March could prove one dicey month as we carom between the urges of springtime and the contractive qualities of the past.
When I forecasted last summer the election win of Donald Trump for US President, much of my reasoning was due to his greater liability to physical well-being. The inauguration chart of this US administration has a particular pernicious energy, the Sun Pluto conjunction opposed by Mars. The Mars Pluto adverse aspect is my least favorite energy configuration for physical well-being.
This March seems a particularly challenging period to Mr. Trump’s well-being. He will be experiencing transiting Saturn square to his natal Sun and transiting Saturn moving into his 8th House. In addition, the Virgo Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse, on the 14th of March squares his natal Sun, and the Aries New Moon, a Solar Eclipse, on the 29th occurs in his 8th House and trines his natal Pluto in the 12th House.
In addition, Barron Trump during this month of March experiences the transiting Neptune conjunct his Sun, the Sun indicative of the father figure. In May, Barron experiences transiting Saturn conjunct his natal Sun.
Although we don’t know her birth time, Melania Trump starts to experience transiting Saturn opposed Pluto towards the latter part of March.
March could be a most difficult month for Mr. Trump, and it would be suggested that we all pray for his well-being and for him to successfully survive these challenging aspects to his physical well-being.
While there are various people who dislike Mr. Trump, should anything occur to Mr. Trump it would likely tear the country apart.
March begins on the 1st with Venus turning retrograde. Venus in Aries is in Detriment with our relationships more about oneself than other people. The idea of ‘what have you done for me lately’ can be ratcheted up as Venus turns retrograde. We shall have to be careful not to damage our connections by being too self-involved or self-absorbed.
The 2nd of March has the Sun square Jupiter and Mercury conjunct Neptune. We might be feeling good about ourselves with a sense of overconfidence. Clarity may be lacking, and we could go through various mood swings. We can feel as though no one understands us and that we are but islands unto ourselves. Having alone time and contemplating on our journey ahead might tamp down the mood swings, give us appreciation that each of us has our own individual journey and personal destiny, and that any comparisons to other people have little point to them [compare and despair].
Mercury exits Pisces, a Sign of Detriment for Mercury, on the 3rd [4:04 AM EST] and enters Aries. With both Venus and now Mercury in Aries, we may be feeling ‘spring fever’. We’re more interested in starting things anew than continuing old patterns. Much of our concerns revolve around our own personal interests, and we are unlikely to be shy about expressing our desires.
On the 5th of March Mercury sextiles Pluto. Our thinking may be sharp, our communications concise. Forensic-like, our mind can cut to the core, get to the basics and fundamentals of any situation to decipher what is truly going on. We are unlikely to couch our sentiments in any politically correct manner. On the contrary, we might express ourselves straight to the point with no flowery additions. This is a time for us to consider what is truly important in our life and what we wish to achieve in the days ahead. The future is NOW, and we are looking forward unencumbered by our past.
The Sun trines Mars on the 8th of March. This weekend would be a good time for us to fix up our home with greater intention of getting things ready for our springtime activities. A major clear up and clean out would be a good use of the energy configuration in order to rid ourselves of the superfluous and the irrelevant. Increasingly, we may want to draw upon our optimum with the realization that this year is a year of major transformation. No need for us to throw the baby out with the bath water but rather to take the steps to release ourselves from the ties that bind.
With Mercury conjunct Venus on the 11th of March, we have the thrust to focus largely on what we want to do. We may be looking at the projects we wish to initiate. Far better for us to work out in our mind our future involvements before jumping into starting the journey. Concept before implementation would allow us to ruminate about our plans, fine tune our intentions, and come up with a best practices approach.
The 12th of March has the Sun conjunct Saturn. We may be exhausted by everything that we’ve had on our plate. Many of us live a high maintenance lifestyle with much of our involvements being needless distractions. Cutting back on activities and eliminating unnecessary engagements would provide greater focus on the truly meaningful and might end the constant drain of having too much on our plate and the inability to stop and smell the flowers. Now is a time for us to reflect on what truly works for us and what is only a depletion of our resources — time, monies, energy.
The Virgo Full Moon on the 14th of March when the Sun opposes the Moon [2:55 AM EDT] is a Lunar Eclipse with both the Sun and Moon harmoniously connecting with Uranus. The Sun sextiles Uranus, and the Moon trines Uranus. The suggestion of this signature for each of us is to rid ourselves of those things that are no longer important to us and engage streamlined ways of doing our most significant endeavors. A lesson for each of us during this paradigm shift is to trust in the universe. If we accept our role as co-creators with the universe unfolding and work with the energies rather than trying to force our will upon situations, things can go smoothly and far more effectively.
March 15th has Mercury turning retrograde [2:46 AM EDT], the first of this year’s three Mercury retrogrades. Whenever Mercury is retrograde, Murphy’s Law of ‘whatever can go wrong could go wrong’ is in effect. The two Aries-transiting planets presently, Mercury and Venus, are both retrograde and retrograde in Aries. Much of what we wish to imprint in the days ahead may just have to wait until we come into the spring season. During this three-week retrograde cycle, it would be wise to postpone major purchases or significant decisions.
