The astrology for this week of May 16th through the 22nd of 2022 offers up a highly energetic week, which can have us looking to spread our wings, initiate new projects, and concentrate on the truly meaningful — all about our personal journey.
The week begins with the Scorpio Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse, then towards the end of the week the Sun exits Taurus to enter Gemini, and the week ends with Mercury retrograding out of Gemini and back into Taurus.
There is a great deal of activity this week and much of it having us in overdrive, although sometimes with us feeling as if we are on a runaway train.
Although we may be aware of the two-pronged assault of high inflation and limited supply, we don’t have to give into a sense of despair. On the contrary, we might see things in tune with Greek mythology’s bird, the phoenix, rising from its ashes to soar ever higher. We could have a sense that we are in the burn phase of things being in ashes, turning to rubble. Everywhere we look, there appears to be stress points with a recognition that virtually all of the institutions we have depended upon and formerly trusted are falling apart. While a crash and burn might be evident, what we could also realize is that this disruptive time of paradigm shift forces ‘out with the old, in with the new’.
Right now, it appears as though the old is falling away, no matter how hard the outmoded and worn out remnants continue to hold on.
Even if we were to stand on the curb waiting for some savior to come long, many of us will determine that there is no point in Waiting for Godot. Instead of relying upon someone else or some agency to fix it for us, we may have to acknowledge our own individual journey, take machete in hand, and carve our path through unknown territories.
As the saying goes: “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Increasingly, we are called upon to exercise our will in order to go our own Way.
Monday, May 16th – Slip, Sliding Away – Scorpio Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Sun, Pluto, Moon Void-of-Course, Jupiter, Mercury. Late Sunday, early Monday, we have the Scorpio Full Moon [12:14 AM EDT], a Lunar Eclipse when the Moon opposes the Sun. The Scorpio Moon then sextiles Pluto. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for two and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Scorpio and before the Moon enters Sagittarius, where today the Sagittarius Moon trines Jupiter and the Moon opposes Mercury. We might feel as though the floor is opening up beneath us as we awaken. We could be counting our losses, seeing the half glass of water as half empty as opposed to half full. This past week saw the cryptocurrencies market crashing with effects of various people contemplating suicide in reaction. Although we cannot discount that these times are hard times materially with high inflation and rising costs, shortage of supplies, threats of nuclear war and a sense of total dysfunctionality operating, we have the ability of accepting adulthood accountability and responsibility. No matter how dire things may seem, we either have, or can develop, the skill set to handle whatever we encounter. A lightening of attitude may occur as we start out on our day. We might feel more upbeat with a sense that we can effectively negotiate the twists and turns that occur in our daily lives. We do have to be wary of a metronome quality, a manic-depressive tendency, of going from one extreme of utter despair to the other extreme of irrational exuberance. During these crazy, turbulent, tumultuous times we need to maintain balance and embrace the British wartime sentiment of: “Keep Calm and Carry On”.
Tuesday, May 17th – Faith Above All – Venus, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Moon Void-of-Course. Tuesday continues with the Sagittarius Moon with the Moon today trine Venus, the Moon square both Mars and Neptune both in Pisces, and the Moon sextile Saturn late in the day. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for eight hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Sagittarius and before the Moon enters Capricorn early on Wednesday morning. We can still be upbeat, assume that we can successfully play the hand that we are dealt, and with a strong reliance upon our faith both in ourselves and in the process itself. While we might have a gung-ho attitude today, we have to be wary that we are not operating solely on blind faith. Tuesday and Wednesday have a strong Pisces influence, thanks to the Mars Neptune Pisces combination. The liability to extremes should not be discounted. Our emotions may be ruling our head, so it would be wise, and always suggested during a Mercury retrograde, that we not buy into anything based upon first impressions or that we take impulsive actions. With both Venus and Jupiter in Aries and the transiting Moon in the 2nd decanate [Aries] and 3rd decanate [Leo] of Sagittarius today, there can be a liability towards narcissism and putting on blinders and seeing only what we want to see and believing only what we want to believe. Today and tomorrow may be days to renew and restore our faith, but with a faith that whatever occurs works out in the long-run and is not determined either by our wishes, our wants, or our manipulations. By drawing upon our intuitive sense and being as detached as possible, we are better able to see what is really going on and better able to surf the waves and avoid the body slams.
