Spring 2025

The Sun exits Pisces and enters Aries on March the 20th [5:01 AM EDT], beginning the spring season and ushering in a new astrological year.

With the Sun triggering a Cardinal Fire Stellium with the Sun joining Venus and Mercury in Aries, we could be fast out of the gate looking to put our personal mark on anything and everything we choose to engage.  We may be a little much for some people, but why should we care, when we’re feeling the buzz of springtime and a thrust of energy to get moving, broaden our expanse, and initiate new activities.  Let’s keep in mind that two of the three Aries-transiting planets, Mercury and Venus, are retrograde with Venus retrograding through a Sign of Detriment for Venus.

We may have a spark but might not be firing on all cylinders.

This early spring period has us focused on the truly meaningful in our relationships, our endeavors, and our plans for our future.  The Aries-transiting planets sextile Pluto.  We can pare down the irrelevant and superfluous and concentrate on what we believe serves us real purpose.

Venus sextiles Pluto on the 21st of March.  We are more interested in connections that could help us achieve our goals, enhance our image, and gain social acceptance.  We are likely to go through our contact list and determine who can assist us in moving ahead in contrast to those people who drag us down with their neediness, dysfunctionality, and negativity.

The Sun conjuncts Venus on the 22nd.  A spring personal makeover may be in order, as we look to polish our appearance and present ourselves with style and personal flair.

On March 23rd, the Sun sextiles Pluto.  We are ready to take on the world, committed to realizing our goals and with a persistence that may seem unyielding.  This is a time for us to forge ahead assertively whether with those who could assist us or by ourselves.  We are unlikely to pay naysayers heed, but we do need to avoid impetuous actions whereby we assume that what we want we can have.  The liability of this early springtime is any tendency for us to put on blinders, negate external input and march forward with powerful intent but few strategic considerations to guide our actions.  We might have the brawn to assertively advance, but it would be wise to use our brains in strategizing our moves.

The Sun conjuncts Mercury on the 24th.  There was a childhood game of one upmanship with the tag line of: “I’m the king of the castle, and you’re the dirty rascal”.  Such sentiment could be in our thought processes now.  Arrogance and narcissism can be in play, as we see, think, and hear only what we want.  We’re not interested in anything other than what we want.  If we take that attitude of self-absorption, we might be setting ourselves up for a nasty fall, a fall that might be indicated with the Sign changes a few days hence.

The Aries-transiting planets sextile Pluto end with Mercury sextile Pluto on the 25th of March.  Our mind can be sharp and focused, forensic-like, with our thoughts unassailable.  We might feel that we have all the knowledge and understanding we need to accomplish our goals.  Our speech can be commanding, brook no interference and tolerate no dissent. 

The energy changes most dramatically from the 27th on.  Both Venus and Mercury exit Aries and retrograde back into Pisces.  The Aries Stellium of three planets ends as only the Sun remains in the Cardinal Fire Sign. 

We might feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under us.  Like the Texas two-step of one step forward, two steps back, we could sense much of the exuberance and enthusiasm initially felt with the Vernal Equinox dissipated with us facing losses, regrets, and anxiety-provoking concerns.

On March 27th Venus exits Aries, a Sign of Detriment for Venus, and retrogrades back into Pisces [4:41 AM EDT], a Sign of Exaltation for Venus, with Venus conjunct Neptune.  In an either-or situation, we could either feel great compassion and a spiritual awakening or deep sadness and a belief in a dystopian future.

March 29th has the Aries New Moon, a Solar Eclipse as the Sun conjuncts the Moon [6:58 AM EDT].  Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces [10:18 PM EDT], a Sign of Detriment for Mercury, where our thinking loses its reasoning ability and critical analysis, replaced instead by emotional and subjective responses with a liability of sloppy thinking, a liability enhanced by Mercury conjunct Neptune on the 29th.

As Venus and Mercury retrograde back into Pisces, they do so through the third decanate of Pisces [Scorpio] with the possibility of elimination and loss.  They also join Saturn in Pisces triggering a Mutable Water Sign Stellium.

The bloom may seem to come off the rose during this latter part of March but can also serve as whittling away excess and forcing us back upon our spiritual resources.

