March 3rd – 9th, 2025

The astrology for this week of March 3rd through the 9th of 2025 can have us energized, feeling upbeat, and with the scent of springtime flavor strong in our nose.

We may still be in the winter season, but we are likely to sense the forthcoming spring season.

The week begins with Mercury exiting Pisces, a Sign of Detriment for Mercury where our thinking tends to be moody and emotional with little reasoning to back it up.

Now in Aries, Mercury joins Venus in the Cardinal Fire Sign.  Our thoughts and interests revolve around our personal desires and what we wish to initiate.  We might be champing at the bit to get this winter behind us and like a racehorse ready to gallop ahead with few restraints and hopefully with the wind to our back.

Mid-week has our mind sharp, forensic-like, able to cut to the core and decipher what is really going on.  No one is likely to be capable of pulling the wool over our eyes.  Our focus can be more on our possibilities than our present with a goal to put our individual mark upon whatever we decide to pursue.

The latter part of week might have us in an overly expansionary attitude.  We have to be wary that our optimism and confidence don’t get the better of us.

The weekend favors activities around our home and with family members.  We may be considering home projects, shopping to feather our nests, and just luxuriating in the sanctity of our home environment.

This week could offer an encouraging respite from the drama and chaos that seems to be happening beyond our four walls.

Monday, March 3rd – All About Me – Pluto, Mercury Aries.  Monday has the Moon exiting Aries to enter Taurus where today the Taurus Moon squares Pluto.  Mercury exits Pisces to enter Aries [4:04 AM EST].  After a thrust of energy this past weekend, we may find that our pace slows down.  We become more patient, either out of choice or by necessity.  Even if we were to assertively advance our interests on this Monday, we could experience restraints and restrictions.  Our plans can percolate, but implementation might prove difficult with various blockages in our way.  Even if we feel that we’re spinning our wheels, we have gained more Fire as Mercury comes into Aries to join Venus in the Cardinal Fire Sign.  With Mercury’s exit of Pisces, Mercury leaves a Sign of Detriment for Mercury where our thinking can get confused, emotional based, with various mood swings and a liability of feeling like we need to react to situations rather than being proactive and with a sense that we are often victim to conditions and circumstance.  Instead, we are now able to focus on what we wish to achieve, what activities we might engage, and how we might begin new endeavors.  We have a greater fire in our belly, willing to be proactive, but it would be far better today for us to let that passion develop and build rather than rushing forward to implement.  

Tuesday, March 4th – Moderation in All Things – Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus.  Tuesday has the Taurus Moon sextile both the Sun and Saturn both in Pisces, the Moon sextile Mars in Cancer, and in the evening the Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus.  This Tuesday is Mardi Gras [Fat Tuesday], a day in Christian theology to sup and consume rich, fatty foods prior to the start of the forty days of Lent.  Although this day is often seen as the crescendo of Carnival, the astrological energies today suggest ‘moderation in all things.’  We might accomplish a great amount today, both by strategizing our efforts and by persistent determination.  This Tuesday could be one primo day for effective and productive endeavors.  We can engage our foresight and our forcefulness to address the specifics all the while keeping the end result of our goals in mind.  Surprising developments in the evening may occur with us able to streamline our operations and draw upon innovative techniques or technological tools to achieve more than we might imagine.  This Tuesday is not a day to be lost to scattering our energies but concentrating on what we need to get done.  This could be the most fruitful day of this week to address our mundane tasks, obligations, and responsibilities.

Wednesday, March 5th – Scintillating Ideas – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Mercury.  Wednesday has the Taurus Moon sextile Neptune early in the day.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Taurus and before the Moon enters Gemini where today the Gemini Moon trines Pluto and the Moon sextiles Mercury.  Mercury sextiles Pluto.  Monday and Tuesday might have had us plodding along, nose to grindstone, with our concentration on our daily obligations.  The energy shifts dramatically on this Wednesday.  From hands-on, practical engagement the past two days, this Wednesday is all about ideas, communication, and discussions.  Our mind is alive with possibilities and those intended endeavors that impassion us.  Our thoughts are incisive with an ability to cut away the superfluous and focus on the true essence of whatever we are considering to involve ourselves.  Conversations can be insightful, and it would be wise to chat up those people who have some semblance of knowledge regarding our proposed activities.  From a smattering of insights and suggestions from other people, we could weave together a comprehensive understanding of how and what we want to do.

