The astrology for this week of March 10th through the 16th of 2025 suggests we streamline our operations and pare down our involvements to focus on the truly exciting, all the while that pulls of our past demand completion and conclusion prior to Mercury turning retrograde over the weekend and next week’s beginning of the astrological new year.
The week starts with us in a gung-ho attitude and sensing that the world is our oyster with the ability to create our future the way we imagine it. Although confidence and enthusiasm can fuel our intentions early in the week, unexpected incidents might have us stumbling and hitting something of a brick wall mid-week as we realize that we are encumbered by our past, our previous commitments, and any scarcity of resources.
Let’s keep in mind that Mercury is turning retrograde at the end of this week for its three-week retrograde cycle when Murphy’s Law of ‘whatever can go wrong could go wrong’ is in effect.
It would be wise to use the early part of the week to address significant matters, since major decisions or long-term commitments need to be postponed during Mercury retrograde.
Just prior to Mercury turning retrograde we have the Virgo Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse. This Full Moon opens the door to unexpected surprises and unanticipated variables that might put a smile on our face but also create an anxiety as to whether to step forward into a new trajectory or hold back by the complacency of discontent, our old behaviors and tunnel vision attitudes.
The weekend may best be used as a time to catch our breath, find venues of serenity, and enjoy the company of those special people in our life or just spend some quality time alone.
Monday, March 10th – Wake Up, Sleepy Head – Pluto, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. Monday begins this week with the Moon in Leo and the Leo Moon opposed Pluto in the early morning hours, the Moon trine both Mercury and Venus both in Aries as the day unfolds, and the Moon sextile Jupiter in the evening. Although our sleep state may not be the most restful with our being anxious whether we can pull off our greatest ambitions, we might want to remind ourselves of the affirmation that ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’. Despite any sense of blockage during our dream state, the morning breaks with us feeling energized and enthused ready to take on the world and make our dreams come true. Our creative juices may be flowing, and our presentations can be dramatic and engaging. There’s no stopping us on this Monday. We have the ‘two good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, pleasantly engaged by the Moon. Our optimism and confidence could be so contagious that someone voices their support and advocacy of our greatest ambitions. This Monday is a day for us to go for the gold, not be limited by our fears or any naysayers, but to forge ahead with an itinerary in hand and the belief that the wind is at our back.
Tuesday, March 11th – Come Undone – Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Mercury, Venus. Tuesday has the Moon continuing its transit of Leo but without the same passion we might have experienced yesterday. It’s not until the afternoon that the Leo Moon makes any planetary connection today with the Moon square Uranus. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost twelve hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Leo and before the Moon enters Virgo on Wednesday morning. Mercury conjuncts Venus. We could have been operating on all cylinders yesterday with everything going right, nothing going wrong. This Tuesday might prove contrary to yesterday’s ‘feel good’ attitude. One of the challenges of these times is tempering the volatility. We are living during turbulent, tumultuous times with wild swings between euphoria and despair. With the sense of springtime approaching, we could easily get intoxicated with the idea of new beginnings, self-involvements, and doing our thing with the expectation that what we want we shall have. Nice concept, but one that is totally out of synch with reality, especially during this paradigm shift where things can occur in the most unexpected manner. If we get carried away with ourselves, be arrogant and narcissistic, the universe is liable to give us a good whack. And so it may be on this Tuesday. We might be gliding along, assuming that everything is continuing to go well, oblivious to signs along the way, when suddenly we hit a bump in the road. An unexpected situation could upset our applecart later this Tuesday. Any such surprising situation does not have to knock us for a loop if we accept the importance during these times of adapting and altering in accord with changes in conditions and circumstance. As I am fond of using the Taoist analogy, we need to be willing to: ‘bend like a reed or break like an oak.’