The 30th of March has a major Sign change as Neptune ends its fourteen-year transit through its own Sign of Pisces.  When Neptune turns retrograde, it will return to Pisces in the mid-autumn through January of 2026.  Then Neptune will transit through Aries for thirteen years until 2039.

Neptune in Pisces has offered us the opportunity to engage our spiritual nature, awaken our consciousness, become aware of dimensions beyond our mundane reality, and be mindful of the law of karma.

With Neptune in Aries, to be followed by Saturn exiting Pisces to enter Aries in two months, our focus can turn to engaging spirit in action with a focus on our independence, courage, and new beginnings.  As we decipher a new sense of our being, we can feel confused about who we are.  But I always say that confusion is the starting point of wisdom. 

Despite the heavy dose of Water as we come into April with the three planets in Pisces and Mars in Cancer, early April can be a time when we blend old and new or could build new trajectories on solid ground.

The 4th of April is one high energy day with Saturn sextile Uranus, Mars sextile Uranus, and Mars trine Saturn.  This day and this weekend allow us to sort through what we’re involved with, determine how to streamline our operations, and draw upon new technologies or innovative ways to accomplish our goals.  We may be highly impassioned with whatever we are doing, but let’s keep in mind that in this paradigm shift we are co-creators with the universe to find the best approach and the right direction by which to pursue our endeavors.  Magical moments are increasingly evident.

This first weekend in April would be a time for us to get our house in order.  The Saturn trine Mars on Friday the 4th is followed by Mars trine Venus on Sunday the 6th, the same day that the Sun trines Jupiter.

We may feel a sense of adventure and spontaneity impelling us to venture forward into new terrain.  Nothing is off the table, everything a possibility.

Although we may be ridding ourselves of the extraneous, we are also likely feathering our nest, making our home environment more comfortable and creating more of a personal sanctuary for ourselves.  Even if we are concentrating on fixups and spring projects around our home, our home becomes ever more inviting with less maintenance required.  We can unencumber ourselves with those things that have been a heavy weight on us.  Perhaps we are thinking smarter and making things easier for ourselves.

If we used Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th as a time to tidy up and get our house in order, we could use Sunday the 6th as a day to enjoy ourselves, whether we go out on some recreational adventure or invite folks over to enjoy the comforts of our straightened home. 

April 6th has the Sun sextile Jupiter and Venus trine Mars.  We are likely in a ‘feel good’ mood, engaging the company of other people, enjoying ourselves and savoring our accomplishments of the past two days.  We may feel as if we have gotten a second wind, created something of a blank slate on which to draw new involvements and ready to initiate exciting springtime projects.

Mercury ends it three-week retrograde cycle on the 7th of April [7:08 AM EDT], the same day that Venus conjuncts Saturn.  Whenever Mercury turns direction, whether from direct to retrograde or retrograde to direct motion, things can get squirrely until we adjust to the change in the rhythm and pace.  With the three planet Stellium in Pisces highlighted, we may be considering what we need to get rid of, all the while that we are liable to be taking a walk down Memory Lane.  Past connections and earlier incidents can come to mind, and the question may be whether we are willing to disengage from past encumbrances or if we’ll drag them along with us.

Old and new may be in play on the 7th and 8th, with reconnections on the 7th reminding us of where we have been, with whom we have been there, and our sense of ourselves at earlier times.  We might be looking back on the 7th, but with Venus sextile Uranus on the 8th we could experience serendipitous encounters with the thrilling and the exciting lighting our way to alternatives we may not have considered.  We can draw upon our experiences as we adjust to new conditions and circumstance.

The Libra Full Moon on the 12th of April when the Moon opposes the Sun [8:22 PM EDT] has Libra-ruling Venus turning direct [9:02 PM EDT].  This Full Moon triggers a T-Square in the Cardinal Signs as both the Sun and Moon are in orb of a square to Mars.  The conundrum of concentrations on me, you, we, or a combination of the three highlights relationships with considerations of the familiar compared to limitless possibilities.  Infatuations and flirtations are one thing, acting on them are another and could spoil solid connections.   Initial impressions can be thrilling, but what one sees might not be what one gets.  We may be impetuous, but it would be wise for us to gauge long-term implications and even unintended consequences of our behavior and our actions.