Thursday, March 6th – Flying High – Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn.  Thursday continues with the Gemini Moon with the Moon today sextile Venus, the Moon conjunct Jupiter, and the Moon square both the Sun and Saturn both in Pisces.  The two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, are favorably engaged as we begin the day.  The wheels can come off the bus as the day unfolds.  The Jupiter Saturn square with which we have been contending over the past few months is triggered with a tendency to expand and overexpand before the contraction and restrictions afterwards.  We may be feeling good about things and especially with our relationships.  We enjoy the company of those people who are supportive and always encouraging even our most outlandish prospects.  During the early part of the day, we might explore creative outlets, put our individual mark on our activities and feel that everything is going our way.  But then we are liable to hit speed bumps.  Commitments and demands from someone can take the shine off our day.  From the high flying early in the day, we could feel as though we are grounded later in the day with responsibilities beckoning and even relationships turning a little sour.  The metronome quality of this day cannot be discounted, so it would be wise for us to temper our exuberance and lighten up on our depression.  The volatility of these times may contribute to our own mood swings, so it’s important for us to maintain calm, seek equilibrium, and recognize the patterns of extremes that we might experience and occurring now in the world-at-large.  Taking a cue from the Greek myth of Icarus, we need to prevent our flying too high to avoid crashing.

Friday, March 7th – Licking Wounds – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Mercury.  Friday has the Moon completing its transit of Gemini with the Gemini Moon square Neptune to begin our Friday.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Gemini and before the Moon enters Cancer where late in the day the Cancer Moon squares Mercury.  We could have been bruised by yesterday’s slams and feel the need to take a step back and lick any wounds we might have suffered.  We might feel dazed by the actions we encountered yesterday, initially feeling great and optimistic only to feel deflated by the evening.  This Friday is a good day for us to step back, escape the hurly-burly of external life, and seek respite in the sanctuary of our personal space.  We are moving into a weekend, which if we could start on this Friday all the better, where our focus can revolve around home and family.  Even a spiritual retreat where we can nurture oneself is something to consider.  It does not have to be a high-priced spa or glam camping in nature.  On the contrary, our own personal sanctuary of our home will more than suffice to nurture us and feed us emotionally and physically by taking our movements down a notch or two.  Instead of trying to be proactive, this day and much of this weekend is a time for us to be receptive.

Saturday March 8th – Depth of Inner Spaces – Venus, Mars, Sun.  Saturday has the Cancer Moon square Venus early in the day, and the Moon conjunct Mars and trine the Sun in the evening hours.  The Sun trines Mars.  Friday evening and early Saturday morning had the Moon vying against the Aries-transiting planets of Mercury on Friday evening, and the Moon square Venus to begin this Saturday.  Much of our personal interests might seem dashed as though various matters are getting in the way, obstructing our moving forward with our own desires, but pointing us towards a different direction, one of tending to our individual needs and the clearing our path to later move ahead.  Saturday and Sunday are two days for us to get our house in order.  In our frenetic, often frantic, world of outside involvements with its variety of diversions and distractions, this weekend is a time for us to focus on straightening and cleaning up both our home environment and our internal being.  If we can take time to contemplate, reflect and meditate during this weekend, we could reconnect with our inner core, our depth of being.  Often, we get caught up in the antics of fast-paced living and don’t take the time to slow things down, stop, and consider what we are doing, why we are doing it, and where we are going.  This weekend suggests we reengage our inner spaces.  Being out in nature, walking in the woods, getting down by the shore or lolling in a park offer us an opportunity to step off the fast track, be nurtured by the natural world, and come to realize that life is good and unfolding as it should.  The perfection of imperfection.

Sunday, March 9th – Let the Sun Shine In – Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course.  Sunday has the Moon still in Cancer with the Cancer Moon sextile Uranus, and the Moon trine both Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Cancer and before the Moon enters Leo in the evening.  In the US, for most of the states, this Sunday begins daylight savings time.  Not only are the days getting longer, but we have an additional boost of greater sunlight as we move into daylight savings time.  Like a planet changing direction from direct to retrograde or from retrograde to direct motion, our body clocks may be a little off until we get accustomed to the time change.  Much of this day can have us attentive to what needs to get done around our home and with our family.  We might accomplish a great deal in getting our house in order and adding some slight twist to provide spice and variety to our surroundings.  Late in the day, we could feel a thrust of energy.  The daylight continues into the early evening.  After the past two-three days of stepping off the track and taking care of our personal matters, we might decide that we are ready to reengage the world and even choose to participate in some fun nighttime events.  We can feel that we have reenergized ourselves and that we are letting our light and vibrancy shine whether we are participants in re-creational activities or observe entertainment programs.  Whatever we decide to do, we are likely to have a sense of gaining a second wind and ready to forge forward in the week ahead.