Wednesday, March 12th – Release, Let Go – Sun, Saturn. Wednesday has the Moon moving into Virgo, but the Moon makes no connections to the planets today. The Sun conjuncts Saturn. After two days when we might have felt upbeat, inspired, and confident of our trajectory, this Wednesday could bring us back down to earth and then some. Today and over the next two days, we might need to address outstanding matters, deal with the details of our lives, and put our lighthearted disposition on the back burner as we take a more serious tone. No need for us to get maudlin or despondent. With the volatility of these times, we can experience wild swings of emotions and situations. One day, things may seem positive and enlivening; the next day things can seem bleak and desolate. Perhaps we are being trained not to buy into appearances or have so much attachment to whatever is going on. Non-attachment in Buddhism instructs us to release and let go of attachments to gain inner peace and en-lightenment. Although we may have various issues to resolve and complete today, we can do so without opening a Pandora’s box of feeling overwhelmed by what we need to do or get immersed in the emotions of past events.
Thursday, March 13th – Swings Between – Lunar T-Square, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Thursday continues with the Virgo Moon with the Moon today sextile Mars and the Moon triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square as the Moon encounters the Jupiter Saturn square that has been going on over the past several months. The Moon squares Jupiter early in the day, and the Moon opposes Saturn to end the day. We could start this day with great intentions, but we need to be wary not to act out the age-old proverb that ‘the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions.’ Let’s moderate our plans for this Thursday. Otherwise, we could be setting ourselves up to be disappointed, exhausted, and unfulfilled when we end the day. Yesterday could have had us feeling like the wind was knocked out of our sails, that we were victims to circumstance and solely pawns to the larger process of life. We could start this Thursday wanting to prove ourselves, make a significant impact, and well we can, if we would only tone down and focus our efforts on one item after another. If we overdo early in the day, we are liable to feel squeezed at the end of the day. Vetting anything we choose to engage, concentrating on the specifics and considering the costs involved would help rein in our morning enthusiasm and keep us from an overreach that we would likely come to regret at day’s end. ‘Moderation in all things’ is called for, but let’s bear in mind the backdrop of this day with the Jupiter Saturn engaged. Things expand early only to be restrained later. The idea is to temper the extremes to avoid metronome swings and maintain a semblance of balance and equilibrium.
Friday, March 14th – Alternate Approaches – Virgo Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Sun, Uranus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto. Friday has the Virgo Full Moon with the Sun opposed Moon [2:55 AM EDT]. The Moon trines Uranus, and the Moon opposes Neptune. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course briefly for a little over an hour as the Moon completes its transit of Virgo without making any further connections to the planets and before the Moon enters Libra where today the Libra Moon trines Pluto. The Sun sextiles Uranus. This Friday could prove one transcendental day. The Moon connects with the three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and the Sun Moon opposition is harmoniously connected to Uranus. This is a day for us to not only think outside the box. It is a day for us to step outside the box. It would be wise for us to take our cues from the universe today. If we could start the day with a blank slate and allow things to unfold in a surprising, even magical, way, we would be more in synch with the natural rhythm of this day. It might prove confusing and unsettling to let go and allow the universe to fill in the blanks with us able to act spontaneously, react to unexpected incidents, and engage what might seem like a scavenger hunt with various clues along our way today. But this paradigm shift speaks to asequential reality where things can occur in the most inexplicable manner. Our emotions may be high with possible anxieties if we give ourselves over to concerns and fears rather than accepting the truth to the age-old sentiment that ‘God and the higher forces have far greater plans for us than we could have imagined for ourselves’.
Saturday, March 15th – Oh, No, Here We Go – Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde. Saturday continues with the Libra Moon with the Moon today opposed both Venus and Mercury in the morning, and the Moon trine Jupiter in the evening. Mercury turns retrograde [2:46 AM EDT] beginning a three-week cycle when Murphy’s Law of ‘whatever can go wrong could go wrong’ is in effect. It would be wise for us to take our time today, not rush around, and certainly not purchase anything unless we have the sales receipt and the ability of returning the item without penalty if we have buyer’s remorse and want to return it. With Mercury retrograde in Aries and Venus also retrograde in Aries, we need to be careful that we don’t take every interaction as an affront. We’re not dealing from our optimum and especially when Mercury is turning. Whenever Mercury turns direction, whether from direct to retrograde or from retrograde to direct motion, things can get squirrely and we might feel off balance. It takes a couple of days to get used to the change in the rhythm and the pace. The evening hours can be pleasant with a special someone or with friends. Social get-togethers could be fun events with no one trying to upstage each other. