March 24th – 30th, 2025

The astrology for this week of March 24th through the 30th of 2025 has us moving assertively forward before retracing our footsteps and finishing the week with the end to a fourteen-year cycle of mischief and mayhem.

This is the first full week of the spring season, and we begin the week determined to focus on an alternative future for ourselves.  We are optimistic, confident, and interested solely in the truly meaningful.  We have machete in hand and ready to carve our own path through new exploits, grand adventures, and venues that allow full expression of Self.

Spring is a time of rebirths, renewals, and new beginnings, and so it may feel for us during the early part of the week.  We have fire in our belly and insistent on going full steam ahead.

We start the week with a Stellium of three planets in Aries, but late in the week we lose the Stellium as first Venus on Thursday and then Mercury on Saturday retrograde back into Pisces reengaging the Mutable Water Sign Stellium of earlier this year.

As with any retrograde motion, we might find ourselves going back over situations, even those we might have thought to have been concluded.  Like the Texas two-step, we may have taken two steps forward and now need to take two steps back.

Our emotions during the second half of this week could be ratcheted up with the liability of someone, and hopefully not ourselves, playing the victim card and engaging the blame game.

The weekend has the Aries New Moon, a Solar Eclipse, on Saturday.  The New Moon in any Sign truly triggers the influence of that Sign for the Sun’s month-long transit through the Sign.  A New Moon in a Cardinal Sign triggers its influence for that particular season.  We are fully engaging the spring season with a desire to move assertively forward but sometimes feeling reined in by unresolved issues and delaying situations.

Let’s see any frustrations as but opportunities to evaluate, tweak, and adjust, if necessary, before we move into a new phase.

Certainly, a new phase is begun on Sunday when Neptune exits its own Sign of Pisces and enters Aries.  Neptune had been transiting the Mutable Water Sign since 2011 and coincided with a period of mysticism, confusion, and illusion when we were challenged not to accept anything at face value or buy into the hype or blindly support official narratives as if we were but lemmings on parade.  We had the opportunity to engage spiritual development through meditation practices, yoga, transformational breathwork, and other forms by which we went within, strengthened our core center, and developed greater awareness and mindfulness.

But for a retrograde period in the autumn into early 2026, Neptune is coming out of Pisces and entering the first Sign of the Zodiac, Aries. 

It is interesting to note that the last time Neptune was in Aries was when Neptune entered Aries in 1861.  Neptune entered Aries on April 13th, 1861, the same day that Fort Sumter in South Carolina fell to the Confederate forces and triggered the start of the Civil War.  Shall we see something similar in our experience of the Neptune transit of Aries?  Cycles are cycles.  They are never the same but there are similarities.  In the fractious nature of the U.S. in 2025, it would be hardly surprising that there could be increasing divisiveness in the country.

During this time of paradigm shift with its turbulent and volatile characteristics and when asequential reality supersedes linear reality, we shall be asked to engage spirit in action.  Drawing upon our developed inner core and an acceptance that we are co-creators of our destiny in partnership with the universal energies unfolding, it will be necessary for each of us to take machete in hand, take our own individual journey, and carve our own path, for the I AM is the way.

Monday, March 24th – Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground – Uranus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Venus, Pluto, Mercury, Sun.  Monday begins the week with the Moon completing its transit of Capricorn with the Capricorn Moon trine Uranus, and the Moon sextile Neptune.  Hardly worth mentioning, the Moon goes Void-of-Course for not quite half an hour with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Capricorn and before the Moon moves into Aquarius where today the Aquarius Moon conjuncts Pluto and the Moon sextiles the three Aries-transiting planets of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus.  The Sun conjuncts Mercury.  As has occurred over recent months, the three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are engaged today.  Although the early morning hours are suggested for putting finishing touches on outstanding matters, much of our day is more focused on where we are going rather than where we are or where we have been.  Today provides the energy for us to expand, explore and consider meaningful options, all the while that we have our feet firmly planted on the ground.  We are less liable to fly off without itinerary in hand, direction in mind.  This Monday can be a highly productive day, a day when we are effective in whatever we take on.  This is not a day to lose to mindless distractions, but rather a day to line our ducks up in a row and then move assertively forward.  It is important that we keep in mind that Mercury and Venus are both retrograde, so caution and patience are encouraged.

Tuesday, March 25th – Sharp as a Tack – Jupiter, Mercury, Pluto.  The Moon continues its transit of Aquarius with the Aquarius Moon trine Jupiter.  Mercury sextiles Pluto.  We may have been fast out of the gate yesterday.  If we maintained our hands on the reins, yesterday could have seen us making significant strides both in addressing outstanding matters and lining our ducks up in a row for our future endeavors.  Tuesday continues in a similar vein.  We are likely feeling optimistic and confident in our plans.  Our mind is sharp as a tack, as we focus on the truly meaningful with us able to both dissect various matters and determine a best practices approach to attain our goals. While our mind is forensic-like, we need to avoid being myopic.  This Tuesday is a powerful day for discussions and communications.  As John Donne suggested years ago: “no man is an island.”  Not only can we gain some adherents to our cause, but there can be people who might provide us important suggestions that flush out our own thoughts and considerations.  Tuesday is a great day for brainstorming, strategizing, and preparing our way forward, especially once Mercury turns direct on April 7th.

Wednesday, March 26th – Best Laid Plans – Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course.  Wednesday has the Moon completing its transit of Aquarius with the Aquarius Moon square Uranus.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost nine and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces.  The Pisces Moon makes no connections to the planets today.  Monday and Tuesday may have been two gangbuster days when everything seemed to go our way, everything right, nothing wrong.  One of the primary challenges for us during this paradigm shift is the question of narcissism.  Many of us have grown up in a society of entitlement where what we wanted, we could have, and with a belief that we were deserving of whatever we wanted.  We have also assumed that we are in total control of our destiny.  Such mind conditioning may have served us in the past, could prove detrimental in the present and damning in the future as we go through this paradigm shift from linear, sequential reality into asequential reality where things occur in the most unexpected manner, sometimes to our detriment, other times to our benefit in seemingly magical, even miraculous, ways.  While Monday and Tuesday might have had us operating on greased wheels, everything moving smoothly and easily, this Wednesday is liable to throw a monkey wrench in the spokes of our wheels.  Unexpected factors could try and upset our applecart.  We might not have the resources we thought we had to advance our interests.  Lacks in monies, time, or even talent could have us feeling like our best efforts all fall down.  The question of our resilience, our determination and our commitment may challenge us.  Although we could be disappointed by an unforeseen incident, we do not have to despair or give up.  Let’s always keep in mind that one of the beauties of astrology is the question of timing and cycles.  Like the ocean’s waves, there are times when we can ride the crest of the wave, other times when we may be down in the trough.  But the cycles are exactly cycles.  While we might not always be able to ride the wave, neither do we have to be down in the trough indefinitely.  The next few days can be challenging as Venus and Mercury retrograde back into Pisces, the Pisces Stellium is recreated, and the liability of playing victim and blame game could be back in the fore.

Thursday, March 27th – Idyllic or Delusional – Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Venus Pisces.  Thursday has the Pisces Moon square Jupiter.  Venus exits Aries to retrograde back into Pisces [4:41 AM EDT] where today Venus conjuncts Neptune.  We have an abundance of Piscean energy and tomorrow.  Venus is in exaltation in Pisces where our compassion and desire for peace in our world are turned up severalfold.  The emphasis on Pisces can have us seeing the world and our special connections in rose-colored glasses.  Perhaps we see only the ideal and negate any flaws or frailties.  Or we may be buying into illusions, becoming delusional, and flavoring what we see by what we want to see, and not the reality of the situation.  With Venus moving back into Pisces, Venus triggers a Pisces Stellium as Venus joins Neptune and Saturn in the Mutable Water Sign.  Our emotions are intensified, and our liability may be a maudlin compassion whereby we excuse other people’s shortcomings with the Christian assertion “there but for the grace of God go I.”  It may be an assertion that suggests we help other people, and we would have to be wary that we do not overextend ourselves today. The belief in unconditional compassion runs counter to the law of karma where each of us seeks through choice, free will and action to unburden ourselves from the mistakes of our past at another time, in another incarnation.  Perhaps it is inappropriate to take away someone’s karmic lessons and take them on for ourselves.  This Thursday is highly emotional and may have us cavorting with the gods on Mount Olympus or feeling taken advantage of by ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.”  Our choice, always our choice

