Realize your potential and your strengths.
Discover latent talents and abilities.
Understand the areas of challenge and lessons you may need to learn.
Your astrological consultation with me will provide you with remarkable insight into your life. It will clarify your journey through life’s changing phases and the best ways to utilize your opportunities. I will discuss different times in your life that I feel to be significant for you — both in the past and in the future, and what I see going on for you in the present.
Alan Arkin Dear Frank Don, I must admit I went to you as a sceptic, thinking that a reading would be an hours diversion and an entertainment. After about twenty minutes you proved it to be otherwise. Very quickly you tied in elements of my past that you could not possibly have known about and helped me to see them as a pattern. This pattern gave me a picture of myself that cleared up a couple of issues that have baffled me for much of my life. And if that wasn’t enough, you spoke of a future for me that was clearer and more specific than my own vision for myself. Also you gave me the sense that where I was heading was a good place to be. Much of what you have projected has come to pass, including some things that could not possibly have come to pass! I don’t know what you’re on to, but for God’s sake, keep it up!Your fan; ![]() |
There is no more valuable gift than the gift of self-discovery. If you are in search of understanding your life, of exploring your lessons and discovering your talents; there is no more precious a resource than a consultation with Frank Don.
I provide my consultations by Zoom or on the phone. All sessions are recorded and available for client purchase.
Astrology Sessions are by appointment only and can be scheduled by calling me on 561.691.9228 or 831.392.5684 or by email at
My consultation services and fees include:
One hour consultation – $175.00
Half hour consultation – $115.00
[I heartily recommend the recording of the sessions. I find the recording to be a good reference regarding issues and situations I might be addressing for six months, a year or further in the future. People also tell me that they hear things on a second or third listening to the session recording that they did not hear during the session. The client is encouraged to tape the session. I do record the session and can email the recording to you for a $15.00 charge, or CD and mailing for a $25.00 charge.
There are times when people have a brief question or two for clarification. These questions can often be answered without appointment. The charge for the email question[s] is based on the research and answer to the question[s].
Brief Question[s] – $25.00 per five minute increments [after 20 minutes the half hour consultation fee is applied, and after half an hour the hourly consultations fee is applied]
Chart Transcendent Sessions with Frank Don
For every person, there are times in their life experience when trauma, pain or the overwhelm of a particular situation fragments their soul and wounds their being.
Overwhelmed, the person may feel unable to cope with processing the emotion at the time of the incident. Often the pain lodges deeply into their being, in their subconscious, quietly and unconsciously impacting their future decisions, steering their choices based upon the aversion to re-creating pain.
Life does indeed wound us. It is part of living. Each of us must heal our selves.
For one to be whole again, that person must address the scars of living and heal the wounds in their life. Chart transcendent sessions do just that.
One of the gems of astrology is the ability to trace an individual’s life journey. Like tree rings in a tree, astrology provides a clear view to the cycles of a person’s life — times of abundance and good fortune, times of restriction and constraint.
From your astrological chart, in a chart transcendent session I can go to particular time frames, walk with you through significant experiences and help you feel the emotions associated with a specific experience. You can look at those significant times from the detached viewpoint of greater maturity. You can then integrate the fragmented parts of your being and retrieve the wholeness of your soul.
One of the gifts given me in my work in astrology is the joy of seeing someone become aware of energetic patterns that have been limiting and stultifying to their growth…
…A woman unable to conceive, although both partners in excellent medical health, who was able to trace a particular energy pattern and time as a child to the experience of her mother standing over her in the bathroom as she vomited her dinner and saying to her daughter: “If you get this ill over a meal, I would hate to ever see you get pregnant.”
…A man, repeatedly unable to grab the gold ring in his career,
remembering an experience as an adolescent at a time of a particular energy pattern when his parents refused to allow him to take part in his baseball league’s playoff games because it would interfere with the family’s vacation.
…A woman with remarkable communication skills yet unable to firmly present her ideas recalling times of being told to ‘be quiet’ by her parents who were absorbed in the evening news television broadcasts.
“Chart transcendent sessions allow us to shine the light on the dark recesses of your subconscious and reveal forgotten memories that block your growth, thwart your development and keep you from your life’s full potential.”
Chart transcendent sessions are $175.00 for the hour.