The 16th of April has Mercury exiting Pisces, a Sign of Detriment for Mercury where our thinking becomes highly emotional with a liability of thinking from our heart rather than from our head.  With Mercury entering Aries [2:25 AM EDT], the Stellium in Pisces ends, and a Stellium in Aries begins as Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in the Cardinal Fire Sign.  Our concerns may now become increasingly more about our personal desires than our compassion which could have been tending towards maudlin sentimentality.

With Mercury conjunct Neptune on the 17th, our intuitive sense could be heightened with us being highly attuned to whatever is going on.  Since we are focused more on our personal interests, we are less likely to get snookered by the hype, appeals to our emotions, or our sensitivity.  Not that we are liable to be harsh and demanding, but we are looking out for our own individual concerns. 

Mars exits Cancer, a Sign of Fall for the martial energy, which Mars has been transiting since early January, on April 18th [12:21 AM EDT] and enters the Fixed Fire Sign of Leo where the martial energy has its fans flamed.  Not that we have been necessarily passive since the beginning of the year, but we are getting a thrust of energy and a desire to engage situations that allow us to express our creative talents and put our personal mark on anything that we’re doing.

On April 19th, the Sun exits Aries to enter Taurus [3:56 PM EDT], and Mars trines Neptune.  Although the Aries Stellium of three planets ends, the Sun in Taurus tempers our impetuous nature and provides a more systematic, even plodding, approach.  The Mars trine Neptune gives us a thrust to put spirit into action.  We may feel divinely guided as to where and how to put our best foot forward.  Love is in the air this weekend with each of us feeling at our optimum.  Personal makeovers and wardrobe additions can have us spicing up our image with assured panache.  We’re looking good, feeling good on this Easter weekend.

Easter Sunday on the 20th of April could have us feeling at the top of our game.  Venus sextiles Uranus, Mercury sextiles Pluto, and the day ends with the Sun square Mars.  Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus the Christ on Easter Sunday.  For us, with these astrological energies influencing us, we might also feel a personal resurrection from all the difficulties we may have faced over the past few years.  Our ascension can be an ascension in consciousness with a greater awareness regarding what is truly going on.  We could feel less reactive to the appearances, narrative, and commentary on what is occurring, and we may have a greater sense of the magic and miracles of these times of paradigm shift.

We can be privy to mini miracles, one of which might be serendipitous encounters where we meet someone with whom we have an immediate, almost otherworldly rapport.  Our insights can be remarkable as we pierce the veil of Maya, dispel the distractions and illusions, to see what is truly going on.  It might seem on this Easter Sunday that we are drawing back the curtain of our mundane reality to expose the substance behind the appearance and realize that the dimensions are a great deal thinner than they ever have been with our awareness enhanced and our vision clear and penetrating.

Life seems far easier in concept than in practical reality.  Evidence of which might be apparent on the 23rd of April when the Sun squares Pluto.  With the Sun and Pluto both in Fixed Signs, we may sense that no matter how determined or committed we are, things are taking longer with resistance to our pushing forward with our planned actions.  Patience is called for, and with the recognition that there are times when delays and frustrations are often a blessing in disguise, either by prolonging our involvement until ‘right timing’ greases the wheels or by having us tweaking our methods and even our trajectory to make it flawless and highly accomplished.

The 24th of April with Venus conjunct Saturn could trigger a make or break in our relationships.  Some people may solidify their commitment to their special someone; other people might decide that a relationship has lived its purpose and choose to move on.  Certain old connections may have to transform or be relegated to our past. 

The sentiment of ‘adapt or die’ is one for us to engage during this paradigm shift.  Anyone assuming that there will be a return to ‘normality’ is sadly illusional and may be sorely disappointed.  Getting with the program is a necessity both to cope with the turbulence and volatility of these times and to be open to the dynamic and exciting alterations of asequential reality where things occur in the most unexpected manner, often with seeming little, if any, rhyme, or reason.