Friday, March 28th – In the Dark – Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, Pluto.  Friday has the Moon finishing its transit of Pisces with the Pisces Moon today trine Mars, the Moon sextile Uranus, and the Moon conjunct the three Pisces-transiting planets of Saturn, Venus, and Neptune.  The Moon then slips into Aries where in the evening the Aries Moon conjuncts Mercury and the Moon sextiles Pluto.  The three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are engaged today, as they have been on various days over the past few months.  We are on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon prior to tomorrow’s Aries New Moon.  Today bridges the end of a month-long transit of the Moon and the beginning of a new month-long transit for the Moon.  Today is a day of completions, tying up loose ends and bringing closure to matters that we do not wish to bring into the new month cycle, and with the recognition that this Aries New Moon truly kicks off the spring season.  This Friday can be a highly emotional day, and we need to watch that we don’t let our emotions drive us.  There can be a sense of loss from certain eliminations we might have experienced.  Our anxiety level could be ratcheted up, and it would be wise for us to avoid the constant bombardment of negativity.

Saturday, March 29th – Take Out the Old, Bring in the New – Aries New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Mercury Pisces.  Saturday has the Aries New Moon as the Moon conjuncts the Sun [6:58 AM EDT], a solar eclipse, and the Moon sextiles Jupiter.  Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces [10:18 PM EDT], and Mercury conjuncts Neptune.  The New Moon in a particular Sign truly kicks off the month-long transit of the Sun through that Sign.  A Cardinal Sign New Moon truly kicks off the season.  While we are looking towards new beginnings, initiations, and startups that Spring promises with its births, rebirths, and renewals; this Spring season talks about resolving the past all the while that we are forging ahead into the new.  We might feel as though we are bungee jumping, launching forward only to be snapped back.  As we start our springtime projects, we could have the sense of being pulled back into old matters still needing to be resolved.  The Mercury retrograde back into Pisces heightens the Pisces Stellium as Mercury joins Venus, Saturn, and Neptune in the Neptune-ruled Mutable Water Sign.  Mercury is in Detriment in Pisces, where our thinking is tainted by our emotions, our critical analysis lost to moods and feelings.  We need to be wary that we don’t fall back into reactive tendencies, assuming victimhood and playing the blame game.  Our thinking may not be clear or even accurate, so it would be wise for us to get a grip on our feelings, avoid snap judgments, and allow time to pass for a distillation process to whatever we believe to be going on.

Sunday, March 30th – Spiritual Warrior – Mars, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Neptune Aries.  Sunday begins the day with the Aries Moon square Mars.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for eleven hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Aries and before the Moon enters Pluto where the Moon squares Pluto in the evening hours.  Neptune exits its own Sign of Pisces, ending its fourteen-year cycle through the Mutable Water Sign, and enters Aries [8:00 AM EDT].  The Mars Pluto opposition that dogged us earlier in the year with episodes of people acting out, violent behavior, and a liability of seeing everything as wrong, nothing as right is triggered.  We may want to get on with things today, but can feel held back by our responsibilities, demands around our home, or commitment to our family.  The shift from impetuous Aries into plodding Taurus could feel uncomfortable, especially with the aggravation that we can no longer go forward in a frenetic rush but need to slow things down, maintain patience, and focus solely on the truly important rather than a free-for-all of trying this, trying that, all with a desire for sampling rather than concentrated attention.  Neptune moving into Aries asks us to engage the spiritual warrior, to journey as the hero / heroine on our individual pathway.  Acting like lemmings and following the crowd or being lulled by collective opinion is no longer an option.  These turbulent, tumultuous times, which are highly dynamic and transformational, ask us, even demand, that we accept our birthright of growing through the challenges and successes of our personal events to self-actualization and an ascension in consciousness.  On with the journey!