June can have us juggling any number of things. We are far more interested in trying this, doing that than any long-term committed involvement. We could be all over the place, both literally and figuratively. We just have to watch the push pull and not be seduced by bright shiny objects or sparkly images. Clarity could be lost to our knee-jerk reactions looking for immediate gratification.
The beginning of June with the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 2nd crescendos the Mutable Sign T-Square with the three Gemini transiting planets of the Sun, Mars and retrograde Mercury opposed to both the Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius and all of them by Sign square to Neptune in Pisces. Everyone may be on edge and anxious, and the liability towards misunderstanding and dysfunction cannot be discounted. The more we can slow things down and take time for due deliberation, the less likely we are to throw ourselves into a bottomless morass of dire confusion and relationship problems.
While we still have the Fire Grand Trine by Sign with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries, we are about to lose this Grand Trine on the 14th of June as Saturn retrogrades out of Sagittarius and back into Scorpio. This Fire Grand Trine, which we have enjoyed [?] since last December, may have been the impetus for us to sally forth with our personal interests and little, if any, concern for other people or for the consequences of our actions. Saturn moving back into Scorpio over the summer period ends the Fire Grand Trine but also ends momentarily the square to Neptune that may have instilled a willingness to cut corners, defy karma and rebel against accepted standards.
This early June period can be a great deal of fun, and we are certainly looking for good fun with good friends. We may be here, there and everywhere engaging in various occasions that are all upbeat celebrations no matter what is going on in the so-called ‘real’ world. We are more interested in ‘putting on the Ritz’, showing ourselves off and engaging the mutual admiration society with those of our same upbeat temperament.
Mars sextiles Jupiter on the 5th of June, the same day that Venus exits Cancer to enter Leo. The 6th has Venus trine Saturn, so we can imagine that whether intentionally or not we could be connecting with people with whom we feel comfortable and with whom we have a past.
This June period and the latter part of the Spring season is replete with good times and feel-good opportunities.
The Sun sextiles Jupiter on the 8th, followed by Mars sextile Uranus on the 9th, and on the 10th Mercury sextile Venus and the Sun sextile Uranus. This second week of June can be a time of exploration and self-discoveries. We want to engage exciting new opportunities. We are more liable to take risks than we might have done when the blanket of anxiety was dampening our disposition.
Mercury turns direct on the 11th of June, and we can start to straighten out any miscommunications, miscues, misunderstandings and missteps we might have made over the preceding three weeks. Yes, we might have to attend to various “mis-s” but no worries. We are feeling good about life, enjoying our springtime activities and sensing that better days are ahead, if we will only search out our options and alternatives and seek new directions.
Neptune turns retrograde on the 12th of June followed by the retrograde Saturn exiting Sagittarius to go back into Scorpio for a Summer re-run through the Fixed Water Sign. We may have to revisit some of the past two and a half years over this Summer period. Recapitulations, as Carlos Castaneda discussed in his last book, The Active Side of Infinity, allow us to go back over past situations, revisit them, review them and revision them so that they no longer have us in a psychic grip that can be restrictive and limiting without our consciously realizing their hold.
This latter part of Spring, highlighted by the Gemini New Moon on the 16th of June, spreads wide the picnic blanket to a smorgasbord of delights. The Gemini New Moon with the conjunction of Sun, Moon and Mars in the Aquarian decanate of Gemini allows us to consider a wide variety of prospects, consider a diverse array of possibilities, and provides time with those significant people in our lives who can help us process the filtration of the myriad options and alternatives open to us in our own personal new world order.
The ‘feel good’ quality of this month continues into the early Summer season as the Sun exits Gemini on the 21st, at the time of the Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer. BY Sign, we now have a Grand Trine in the Water Signs with the Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This Water Grand Trine continues into August and may have many of us murmuring the maudlin 1974 ‘soft rock’ lyrics: “Feelings, nothing more than feelings.”
Apart from the emotions and moodiness of the Water Grand Trine impacting the summer season, we may also be looking at heading out on the highway, or spreading our wings for far off places. A sense of adventure can be strong in us to start the summer season impacted by the Jupiter trine Uranus aspect exact on the 22nd. We are far more interested in the new and the different, something that energizes us and excites us and not the same old, same old.
The 23rd has Mercury square Neptune, an aspect we experienced twice in May, and an energy configuration that can have our head swimming in confusion and a liability to accept whatever is presented to us no matter how nonsensical it might be. Clarity of thought is missing and we could make determinations more on our feelings and ill-placed assumptions rather than due diligence. Let’s be careful what we decide or plan to do around this time.
Mars exits Gemini on the 24th to enter Cancer. Reunions and home improvement projects can be on our schedule during this latter part of June and into July. And the Water is increased with Mars entering a Sign in which it is quite uncomfortable. We may find during this summer season that when storm systems come through, the precipitation could prove quite intense. We could experience the old saying that ‘when it rains, it pours.’
June closes out with Venus trine Uranus on the 29th. Serendipity may play a role in fascinating and unexpected encounters. Someone might provide us a revealing perspective onto the world that we have never seen for ourselves. The magic of interactions can be highly satisfying, even if they are not what we had planned for.
June is a month that brings closure to the Spring season and begins the start of Summer. The month begins with Mercury retrograde turning direct in the second week of June followed by Saturn retrograding back into Scorpio the third week of June with Saturn in Scorpio virtually through the rest of the Summer. Beginnings and endings can have us wondering which is which.
June 2015… Running Ahead, Looking Back Over Our Shoulder…