For a society that has largely become narcissistic, entitled, and disconnected from the ways of nature, the transition from being in control of life’s circumstance [as if we ever truly were] to being attentive to the shifts and changes and adapting to them is a large order and demands the embrace of the Taoist affirmation: ‘bend like a reed or break like an oak’.

For those unable to bend, the 26th of April could prove explosive with Mars opposed Pluto.  The energy can be intense with explosions, implosions, and all forms of acting out.  Like a volcano percolating below the surface, the magma can roil and boil and without the necessary steam vents to release the energy the volcano can either explode or implode falling down into itself.  The analogy is one to consider, for many people’s anger level could be off the charts.  The seething anger and rage can trigger outbursts or intense strains on the heart.  It is essential that we find ourselves healthy ways in which to vent our anger, disappointments, frustrations, and sense of disempowerments.

This energy of intensity might seem the initial thrusts of springtime but are largely heightened by the Taurus New Moon on the 27th of April when the Moon conjuncts the Sun [3:31 PM EDT].  This New Moon in the Fixed Earth Sign triggers by orb a Fixed Sign T-Square with the Taurus Sun Moon conjunction square Mars in Leo and square Pluto in Aquarius with the Mars Pluto opposition still in effect. 

A New Moon configuration influences and impacts the next two weeks up to the Full Moon, in this instance the Scorpio Full Moon on the 12th of May.  Under this energy configuration of the Taurus New Moon, we should fasten our seat belt, exercise anger management, and maintain calm no matter how intense and explosive these two weeks might prove to be.

The 30th of April has Venus exiting Pisces to re-enter Aries, a Sign of Detriment for Venus when the planet of love and partnership loses its interest in collaboration and concern for the ‘other’ and instead becomes self-focused to the point of being self-absorbed.  With many people feeling an itch under their skin and ready to burst out without a moment’s notice, we may feel that we’re walking on eggshells with our relationships.  And we might not care, since now is a time when it’s all about the individual ‘me’.  Connections might suffer with some people questioning their relationship in their mind or even verbally: “what have you done for me lately?”

We enter May with a primary concentration on the individual self.  We are far more interested in what is going on with our personal selves than what may be happening for anyone else.  Other people might seem more like collateral additions or damage and somewhat inconsequential to our major concerns, which all revolve around oneself.

The liability of extreme narcissism could be strong in early May with Venus conjunct Neptune on the 2nd of May.  Relationships can be idyllic, except for the fact that the most appealing, enthralling, and seductive relationship is the one with oneself.  We might feel as though we are God’s gift to the world, and that anyone is blessed to be drawn into our aura of sublime physical perfection. 

Self-indulgences with appearance might be shattered on the 4th of May when Pluto turns retrograde.  Whenever Pluto turns direction, whether from direct to retrograde or from retrograde to direct motion, the liability of explosions and implosions is ratcheted up.  We often witness bomb blasts, warlike activities, and people acting out at such times.  This day and the surrounding days would be time for us to be cautious as to where we place ourselves.

Some of our future plans may have to be put on hold as we are drawn to deal with the details and specifics of our present involvements. 

With the intensity of these times, it is essential that we be mindful, aware, and cautious.  Let’s try to avoid any rush to judgment since what we see or hear may not be the reality of the situation.  As the saying goes: “life’s too mysterious, don’t take it serious.”

An attitude of bemusement at humanity’s foibles is necessary. 

The 5th of May, Cinco de Mayo, when many of us enjoy a Dos Equis, chips with guacamole, and a burrito [unless tariffs have made them all prohibitive], has Mercury sextile Jupiter.  While we might prefer to have gone away, out of Dodge, and enjoy some tropical paradise, we are likely to be in a good mood, optimistic, and enjoying ourselves.  Social gatherings at this time would be fun events and certainly an atmosphere of partying seems prevalent.

Venus sextiles Pluto on the 6th of May making for what could be a magical encounter with someone.  A depth of connection and a feeling of syntony might be strong with someone we encounter.  Our relationships now can seem deep and heartfelt.  We’re looking beyond surface appearance and feeling like we’re connecting on a soul level.

