The astrology for this week of March 17th through the 23rd of 2025 is the first week of the Mercury retrograde when Murphy’s Law of ‘whatever can go wrong could go wrong’ is in effect, and this week also closes out the winter season and ushers in the spring season with the Vernal Equinox and the start of the astrological new year.
The week begins with St. Patrick’s Day, the day when everyone is Irish and sporting the green. Not only might we be celebrating the day by wearing green, but we could also enjoy the ritual meal of corned beef, cabbage, and boiled potato with a pint or two of Guinness Stout.
Generally, the energies for this week are highly pleasant. No matter the weather, we are all likely feeling a dose of ‘spring fever’ and with it the impulse to rid ourselves of the encumbrances of this past year and engage the beginnings of a new year.
Our sensitivity may be ratcheted up and with it an undercurrent of seething if things do not go in accord with our hopes and wishes. We may want what we want with the expectation that we are entitled to receive our desires.
The latter part of the week and over the weekend could offer fun times with good friends. Our responsibilities might be demanding attention, but we may easily cast off our obligations and engage the initial thrusts of spring by stretching our wings, getting out of Dodge, and enjoying liberation from what might have felt like a harsh winter.
Monday, March 17th – We’re All Irish Today – Pluto. The Moon moves into Scorpio early on this Monday with the Scorpio Moon square Pluto. Whatever we are trying to accomplish today, we might feel as though we’re banging our head against the wall. We may sense that we don’t have the necessary resources to accomplish our greatest plans. Time, finances, abilities might all be issues that keep us from forging ahead easly. Relationships with other people could be dicey with everyone being on edge and various people focused on the negatives instead of considering the positives. Since this is St. Patrick’s Day, it can be a day when we put aside our tasks and intentions and spend time instead in festive celebration of the day. Now and then, we all need an ‘escape’ day, a day when we step away from routine matters and engage something different, something that can be uplifting and fun. This Monday provides the excuse for us to just take care of ourselves and enjoy ourselves. Ah, the luck of the Irish.
Tuesday, March 18th – Passionate Embrace – Mars. Tuesday continues with the Scorpio Moon and the beginning of a two-day Grand Trine in the Water Element, as the Scorpio Moon trines Mars today, and the Scorpio Moon trines the three Pisces-transiting planets tomorrow. Our feelings are heightened with a spiritual overtone to everything we do. We may be passionate about various situations, especially home and family matters. Time spent making our home more of a personal sanctuary and time with family members and close friends can pay rewards both on the short term and with long-term dividends. Whatever we throw ourselves into today and tomorrow, we are likely to do so with heart and soul. There may not seem to be a great deal of energy in the early part of this day, with more percolating below the surface than apparent on the surface, but the intensity and passion pick up in the evening hours, and we’re likely to ride that wave through much of tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 19th – Ride the Wave – Saturn, Uranus, Sun, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto. Wednesday is the last day of the winter season with winter going out with a lofty crescendo. The day begins with the Moon finishing its transit of Scorpio with the Scorpio Moon opposed Uranus and the Moon completing the Water Grand Trine that it began with yesterday’s Moon trine Mars in Cancer and by the Moon today trine the three Pisces-transiting planets of Saturn, the Sun, and Neptune. The Moon then briefly goes Void-of-Course for about forty minutes with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon concludes its transit of Scorpio and before the Moon enters Sagittarius where the Sagittarius Moon sextiles Pluto towards the end of the day. The Sun conjuncts Neptune. All three of the transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are engaged today, as they have been on various days over the past few months. Although Wednesday is often considered ‘hump’ day, coming as it does in the middle of the work week, this day is more tsunami-like than a gentle hump and provides the energy for us to ride the wave and be in the flow of extraordinary occurrences. Nothing may go as expected today, but that might not be bad. On the contrary, we can lay down the foundation stones of our future projects, bring closure to past concerns, and prepare ourselves for the astrological new year starting tomorrow. We just need to be flexible and adaptable and willing to shift and change in accord with changes in circumstance and conditions.