Wednesday, May 18th – Let it Rain – Moon Void-of-Course, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune. The early morning hours of Wednesday has the Moon Void-of-Course in Sagittarius with no connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of the Mutable Fire Sign. The Moon then enters Capricorn where today the Moon squares Jupiter. Mars conjuncts Neptune. Whether our own emotions or atmospheric storm systems, this Wednesday can give us a sense of ‘when it rains, it pours’. Wednesday continues with the Mars Neptune influence of yesterday but ratcheted up even more. We have to be extremely careful in our actions, since we could be operating on our emotions rather than reasoning thought. A compassionate attitude could be highlighted with us feeling the pain of those suffering. And suffering there is, as the better days of times past are forgotten to the continual barrage of bad news and sad situations. With the deluge of Water, we could easily fall into a victim role, resentful of anything and everything. The Debbie Downers and Eeyores can be out in force today. We are liable to see things from a negative attitude. Let’s avoid going to the pity party. What’s the point? Feeling sorry for ourselves or focusing on the ills of the world are not going to solve problems or resolve situations. We might not like to attend to our responsibilities, but demands may be beckoning and force us to put our personal interests on the back burner to address our obligations. Any funkiness today dampens the upbeat temperament of Monday and early Tuesday, but as with everything, this too shall pass.
Thursday, May 19th – Whistle While We Work – Uranus, Venus, Sun, Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter. If we got ourselves into a funk the past two days, this Thursday allows us to get over it and get on with things. The Capricorn Moon today trines Uranus, and the Moon squares Venus. The Sun trines Pluto early in the day, and Mercury sextiles Jupiter at the end of the day. Although we might not want to deal with what we need to get done, we can be highly productive and effective today. Let’s put our head down and focus on our responsibilities. We could draw upon streamlined methodology to virtually move mountains. We are far more interested in our practical matters than just larking about. Time management skills can come in handy, and we may get more accomplished today both by our persistence and our ingenuity. The latter part of the day we could enjoy pleasant conversations, some of which might have us marveling at the amount we were able to achieve. Today is a day for work and then play. Feeling industrious, we might find that Thursday and Friday are the best days of this week to get things done. A positive attitude and unflagging determination go a long way towards being successful, and today we have both.
Friday, May 20th – Tying Up, Reaching Out – Neptune, Mars, Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun Gemini. The effectiveness of yesterday continues in the early morning hours of this Friday as the Capricorn Moon sextiles both Mars and Neptune both in Pisces, the Moon conjuncts Pluto, and the Moon trines the Sun in Taurus. The Moon then moves into Aquarius where today the Aquarius Moon trines Mercury and the Moon sextiles Jupiter. The Sun exits Taurus and enters Gemini [9:23 PM EDT]. Thursday and early Friday are primo days to address mundane, practical matters. By visualizing and strategizing, we can accomplish a great deal. There are issues we might wish to attend to and resolve before we move into the weekend, a weekend that may be geared for fun and games. Once we have in mind what we wish to conclude, we could be indomitable in our efforts. We are unlikely to be distracted and diverted from our intentions, since we want to clear the slate prior to an early weekend beginning. As the day proceeds with much of our demands taken care of, we can chat people up and make plans for get-togethers and our planned fun events. This is a day for us to deal with what we need to get done early in the day, and then reach out and contact other people later in the day. If we are going off this weekend, we might take an early departure out of town.
Saturday, May 21st – Twists and Turns – Uranus, Venus, Sun, Mercury. Saturday has the Aquarius Moon with the Moon square Uranus and the Moon sextile Venus late in the day. The Sun conjuncts Mercury. Plans may not go according to schedule. If we are getting together with someone, it would be wise to reconfirm. We might have to make some alterations early in the day. No worries, for often the universe has far greater plans for us than we imagined for ourselves. The key characteristics to successfully navigating these times are flexibility and adaptability. Even if there are some hiccups today, this day can be a fun time with good friends. We do have to watch for expenses. All costs seem to be going up, so if we have events planned, let’s keep in mind that the expenses could be more than we anticipated. The evening hours can be a pleasant time spent with someone special. This weekend is a time for us to enjoy ourselves, disengage from our problems, and look to the future with its promise of brighter days through better ways. Let’s give thought to the possibilities and not get caught up in perceived limitations.
Sunday, May 22nd – Don’t Limit the IS – Saturn, Moon Void-of-Course, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Pluto, Mercury Taurus. Sunday begins with the Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for eight and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces where today the Moon squares both Mercury and the Sun both in Gemini. Late in the day, Mars sextiles Pluto, and Mercury exits Gemini to retrograde back into Taurus [9:15 PM EDT]. Our sleep may be disturbed by a sense of our being unable to realize our greatest ambitions. We could awaken in a funk feeling that we are behind the eight ball and that many of our greatest hopes and wishes are unlikely to be realized. If we need to go to the wailing wall, so be it, but let’s not stand there for an extended time. I always suggest the egg timer technique of setting an egg timer for 5-10 minutes and letting rip by voicing out loud all your grievances, sadness and frustrations. After the egg timer goes off, get up, wash your hands and face, and shift your attitude. Once we vent, we have also released. And remember that during this paradigm shift, things can occur in a most unexpected manner, even the most improbable could happen, thanks to the magic and mini-miracles of the new paradigm. The latter part of the day gives us the thrust and determination to accomplish what we need to get done in the week ahead.