Mercury exits Aries and enters Taurus on the 10th of May [8:15 AM EDT].  As it does so, Mercury ends the Stellium in Aries and triggers a Stellium in Taurus as Mercury joins the Sun and Uranus in the Fixed Earth Sign.  Impetuous thoughts that might have given way to rash actions become diminished as practicality and patience take its place.  We are concerned about our security, what we have and how best to fortify our resources.  During these volatile times of this paradigm shift, however, lets recognize that we’re seeking stability in a most unstable world.

The Scorpio Full Moon on the 12th of May when the Sun opposes the Moon [12:56 PM EDT] also has the Moon opposed Uranus and the Sun in orb of a conjunction with Uranus, exact on the 17th.  The 12th also has Mercury square Pluto.  We may question the solidity of our present and question what the future might hold.  By Sign, the 12th has a Fixed Sign Grand Cross with the Moon in Scorpio, the three Taurus-transiting planets of the Sun, Mercury and Uranus, and Mars in Leo, and Pluto in Aquarius.  Unexpected situations could arise that challenge our resiliency and threaten our stability.  We may all be feeling as though we’re operating on our last nerve.  Patience is called for and avoiding any knee-jerk reactions to whatever seems to be going on.  Let’s allow the dust to settle before making any snap judgments.

Although engaged by the Full Moon on the 12th, the Sun conjunct Uranus is exact on the 17th.  Now is a time for us to consider our path forward.  By engaging our intuitive sense with critical analysis, we can come up with a best practices approach to streamline and optimize our course of action or alter our trajectory and pursue something different from what we intended.  Nothing is likely to fall between the cracks if we take the time to both think outside the box and strategize the optimum means to accomplish our goals.

We might be highly effective and productive on the 17th with a little help from unexpected sources, but we do need to not rest on our laurels or trumpet our successes.  Arrogance and a belief in our infallibility could lead us down the garden path on the 18th of May when Mercury squares Mars.  We may be a little too full of ourselves, sensing any recent accomplishment as being solely our determination and discounting the unanticipated variables that might have significantly contributed to our effectiveness.  Brain versus brawn can be an issue on the 18th, so let’s prevent ourselves from engaging in a tug-of-war within ourselves as to whether brain or brawn prevails.  We could create a stalemate or a process when it all falls down.

Even if we overthink matters or push too hard around the 18th of May, the final gasps of the Sun transit through Taurus on the 20th provides the Sun sextile Saturn when we can lay down the solid foundation stones from which we can advance our ambitions.  The 20th of May also has the Sun exiting Taurus to enter Gemini [2:55 PM EDT].  The Stellium of three planets in the Fixed Earth Sign ends as the Sun enters Gemini.

Hopefully, we used the past four weeks to slow things down, plant the seeds of our future, and developed patience with a greater appreciation that no matter how fast we may want things to develop, every project, every endeavor has a life of its own.  We are merely the stewards and gardeners of our plans and hopes and wishes.

The 22nd of May can be one of those truly wonderful days thanks to the Sun sextile Neptune and Venus trine Mars.  In the US, we are coming into the long Memorial Day weekend, often considered the unofficial kickoff to the summer season, and with the energies on this Thursday the 22nd, we might decide to start our holiday weekend early.  We are certainly in a social mood, feeling good about life, and geared up for fun adventures.  Relationships are highlighted with good times with good friends.  Some of us may bring out the barbecue, others engage in sports, and still others just luxuriating in the springtime vibe of renewals and new beginnings.  Summer may not be upon us, but we’re likely acting as though it already is.

The Memorial Day weekend itself is replete with various shifts and changes.

Saturday the 24th of May has the Sun trine Pluto, Mercury conjunct Uranus, and Saturn ending its transit of Pisces to enter Aries [11:35 PM EDT].   Exchanges with other people can provide us suggestions and insights regarding what we might choose in moving forward.  Having ‘down time’ allows us to contemplate options and alternatives that we often don’t have time to consider when we’re caught up with our daily, mundane tasks and responsibilities.  Unexpected incidents could help free us from tunnel vision with an appreciation that what we assume to be true might be a mirage and aligned only with our limited awareness.  We may become more aware of the possibilities of the seemingly impossible during this time of paradigm shift.  We are becoming more interested in breaking away from the maddening crowd and accepting of our own individual journey on our personal destiny.  Whether out of necessity or choice, people are becoming even more mindful and embracing ascension in consciousness.