The winter season ends on the 19th with the Sun conjunct Neptune. Our sensitivity could be ratcheted up with a dose of feeling the need to leave certain things behind before inaugurating the new. We may be ready to step into the spring season, but there still could be old situations we need to complete and bring closure to as we end the astrological year.
The Sun exits Pisces and enters Aries on the 20th [5:01 AM EDT], beginning the spring season and ushering in a new astrological year.
With the Sun triggering a Cardinal Fire Stellium with the Sun joining Venus and Mercury in Aries, we could be fast out of the gate looking to put our personal mark on anything and everything we choose to engage. We may be a little much for some people, but why should we care, when we’re feeling the buzz of springtime and a thrust of energy to get moving, broaden our expanse, and initiate new activities. Let’s keep in mind that two of the three Aries-transiting planets, Mercury and Venus, are retrograde with Venus retrograding through a Sign of Detriment for Venus.
We may have a spark but might not be firing on all cylinders.
This early spring period has us focused on the truly meaningful in our relationships, our endeavors, and our plans for our future. The Aries-transiting planets sextile Pluto. We can pare down the irrelevant and superfluous and concentrate on what we believe serves us real purpose.
Venus sextiles Pluto on the 21st. We are more interested in connections that could help us achieve our goals, enhance our image, and gain social acceptance. We are likely to go through our contact list and determine who can assist us in moving ahead in contrast to those people who drag us down with their neediness, dysfunctionality, and negativity.
The Sun conjuncts Venus on the 22nd. A spring personal makeover may be in order, as we look to polish our appearance and present ourselves with style and personal flair.
On the 23rd, the Sun sextiles Pluto. We are ready to take on the world, committed to realizing our goals and with a persistence that may seem unyielding. This is a time for us to forge ahead assertively whether with those who could assist us or by ourselves. We are unlikely to pay naysayers heed, but we do need to avoid impetuous actions whereby we assume that what we want we can have. The liability of this early springtime is any tendency for us to put on blinders, negate external input and march forward with powerful intent but few strategic considerations to guide our actions. We might have the brawn to assertively advance, but it would be wise to use our brains in strategizing our moves.
The Sun conjuncts Mercury on the 24th. There was a childhood game of one upmanship with the tag line of: “I’m the king of the castle, and you’re the dirty rascal”. Such sentiment could be in our thought processes now. Arrogance and narcissism can be in play, as we see, think, and hear only what we want. We’re not interested in anything other than what we want. If we take that attitude of self-absorption, we might be setting ourselves up for a nasty fall, a fall that might be indicated with the Sign changes a few days hence.
The Aries-transiting planets sextile Pluto end with Mercury sextile Pluto on the 25th. Our mind can be sharp and focused, forensic-like, with our thoughts unassailable. We might feel that we have all the knowledge and understanding we need to accomplish our goals. Our speech can be commanding, brook no interference and tolerate no dissent.
The energy changes most dramatically from the 27th on. Both Venus and Mercury exit Aries and retrograde back into Pisces. The Aries Stellium of three planets ends as only the Sun remains in the Cardinal Fire Sign.
We might feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under us. Like the Texas two-step of one step forward, two steps back, we could sense much of the exuberance and enthusiasm initially felt with the Vernal Equinox dissipated with us facing losses, regrets, and anxiety-provoking concerns.
On the 27th Venus exits Aries, a Sign of Detriment for Venus, and retrogrades back into Pisces [4:41 AM EDT], a Sign of Exaltation for Venus, with Venus conjunct Neptune. In an either-or situation, we could either feel great compassion and a spiritual awakening or deep sadness and a belief in a dystopian future.
The 29th has the Aries New Moon, a Solar Eclipse as the Sun conjuncts the Moon [6:58 AM EDT]. Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces [10:18 PM EDT], a Sign of Detriment for Mercury, where our thinking loses its reasoning ability and critical analysis, replaced instead by emotional and subjective responses with a liability of sloppy thinking, a liability enhanced by Mercury conjunct Neptune on the 29th.
As Venus and Mercury retrograde back into Pisces, they do so through the third decanate of Pisces [Scorpio] with the possibility of elimination and loss.
The bloom may seem to come off the rose during this later part of March but can also serve as whittling away excess and forcing usback upon our spiritual resources.
The 30th of March has a major Sign change as Neptune ends its fourteen-year transit through its own Sign of Pisces. When Neptune turns retrograde, it will return to Pisces in the mid-autumn through January of 2026.
Neptune in Pisces has offered us the opportunity to engage our spiritual nature, awaken our consciousness, become aware of dimensions beyond our mundane reality, and be mindful of the law of karma.
With Neptune in Aries, to be followed by Saturn exiting Pisces to enter Aries in two months, our focus can turn to engaging spirit in action with a focus on our independence, courage, and new beginnings. As we decipher a new sense of our being, we can feel confused about who we are. But I always say that confusion is the starting point of wisdom.
March 2025… all fun and games until…