Category Archives: This month

  • Feburary 2024

    We come into February eager to draw upon both our material and spiritual characteristics.

  • January 2024

    We come into January and the New Year of 2024 on the 1st with an affirmation of ‘out with the old, in with the new’ and high hopes for this year just beginning.

  • December 2023

    December begins on a positive note, marked by a shift towards greater focus and seriousness.  We are less likely to operate on impulse and more from in-depth consideration.

  • November 2023

    November begins with a balancing act between acquisition and elimination and suggests that we streamline our ways of doing things and rid ourselves of the extraneous that only takes our time and wastes our energy.

  • October 2023

    We come into October with the Earth Grand Trine still engaged. We may feel competent and highly skilled in what we are able to do. We can combine our visionary intuitive sense with our reasoning critical analysis to develop the most effective and expeditious means to accomplish our goals.

  • September 2023

    We come into September raring to go, but we’re not quite ready to let the summer pass.

  • August 2023

    We come into August with our flags flying. We may feel at the top of our game able to successfully engage any present situations as well as being well prepared for unexpected future exigencies.

  • July 2023

    July begins with us likely to be in a state of euphoria thanks to the Sun conjunct Mercury and both sextile to Jupiter on the 1st.

  • June 2023

    We come into June with us feeling blocked or frustrated by delays or by our putting too many things on our plate. Prioritizing and focusing on the most important matters can help us avoid a feeling of repeatedly hitting the wall.

  • May 2023

    We come into May with a few booms and blasts, communication disruptions and necessary maintenance or repairs.