Mercury exits Taurus to enter its own Sign of Gemini on the 25th [8:59 PM EDT], followed that evening with Mercury sextile Saturn.  With Mercury now in Gemini, we have a Stellium of three planets in the Mutable Air Sign, as Mercury joins the Sun and Jupiter in Gemini.  With the Stellium in Gemini we are truly feeling the impulse of springtime with a tendency for us to be here, there, and everywhere.  We are more interested in sampling than in-depth engagement. 

A Sign of communication, the Gemini influence can have people talking a blue streak on many varied subjects but perhaps with less content and more opinion.  A light and airy quality can be noticed, and this energy of the Gemini impact is given greater thrust with the Gemini New Moon on the 26th of May when the Moon conjuncts the Sun [11:02 PM EDT].

Influencing the next two weeks up to the Full Moon on the 11th of June, this Gemini New Moon configuration has both the Stellium in Gemini and the Stellium in Aries.  We are moving into a two-week period when a sense of exploration, testing the waters, and trying out different new interests could keep us hopping from one thing to another to another.

This two-week period may be an exciting time when we are concentrating on our personal interests, engaging a diverse group of people, and feeling as if we have wind under our wings.

The 27th of May has Mercury trine Pluto.  Although our tendency under the Gemini influence can have us being glib and quick in expression, this energy configuration gives us a forensic ability to swiftly cut to the core, make spot-on judgments with even a cursory consideration, and has our communications appealing and compelling.  Our insights are profound, even if our reasoning seems to lack substantive critical analysis.

Our mind may be awhirl with limitless possibilities on the 30th when the Sun conjuncts Mercury.  Having the springtime energy that may have given us a burst of vitality with the desire to broaden our involvements, we might see the world as an oyster with a desire to have it all.  Starting this, trying that could be a large part of our end of May.

We come into June with the two powerpacks in Aries and Gemini at the fore with us under their influence desiring to connect with someone who truly appreciates us and complements our life.

It is no wonder that June is often associated with relationship commitments with the sense of the ‘June bride’.  Associated in mythology with Juno, the Roman goddess of love, marriage and family, June is a month of weddings.  June is also a month of other celebrations with graduations and reunions and is the month that bridges the spring season and the summer season.

June 4th has the two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, in the harmonious aspect of a trine.  We are likely in an expansive mood, looking to broaden our involvements and taking on ever more, and then some more.  When things seem to be good, as they may be at this time, we have the liability of overextending ourselves with the assumption that everything will go according to our plan and realize our hopes and wishes.  Under such good aspects, excess and indulgence are liable to occur.  It would be wise for us to temper our ‘feel good’ sentiments today.  Let’s enjoy ourselves without going overboard.

Perhaps with the thrust of yesterday’s upbeat feel, we might implement our plans on the 5th as Mercury sextiles Mars.  Let’s keep in mind that we’re dealing with two Stelliums or powerpacks, one in Aries, the other in Gemini.  The desire to take machete in hand and carve our own path is not merely the push of springtime promise of births and beginnings.  The astrology now is propelling us forward to advance in new directions with little hesitation, and possibly even less forethought, but with a belief that what we want we shall have.  Following on the heels of the Venus sextile Jupiter, the Mercury sextile Mars on the 5th can have us focused on our future and putting our plans into action, all with the sense of putting our personal imprint on whatever we choose to do.  Caution would be advised, unlikely to be heeded.

The 6th of June has Venus exiting Aries, a Sign of Detriment for Venus where we are more likely to be self-absorbed than collaborative in our relationships.  Venus enters Taurus [12:43 AM EDT], a Sign that Venus rules.  We may be far more interested in how we present ourselves, wanting to make good impressions, and with that impetus a likelihood of a shopping trip to update our wardrobe.  A personal makeover might be in order.  Rather than being narcissistic and arrogant, people may take into account how they reflect to other people.  Venus exiting Aries also ends the Stellium in Aries.  Things may not slow down but they could be a lot less impetuous.

