheels trying to get things going but sensing that we are only pumping the gas pedal all the while that the transmission is locked in neutral.

A breakout quality could occur on the 27th when the Sun trines Mars. With a little help from a strong advocate for us we may be better able to move forward in a new trajectory, with a new game plan and far less hampered by our past.

The month of September closes out not with a whimper or a quiet gasp but rather with a boom, bang, crash and blast as Pluto turns direct on the 30th. Whenever Pluto changes direction, whether from retrograde to direct or from direct to retrograde, there is a liability of a dramatic release of energy that can take varied forms of earthquakes, intense atmospheric storm systems, volcanic activity, bomb blasts and people acting out. Certainly this month of September is not like to go out quietly into the night.

September 2018… Highly Effective with Collateral Dislocations…