September 23rd – 29th, 2024

The astrology for this week of September 23rd through the 29th of 2024 gives us the mental wherewithal to devise the most expeditious means to accomplish our goals, all the while that we are concentrating on the truly significant.

Before Mercury exits its own Sign of Virgo on Thursday to enter Libra, Mercury triggers an Earth Grand Trine with Mercury trine Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday and Mercury trine Pluto on Thursday.  Mercury opposes Neptune on Wednesday.  All three of the transcendental planets are engaged by Mercury this week with Mercury triggering a kite pattern chart.

The early part of the week can be highly productive regarding brainstorming, budgeting, contemplating strategies, and determining a best practices approach to achieve successful results.  We just need to avoid unnecessary distractions or diversions as we start the week.

If we would put the pedal to the metal between Tuesday and Thursday, not only could we be pleased with how our endeavors are working out, we might also clear the table to begin the weekend early on Friday for a fun and highly creative, romance-filled weekend.

This is a week not to be lost to the frivolous until the weekend when we are primed for good times with good friends.

Monday, September 23rd – Grousing Won’t Help – Saturn, Jupiter.  Monday begins this week with the Moon in Gemini and the Gemini Moon square Saturn early in the day, and the Moon conjunct Jupiter later in the day.  Any hiccups in our relationships on this past Sunday when Venus squared Pluto before Venus exited its own Sign of Libra to enter Scorpio, a Sign of Detriment for Venus, could have us feeling depressed or slighted by our relationships.  It might be hard going for us to start our Monday and our week.  Delays and frustrations might seem to dog our every move.  Let’s avoid any pity party or feeling sorry for ourselves.  Any issues with relationships may reflect people’s anxieties and concerns that might be more focused on other matters than our relationships, but significant connections often serve as safe harbors to vent our frustrations over issues that have no bearing on the personal connection.  We may be slow going to begin the day, but the evening hours lighten up.  The water may be under the bridge regarding any relationship hiccup, and we could be feeling far more upbeat, looking confidently towards our future with the affirmation of ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’.

Tuesday, September 24th – Listening to the Muse – Lunar T-Square, Mercury, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Venus, Sun, Uranus.  Tuesday begins with the Moon finishing its transit of Gemini with the Moon today triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Gemini Moon square Mercury in Virgo and the Moon square Neptune in Pisces.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for three hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Gemini and before the Moon enters Cancer where today the Cancer Moon trines Venus and the Moon squares the Sun.  Mercury begins its Earth Grand Trine with Mercury today trine Uranus in Taurus.  On Thursday, Mercury will trine Pluto in Capricorn to complete the Grand Trine configuration.  Similar to yesterday, the early morning hours could be hard going, although today we could be caroming between what we need to do and what we can avoid doing, all with a sense of heightened anxiety and a liability of spinning our wheels.  As the day proceeds, our anxiety can lessen, and we may fully engage our mind with certain insights making us aware of options as to how we could be doing things that we might not have considered.  Insights and sudden ‘ah-ha’ moments begin a three-day surge of high productivity when we could accomplish a great deal as if our efforts are being propelled forward with help from the universe.  We are, after all, in the midst of a paradigm shift that is moving us out of linear reality into asequential reality when things may occur in the most inexplicable ways.

Wednesday, September 25th – Visionary Foresight with Attention to Detail – Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune.  Wednesday has the Cancer Moon conjunct Mars and the Moon trine Saturn.  Mercury opposes Neptune.  If we would take the time to strategize our moves today, drawing both upon our rational analysis and our intuitive sense, we can devise the best approach to realize our goals.  This three-day period between yesterday, today, and tomorrow, is a time when we could determine a strong and most efficient plan of action to achieve our long-term goals.  No ‘rushing the river’ right now, for we need time to consider all possibilities and to be open to receive signs from the universe.  Once we decide our best approach, we can be gung-ho to move forward with our plans.  During this paradigm shift, however, it is essential that we make our plans in pencil with a large eraser, for our projected trajectory may shift and change as we go along, and it will be important for us to be flexible and willing to adapt and alter according to changing circumstance and conditions.  With the three transcendental planets engaged with Mercury these three days, it would be wise for us to draw upon the insights and signals from the universe in order to ease our way and have us operate at our optimum.  The lesson for each of us is to realize that we do not have to do it all but rather to understand that we are co-creators with the universe unfolding.

Thursday, September 26th – Changes All Around – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury, Mercury Libra.  Thursday has the Moon finishing is transit of Cancer with the Cancer Moon today sextile Uranus, the Moon trine Neptune, and the Moon opposed Pluto.  The Moon then goes into Leo where the Moon in the evening sextiles Mercury, which earlier in the day exited its own Sign of Virgo and Mercury entered Libra [4:09 AM EDT].  Prior to Mercury exiting Virgo, Mercury completed its three-day Earth Grand Trine with Mercury today trine Pluto.  The three transcendental planets are engaged, both by the Moon’s connections to the three today and by Mercury completing its Earth Grand Trine.  Late in the day, we might seek a break from our intense and industrious phase and spend time with a special someone.  Increasingly, we may gain greater appreciation that we can get great assistance from the universal energies and that we do not have to do it all.  In looking back over the past three days we could see how many things seemed to fall neatly into place and that certain matters took less time or effort than we had encountered previously.  The more attuned to the energies and the signs along the way, the easier our journey is likely to be.  We just need to be receptive to the signals and avoid getting in our own way.  This evening through Saturday is geared for good times with good friends.

Friday, September 27th – Slow it Down – Sun, Venus.  Friday has the Leo Moon sextile the Sun and the Moon square Venus, both energy configurations in the early morning hours.  We might have plans with someone today, but we might also realize the costs too high.  Let’s keep things simple today, enjoy activities that do not cost a great deal, and give ourselves time to enjoy ourselves.  We may have been highly productive over the past few days and might believe we deserve a treat.  If we go for the treats, it would be wise to keep our expenses down.  As I often suggest, ‘living simply is not simply living’.  We can find fun adventures that do not cost an arm and a leg.  The inflationary spiral we have been experiencing seemed to trigger rising costs in virtually everything.  Time spent with someone is special, no matter how or where we engage them.  The main thing is quality time with someone, the actual activity secondary.  If we can step away from our routine activities today and tomorrow, it would be wise to do so.  Tuesday through Thursday could have had us with nose to grindstone, and Sunday may have us back at it.  Today and tomorrow are primo days just to enjoy oneself and the simple pleasures of doing life.

Saturday, September 28th – Good Times Come with a Cost – Jupiter, Uranus.  Saturday continues with the Leo Moon with the Moon sextile Jupiter to begin the day and the Moon square Uranus to end the day.  We could be gung-ho as we start this Saturday.  We might feel that the world is our oyster and excited by going on grand adventures today.  Exuberance and fun events can reinvigorate us with a sense of ‘the more, the merrier’.  We may be far more interested in participating in one thing after another after another rather than a singular focus on one activity.  Any extreme behavior could have severe consequences for our back and physical structure.  Let’s avoid extreme sports and remind ourselves to act our age.  Although unlikely, it would be wise for us to keep track of our expenses.  As the saying goes: “if you dance to the music, you have to pay to the piper”.  And so it might be for us with expenses having ratcheted up unexpectedly during the day with a realization of budget busting as we come into the evening hours.  A blowout of good times with good friends is occasionally necessary, and this Saturday could be one of those times. 

Sunday, September 29th – Clean Up, Clean Up – Venus.  Sunday has the Moon moving into Virgo early in the day and the Moon sextile Venus late in the day.  If we blew ourselves out yesterday by having too good a time, healing and rest might be called for on this Sunday.  Going from the intensity during the week of nose to grindstone and then to Friday and especially Saturday’s search for fun and adventure, we might have gone from one extreme to another and in the process wiped ourselves out.  This Sunday would be a day to pick up the pieces, both literally and figuratively.  If we need a massage to release the tension we’ve taken into our body or need some alone time to regroup and recharge, this Sunday is a day to do so.  This would also be a day to clean up around our environment, straighten up, and do a good clear out of unwanted items.  The evening hours could be pleasantly spent with a special someone without all the hoopla of fun events and attractions, just quality time with a special someone.