October 14th – 20th, 2024

The astrology for this week of October 14th through the 20th of 2024 can have us feeling forced to employ the five key attributes of Dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

We could easily perceive ourselves to be victim to conditions and circumstance as we begin the week.  Some comment, even an offhanded remark, might slight us.  Our resources may be lacking for us to accomplish our greatest exploits.  We need to avoid being Eeyores or Debbie Downers, even if we have the sense that the world and even our closest companions are stacked against us.

We have the Water Grand Trine in play with our emotions and mood swings ratcheted up. 

Meditating and being receptive to the magical moments of this paradigm shift can provide comfort.  Our ego could be wounded, but increasingly we are being asked to come from the essence of our being, our soul, and our spirit.

If we look for the beauty in our personal world, we are likely to see it.  Even in the midst of chaos, there are moments when the sun shines brightly, and we feel that everything is right in our world. 

We are living during volatile times, dynamic times when things can shift quickly and dramatically and with hardly any notice.

The Full Moon on Thursday is a loose Grand Cross with planets in each of the four Signs of the four different Quadruplicities.  Navigating the swirling currents may not be easy but doable.  We might find assistance from someone who rarely heralds their abilities but offers valuable help, nonetheless.

Venus exits Scorpio, a Sign of Detriment for Venus, and enters Sagittarius.  We gain some Fire, which has been lacking for the past four weeks.  We are less jealous or possessive of our relationships, more willing to expand our circle of connections with increased interest in those people whose experiences are foreign to our own.

The weekend can be a mix of taking care of business and throwing off the shackles to enjoy ourselves.

This week suggests we employ the sentiment: ‘Life is too mysterious, don’t take it serious.’

Monday, October 14th – Aligned Against Us – Saturn, Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus.  Monday begins this week in the US with Columbus Day, replaced in name by Indigenous Peoples’ Day.  The Moon continues its transit of Pisces with the Pisces Moon conjunct Saturn.  The Sun squares Mars, and Venus opposes Uranus.  We may feel as though our back is against the wall.  Everywhere we look, we might assume that the world is crashing and burning.  We could have the sense of being a stranger in a strange land and wondering why people don’t see what we see.  Time spent at home, meditating and contemplating, could soothe our emotions and give us a feeling that we do have a safe sanctuary space where we can escape the anxiety provoking antics beyond our four walls.  We may have much to do today, but it would be wise for us to avoid knee jerk reactions of involving ourselves with busy work to prevent reflecting on what we are doing and why we are doing it.  A ‘time out’ day, this Monday suggests we step off the track of our regular routine, slow down, and take the time to appreciate the blessings in our life rather than focusing on the difficulties with which we often need to contend.

Tuesday, October 15th – Out of our Way – Jupiter, Lunar Grand Trine, Mars, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Pluto.  Tuesday has the Pisces Moon finishing its transit of Pisces with the Moon square Jupiter, the Moon triggering a Water Grand Trine with the Pisces Moon trine Mars in Cancer and the Moon trine Venus in Scorpio.  The Pisces Moon also aspects the three transcendental planets with the Pisces Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus, the Moon conjunct Neptune, and the Moon sextile Pluto in Capricorn.  Later in the day, the Moon exits Pisces to enter Aries.  Venus trines Neptune.  Sandwiched between Monday that might have had us emotionally wrought and Wednesday when there is very little energy to light our fire, this Tuesday can be a primo day if we would be open to the magic of these times and not run away with ourselves by trying to do too much and do it according to our personal inclinations.  Things could operate smoothly and easily today.  We just need to keep our emotions in check, walk on the sunny side of the street by looking for the good and the possible, and be receptive to signals of unexpected incidents that can ease our way.  Even our relationships may seem deeper and more heart felt.  If we look beyond surface appearance, we might find a soulful connection with someone.  This is a day for us to get out of our own way and enjoy the blessings of the universe with its unexpected twists and turns but largely providing evidence that life is good.

Wednesday, October 16th – Hump Day.  Wednesday has the Moon transiting Aries, but the Aries Moon today makes no connections to the planets.  After yesterday, which might have provided a cornucopia of interesting incidents, Wednesday is a day for us to regroup and consider what we might wish to initiate next.  We are at the beginning of the monthly cycle with the Moon in Aries.  Yesterday offered us glimpses into the characteristics of the paradigm shift where things can occur unexpectedly and with little input from ourselves.  After what may have seemed like a whirlwind of activity yesterday, today has little energy for us to push ahead.  Although Wednesday is often considered ‘hump day’, falling as it does in the middle of the work week, there is little hump today, perhaps only a slight bump.  This day could best be used to plan our projects and consider what activities we wish to engage.  Not a day for committed implementation, but rather a day for investigation, exploration, testing the waters without diving into the deep end.  It’s often hard for us not to be actively engaged, but it would be suggested we put the brakes on too much execution today.  We might not have enough gas in our tank today for persistent involvement or long-term engagement.