Thursday, March 20th – Spring has Sprung – Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Lunar T-Square, Vernal Equinox, Sun Aries. Thursday has the Sagittarius Moon trine both Venus and Mercury both in Aries, and the Moon opposed Jupiter triggering the beginning of a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon opposed Jupiter today and the Moon square Saturn tomorrow. The Sun exits Pisces to end the winter season and enters Aries [5:01 AM EDT] at the Vernal Equinox, to begin the spring season and start the astrological new year. The two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, are engaged today. The Sun’s entrance into Aries ends the Pisces Stellium of three planets in the Mutable Water Sign and triggers a Stellium in the Cardinal Fire Sign as the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Aries. We could be feeling our oats on this Thursday, ready, willing, and able to kick off a new year with all the promise of the spring season with its rebirths, renewals, and new beginnings. We do need to be careful not to put too much on our plate, since our sense of broadening our realm, expanding our reach, and engaging ever more could have us winding up in the briars and brambles of the ‘overs’, taking on too much and possibly more than we can effectively handle. But it’s springtime, and we’re likely feeling at something of a peak with more gas in our tank.
Friday, March 21st – Slow Down, You Move Too Fast – Saturn, Lunar T-Square, Venus, Pluto. Friday has the Moon continuing its transit of Sagittarius with the Sagittarius Moon square Saturn. Yesterday, the Sagittarius Moon opposed Jupiter and triggered a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon completing the T-Square today with the Moon square Saturn. Venus sextiles Pluto late in the day. Whether we took on too much yesterday under the influence of the expansionary Jupiter, this Saturday has the opposite effect of whittling down, restricting and restraining our forward movement. With the Moon in the Jupiter-ruled Sign and engaging Saturn in a discordant connection, we could feel blocked and frustrated in our forward advances. Recently, we have been contending with the Jupiter Saturn square, where first we have increase and broadening from Jupiter only to then experience the decrease and contracting from Saturn. Delays are liable to occur today, so no matter what our plans might be, it would be suggested that we provide additional time to get things done. We might want to start the weekend early, but there could be some minor details that need to be attended to before we can get away. The evening is far more pleasant with a likelihood of a deep and thrilling interaction. Getting together with friends or a special someone might give us a breath of fresh air with the other person encouraging us and advocating for some of our greatest hopes and wishes. Let’s not let frustrations during the day blind us to wondrous opportunities later in the day.
Saturday, March 22nd – Hitting the Wall – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Sun, Venus, Mercury. In the early morning hours of Saturday, the Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for just over half an hour with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Sagittarius and before the Moon enters Capricorn where the Capricorn Moon today squares the three Aries-transiting planets of the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. The Sun conjuncts Venus. Similar to the past two days when we first had Jupiter engaged on Thursday and then Saturn yesterday, the Moon in Saturn-ruled Capricorn puts a damper on our Aries thrust of wanting to do whatever we want. We might feel that we have to address our responsibilities and obligations instead of doing our own thing today. We may prefer putting off until tomorrow what we could address today, but procrastinating would only delay attending to necessary tasks. If we would take care of what needs to get done during the day, then the evening could prove a highly pleasant time with a special someone. Adoration is foremost in the evening hours, even if we find ourselves in a party of one admiring just ourselves.
Sunday, March 23rd – Resolute Determination – Mars, Saturn, Sun, Pluto. The Moon continues its transit of Capricorn on this Sunday with the Capricorn Moon not making any connections to the planets until the evening when the Moon opposes Mars and the Moon sextiles Saturn to close out the day and the week. The Sun sextiles Pluto. Hopefully, we dealt with our errands and responsibilities yesterday so that we have this day to explore endeavors that truly speak to us and that we might have considered or discussed on Saturday evening. We could feel as though we have gained a greater focus and resolute determination to accomplish our goals. The earlier part of this day would be a good time for us to take care of ourselves, consider our future options, and think about alternative means to realize our dreams. We can pump ourselves up on this Sunday. It would be wise for us to take some ‘me’ time today, no matter how we choose to expend our energies. If we left certain tasks unattended or unfinished yesterday, we might feel compelled to conclude matters before the end of the day and not leave them hanging as we come into the upcoming week. By the time we turn the lights out Sunday night, we may feel that not only have we accomplished a lot this week but that we are also in process of taking the next steps on a journey of greater self-awareness, self-development, and self-actualization.