July 15th – 21st, 2024

Although I had written much of the content for my weekly forecast for July 15th through the 24th by early Saturday, my wife insisted I address the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump on late Saturday.  If you read my indications in my summer newsletter for the presidential ticket nominations for the Republicans in July and the Democrats in August, you saw my insistence on the Vice-Presidential nominees and my concern for whoever is inaugurated President in 2025 due to the Sun Pluto conjunction both opposed by Mars indicating possible assassination attempts of the President.  Although I want to see what the tickets for President and Vice-President would be for the Republicans in July and after the free-for-fall indicated for the Democrat National Convention in August before making my definitive forecast of the US Presidential Election, it was my initial inclination that Trump would win due to his liability to an assassination attempt, an inclination reinforced by Saturday’s events. 

Crazy times in which we live! Now on to the week ahead.

The astrology for this week of July 15th through the 21st of 2024 could have us in overdrive with a tendency for us to push the envelope and go for broke.

The week begins with us needing to be CAUTIOUS.  The liability of recklessness in our movements, in our expenditures, and in our attitude might wreak havoc for the rest of the week.

If we can take time off from our regular routine, that might be the best course of action.  This is a good time for us to take a vacation or staycation.

Although we often think of August as traditionally the summer holiday month, this August has Mercury retrograde and August has also seen the autumn activities creeping into August with college orientations and school openings. 

This week and next week are primo periods for our getting off the track and taking time for ourselves.

The mid-week of this week could have us spreading our wings whether we take off out of Dodge, or we expand our reach with stay-at-home activities.  We may want to shake things up, so it would be suggested we do so in whatever ways by which we can add a little spice and variety to our lives.

The weekend could be a highly active time.  Mars exits Taurus to enter Gemini, and we have the Capricorn Full Moon prior to Monday’s transit of the Sun from Cancer into Leo.  One of my least favorite energy configurations, Mercury square Uranus, plays out under the Full Moon combined with Mars trine Pluto.

The weekend calls for, might even demand, that we be judicious in our decisions and our actions, have itinerary in hand and contingency plans in mind.

All in all, this week is a good time for us to step off the track of our familiarity and stretch into doing things that are different and exciting.

Summer comes but once a year.

Monday, July 15th – Spontaneity – Mars, Uranus.  Monday starts the week with the Moon continuing its transit of Scorpio but with the Scorpio Moon making no connections to the planets today.  Mars conjuncts Uranus. There may not be a great deal of energy today, except for sudden and unanticipated blips on the screen.  This is a day when plans may go out the window, as unexpected developments demand immediate attention.  This Monday calls for us to be aware, mindful, and open to altering our plans in accord with changing circumstance.  Although spontaneity may be called for, we do need to keep grounded, focused, and not get carried away by the sudden shifts and turns.  If we are impetuous or rash in our actions, we could become prone to accidents.  We are liable to make impulse purchases today, so let’s hang onto any receipts in case buyer’s remorse sets in after the initial frenzy of purchase.  Today would be far better for us to consider letting go with eliminations of the outmoded and to encourage streamlining operations to be more effective with less expenditure of energy rather than engaging in the pursuit of more accumulations.  This is a day for us to slow down and not move too fast.

Tuesday, July 16th – Pay to the Piper – Lunar Grand Trine, Saturn, Sun, Neptune, Lunar T-Square, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto.  Tuesday has the Moon continuing its transit of Scorpio with the Moon triggering both a Water Sign Grand Trine and a Fixed Sign T-Square.  The Scorpio Moon trines both Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces, and the Moon trines the Sun in Cancer.  The Moon creates a Kite pattern chart with the Moon opposed both Mars and Uranus both in Taurus with the two Taurus planets in orb of a sextile to the Sun in Cancer and in orb of a sextile to Neptune.  The Scorpio Moon squares Mercury in Leo and opposes the two Taurus transiting planets of Mars and Uranus to create a Fixed Sign T-Square.  After the Moon trines Neptune, the Moon goes Void-of-Course for fifteen minutes with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit pf Scorpio and before the Moon enters Sagittarius late in the day with the Sagittarius Moon trine Pluto to end the day.  There is an age-old saying that ‘if you dance to the music, you must pay to the piper’.  That sentiment would certainly seem to play out on this Tuesday, which could be a rather paradoxical day with its consequences dependent on the music to which we wish to dance.  If we are caught up in yesterday’s energy of rash and impetuous behavior, we might act like the proverbial bull in a china shop banging and crashing about with a tendency to aggressively push forward our intentions, the consequences be damned but with the possibility of a humbling pushback.  If, on the contrary, we accept a more passive approach, intuit what is going on and proceed mindfully, then we may find that things unfold neatly as if on greased wheels.  The key to this day is to keep out of our own way, not attempt to force matters according to our will, but to be attuned to the conditions and work with the most expeditious means to accomplish our goals.  This Tuesday might prove an interesting case of either / or, either being pig-headed and aggressively acting out or being aware of the circumstances and adapting our actions to be more effective.  A lightening of the energies occurs as we end the day.