Thursday, October 17th – Here, There, Everywhere – Jupiter, Lunar Grand Cross, Mars, Aries Full Moon, Sun, Pluto, Venus, Venus Sagittarius.  Thursday has the Aries Moon sextile Jupiter, and the Moon triggering a Cardinal Grand Cross with the Aries Full Moon as the Moon opposes the Libra Sun [7:26 AM EDT], the Moon squares Mars in Cancer, and the Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn.  Later in the day, the Moon exits Aries to enter Taurus.  Venus sextiles Pluto before Venus exits Scorpio to enter Sagittarius [3:28 PM EDT].  Hopefully, we used Wednesday to catch our breath after Tuesday’s high energy day and before today’s highly active day.  This day is largely influenced by the Full Moon, and we need to be wary that we don’t put too much on our plate or take extreme actions.  We may have the tendency to be here, there, and everywhere and with the intention of pushing the envelope to utter extremes.  Someone could assist us in focusing, suggesting that we concentrate on the truly important and not get caught up in trying to prove ourselves by taking on too much or doing too much, much of which might only have us spinning our wheels.  Caution and considered action are suggested for this day; otherwise, we could find ourselves trapped in a whirlwind of activity.  Venus entering Sagittarius can lighten up our relationships, which might have been tainted by possessiveness, jealousy, and scathing judgments over the past three weeks.  Now, our relationships can be upbeat with us far more interested in those people whose experiences are foreign to our own. We have gained some Fire, thanks to Venus entering the Mutable Fire Sign.

Friday, October 18th – Smarter, Not Harder – Mercury, Saturn.  Friday has the Taurus Moon opposed Mercury to begin the day, and the Moon sextile Saturn to end the day.  Tuesday and Thursday of this week may have seemed like high intensity days, the other days more like a lull.  Friday continues this week’s roller coaster ride of ups and downs, fast acceleration and slow going.  We might feel blocked on this Friday, needing to deal with obligatory responsibilities but questioning whether we have the resources to accomplish our plans.  It is important that we keep in mind, and especially during these times of paradigm shift, the proverb: “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”  We may need to tie up loose ends before the weekend, but we are likely to be far more effective in doing so if we would work smarter rather than harder.  Even if we do not have the necessary materials at hand to achieve our tasks, let’s keep in mind that during this paradigm shift we are co-creators with the universe unfolding and not the sole arbiters of how things are to work out.  Tuesday might have given us indications of unexpected developments greasing our wheels and assisting our engagements.  If we would avoid a narrow focus or a stubborn inclination to do our activities solely in accord with our will and our self-focused determination, things could develop far easier.  The universe does work.  By aligning ourselves with the universal unfolding, things can progress smoothly and easily.  The more that we attend to today, the cleaner our slate would be for our weekend.  The evening hours might be a pleasant time with family and friends and enjoying entertainment venues.

Saturday, October 19th – Do You Believe in Magic – Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Moon Void-of-Course, Venus.  Saturday continues with the Taurus Moon with the Moon today sextile Mars in Cancer, the Moon conjunct Uranus, the Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces, and the Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for half an hour with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Taurus and before the Moon moves into Gemini where today the Gemini Moon opposes Venus.  The three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are engaged, as they have been over recent months.  This day could have some surprising incidents.  During this paradigm shift, it is essential that we heed the signals, not get in our own way, and align with the energies unfolding.  As the saying goes: “God and the higher forces have far greater plans for us than we could imagine for ourselves.”  If we would have a blank slate for this Saturday, we might discover interesting opportunities for us to engage.  Let’s take care of what we need to do regarding our obligations and then use this day to branch out and explore possibilities for our future engagements.  We may even stumble across some prospects that truly thrill us and that we could get involved with in the future.   We need to watch for naysayers in the evening hours who might want to rain on our hopes and wishes.  Any relationship issues tonight could bleed into our Sunday.  It would be better for us to address at the time any misunderstandings or differences of opinion, rather than bringing them into tomorrow.

Sunday, October 20th – Get Off of My Cloud – Saturn.  Sunday has the Gemini Moon square Saturn.  The roller coaster of highly active days and low energy days continues this Sunday.  Not only may we be slow starting as we begin our Sunday, we might feel depleted and discouraged.  If any hiccups occurred with our relationships last evening that were not immediately resolved, we could be nursing our wounds on this Sunday.  Let’s not allow anyone to rain on our parade.  Each of us has their own journey, their individual path through this life experience.  Our choices might not always be the best, but there are truly no mistakes, only lessons to be learned.  Today is a day for us to slow things down, limit our involvements, and concentrate on the most meaningful.  We might choose some alone time for ourselves or get out of ourselves and enjoy uplifting and creative entertainment performances.  Less may be more today, and this can be a good day for self-care and self-healing.