This sense of ‘all things possible’ may be our mantram as we come into January, the beginning of the New Year of 2020, a Master Number year that speaks to the Master Builder if we live up to its potential, or may merely be another slog-along work year if we fall short in our efforts.
Author Archives: Frank Don
Winter 2019 – 2020
The Sun’s entry into Capricorn at the Winter Solstice on December 21st kicks off the winter season, and the imprint of the Winter Solstice speaks to dramatic changes this season with the push pulls of the labor of growing pains. We may all be looking at making major changes, freeing up in various ways but »more
December 2019
We come into December and we may feel the cold of winter with its sense of delay and restriction increasingly strong.
November 25th – December 1st, 2019
The astrology for this week of November 25th through December 1st of 2019 has some pleasant festivities, just as long as we can twist and shift to the changing energies.
Curious & Curiouser
On the last day of October, the 31st, also Halloween, the US House of Representatives voted to proceed with an impeachment inquiry of US President Donald Trump. The vote completed just over half an hour before Mercury turned retrograde — perhaps a little close for comfort with Mercury stationary.
November 2019
We come into November under the dampening effect of the start of the Mercury retrograde. The next three weeks into November 20th has us mired in Mercury retrograde with its web of confusion, misunderstandings, deceptions and illusions. Welcome to the fun house!
October 2019
We enter October with a sense of ‘out with the old, in with the new’. Whatever we find wanting in our life, we might feel it to be an irritant and something to be rid of.
Autumn 2019
We enter the autumn season on the 23rd of September at the Autumnal Equinox and the Sun’s entry into Libra.
Latest Publication
I have just written a book on what is wrong with college. In addition to my astrology practice, I joined my wife in a college counseling practice for the past ten years.
September 2019
We come into September with insightful awareness and the ability to draw upon the support of a trusted confidante.