Wednesday, July 17th – Too Much of a Good Thing – Venus, Jupiter.  Wednesday has the Sagittarius Moon trine Venus to begin the day, and the Moon opposed Jupiter to end the day.  The two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm are engaged today.  The day may start off pleasantly enough.  Our creative juices can be flowing, and we could assume an upbeat attitude all with the sense of going for the gold with an intention of being successful in whatever we choose to do.  While the early part of the day might seem like a gift from the gods, we need to be wary that it doesn’t engender a self-importance and arrogance that we can do no wrong.  Although ‘moderation in all things’ is a wise suggestion for all the ages, it may be an attitude we dismiss today as everything seems to go our way.  Things could come easily for us on this Wednesday, perhaps too easily, and therein lies a problem.  The latter part of the day can have us taking on too much, trying to do too much, or lording our accomplishments over other people.  Let’s enjoy the energies of this day without going to excess.  It’s always wise to keep in mind that during this time of paradigm shift with its volatile swings, things can change dramatically and suddenly with hardly a moment’s notice.  Let’s enjoy the good times without getting seduced into believing that they will last forever.

Thursday, July 18th – Turn, Turn, Turn – Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Uranus.  Thursday continues with the Sagittarius Moon with the Moon today square Saturn to begin the day, and the Moon trine Mercury later in the day.  The Sun sextiles Uranus.  Thursday may start with us feeling encumbered by our responsibilities.  What we need to address might be staring us in the face.  But as the saying goes: ‘necessity is the mother of invention’.  This is a day for us to think outside the box, consider alternative means to deal with our obligations, and bring closure to outstanding matters that continue to haunt us.  We do not want to be weighed down by past issues.  It is far better for us to clean up our messes and clear out entanglements that keep us from moving forward.  If we deal with bothersome issues early in the day, even if we grunt and groan in doing so, we can feel a great relief later in the day with a sense that we can now focus more on what we want to do rather than being restricted by what we need to do.  This Thursday is a day for us to free ourselves from those situations that have hindered us from engaging new trajectories and developing new interests.

Friday, July 19th – Second Guessing – Neptune.  Friday has the Moon finishing its transit of Sagittarius with the Sagittarius Moon square Neptune in the early morning hours before the Moon moves into Capricorn.  The Capricorn Moon makes no connections to the planets today.  Whenever we try something different, engage something new, we often question whether our choices and our approaches are appropriate and in the right direction. We wonder whether we are going down a long and winding road that only leads us to a dead end.  Such second guessing could go on as we start this Friday.  We might wonder whether we should reengage past patterns and familiar behavior, or whether we are on the threshold of the new and exciting.  One of the beauties of stepping off the track from our routine, which the summer season often affords, is the ability to break free of the habitual, take a breather, get a fresh perspective, and consider where we have been and where we choose to be going.  There is no need for us to re-create our past.  We’ve been there and done that.  The paradigm shift we are going through may be turbulent and tumultuous at times but also provides an opportunity for us to make significant changes to how we are doing life.  We may second guess radical alterations to our daily patterns, but we are living during dynamic times that call for drastic measures that support the life-affirming.  Once we are done with our self-questioning, we can get in gear of proceeding with new activities and new involvements.

Saturday, July 20th – Finishing Touches – Saturn, Mars, Neptune, Mars Gemini.  Saturday continues with the Capricorn Moon with the Moon today sextile Saturn.  Mars sextiles Neptune, and shortly after its aspect to Neptune, Mars exits Taurus to enter Gemini [4:43 PM EDT].  This is a day for us to spend time with home and family matters.  If we are traveling, let’s use this day for special moments with those people with whom we are journeying.  If we are at home, this day is a time for us to attend to straightening and fixing up.  The energy shifts significantly when Mars exits Taurus to enter Gemini.  We might have had a more plodding, step-by-step approach over the past six weeks as Mars was transiting Taurus, a Sign of Detriment for Mars where Mars is uncomfortable and its vibrant energy muted.  With Mars now in the Mutable Air Sign we can shift into a more active, although sporadic, behavioral mode.  Our nerves may be ratcheted up and many of us might have a case of going from one thing to another to yet another, feeling like we’re being impelled to sample briefly rather than committed involvement.  We will need to watch our driving while Mars is in Gemini, for we could have a tendency to put our pedal to the metal and drive faster than the speed limit would allow.  Recklessness is a liability with the Mars Gemini influence.

Sunday, July 21st – Determined Despite Curveballs – Uranus, Full Moon, Sun, Neptune, Mars, Pluto, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury.  Sunday begins with the Capricorn Moon trine Uranus, the Moon opposed the Sun at the Capricorn Full Moon [6:17 AM EDT], and the Capricorn Moon sextile Neptune.  The Moon then enters Aquarius where today the Aquarius Moon trines Mars and the Moon conjuncts Pluto.  Venus sextiles Jupiter, Mercury squares Uranus, the Sun trines Neptune, and Mars trines Pluto.  Talk about one action-packed day.  It seems like everything but the kitchen sink is being thrown at us on this Sunday.  The Sun is right on the cusp of Cancer Leo with the Sun entering Leo on Monday.  The three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are engaged.  The two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, are in harmonious alignment.  Mars and its higher octave of Pluto are connected giving greater force to whatever we do.  And one of my least favorite aspects, the Mercury Uranus square, is in play.  We need to maintain a handle around this Full Moon.  While the will is there to proceed assertively forward, we need to pay attention to any curveballs or unexpected developments that could knock us off track.  This is a time when it is important that we be mindful, maintain awareness, and be willing to shift and change if conditions necessitate.  This is one of those days when the energy is ratcheted up and we need to be cautious and vigilant in whatever we do and where we place ourselves.  If we are alert and willing to shift and change as conditions warrant, we could be operating on overdrive and highly effective today.  Otherwise, we are liable to find ourselves on overwhelm and impacted by unanticipated disruptions.