Author Archives: Frank Don

  • East Coast Visit in April & May

    I shall be visiting the East Coast this Spring at the end of April and early May and I shall be available for in-person sessions in Vermont and Connecticut…

  • Spring 2011

    This Spring begins with a bang. We may be looking at moving forward with our grand plans for our great future, but we could find ourselves banging into walls and facing hard cold reality. Not everything may go as planned…

  • March 2011

    This March may force us to look backward before moving ahead. We might have to confront our old beliefs, our old patterns, and see whether we are ready to jettison the old to embrace the new…

  • February 2011

    This February is a month when we may look to radical changes, wanting to focus on our future, while feeling the pulls of our past and any unresolved situations. The energy this month is ratcheted up severalfold and we are likely to be in turbothrust…

  • Zodiac Signs, Wobble, Sign, Apples & Oranges

    Having received various emails yesterday and today in regard to the ‘new, startling discovery’ by a Minnesota astronomer that the zodiac signs have changed, forcing each and everyone of us to possibly shapeshift into a preceding zodiac sign rather than the one into which we were born; I feel compelled to correct the misunderstanding projected by this astronomer…

  • January 2011

    January allows us to put our spirit into action. We are in the midst of dramatic change and this month we can lay down some of the foundation stones of our future in a pragmatic and solid manner…

  • Winter 2010-2011

    This Winter can see some extreme swings between wild euphoria and anxious despair. So what else is new?, one might ask. Although there is an old saying that states: ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’; this Winter could prove the lie to this statement…

  • December 2010

    While much of this month may be taken up with holiday gatherings and making merry, this December also allows us to focus laser-like on the key elements of our lives, tying up loose ends associated with our past and seeking the most expeditious means of broadening our activities and planning diligently our future goals…

  • November 2010

    November has a great deal of movement and the ability to move things ahead. Although we often think of November as a month when we pare down our lives by getting rid of projects, cleaning up our space and preparing for the winter months; this November could give us a sense of understanding the new program…

  • October 2010

    This October can test our balance between extremes and allows us opportunities to shed the past and let go of the extraneous. This is a month for us to focus on our relationships, both old and new…