This ‘feel good’ attitude in the first week of this June crescendos on Sunday, June 8th, when Mercury conjuncts Jupiter just before Mercury exits Gemini to enter Cancer [6:58 PM EDT]. We could be enamored with our plans, whether those plans are short-term travel plans or long-term intentions of what we might want to do for our future.  Let’s just be careful that we’re not assuming that, feeling at the top of our game, we aren’t exposing ourselves to bumps along the way that could knock us off course.  These are volatile times with wild swings, and it is essential that we be mindful and aware of the dramatic switches that are likely to occur.  In making our plans, it is wise to do so in pencil with a large eraser.

Just as this first week of June can be highly pleasant with much going our way, the second week of June could prove challenging and then some.

The exit of Mercury from Gemini, a sign that Mercury rules, brings closure to the Gemini Stellium.  Both the Fire and Air Stelliums end during this first week of June.

Hopefully, we enjoyed early June and used the pleasant energies to bolster our stamina and confidence, for the second week of June is bookended on Monday the 9th and Sunday the 15th with two problematic days when we need to strengthen our center, maintain our calm, and step carefully with the recognition that even difficult times don’t last forever.

Monday, June 9th, might seem like a Manic Monday but a day when everything seems to go wrong.  Having just entered Cancer the day before on the 8th, Mercury squares both Saturn and Neptune both in Aries.  Venus squares Pluto.  And Jupiter ends its year-long transit of Gemini to enter Cancer [5:02 PM EDT].  We might feel behind the eight ball today, having to react to situations rather than taking a proactive approach.  We could have the sense of being in the competition scene in the movie Dodgeball with the need for us to ‘dodge, duck, dive, dip’.  Even our relationships can hit a glitch.  Unless we’re on the same page as the other person, we could experience an either with me or against me attitude.  This is a day for us to keep our head down, take one step at a time and NOT personalize any of the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’.

The 11th of June has the Sagittarius Full Moon with the Moon opposed the Sun [3:44 AM EDT].  Mercury sextiles Venus.  After a rough beginning to the week, things may seem to settle down.  We might feel like we’ve dodged a bullet, now able to explore creative outlets and expand our interests.  As with every Full Moon, our emotions can be turned up severalfold.  If we keep a handle on our moods and maintain a feeling of equilibrium, no matter how much the swings of feelings may be, we can use this Full Moon as a time to enjoy ourselves and the company of other people.  If we had a tough Monday on the 9th, this Wednesday the 11th can make up for it.

The other bookend to this week occurs on Sunday the 15th, Father’s Day, when Mars squares Uranus and Jupiter squares Saturn.  Even by itself, Father’s Day is one of those Hallmark Holidays that are a mixed bag.  This Sunday is a day for us to honor our father, with whom our experience can either seem great in retrospect of polished memories or abysmal in remembering episodes of anguish or even abuse. The Mars square Uranus urges us to prevent reckless actions where impetuous behavior can lead to dire consequences.  People might prove to be too much for each other with the liability today of someone pushing the envelope, grandstanding, and making it all about themselves.  The Jupiter Saturn square exact today has been an energy configuration we have been dealing with over recent months as first the expansionary energies of Jupiter were hit off, followed by the restrictive energies of Saturn whittling down excesses of enthusiasm.  With the Jupiter Saturn square exact today our sense of responsibility to home and family can have us feeling suffocated with our moods going through wild swings of elation and despair all the while recognizing that much of what is going on is not about us, just us finding ourselves in midst of the chaos of conditions and circumstance.

The 17th of June has Mars exiting Leo to enter Virgo [4:35 AM EDT].  We lose some of our Fire, but we gain an ability to focus, concentrate on the details and work with precision.  Criticism and hypercriticism from a perfectionist sense could create problems with other people if they are not pulling their weight.  We’re not interested in the dysfunctional or incompetent and would prefer to do it ourselves rather than rely upon the questionable.

The month comes to closure with Jupiter square Neptune on the 18th.  Jupiter in Cancer centers around home and family.  The real estate market and home projects might be percolating with home sales picking up and fixups around the home started.  We just need to be clear about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.  We could get carried away by sentiment and end up overextending or having unrealistic expectations. 

Spring 2025… blooming, blossoming to changes going on…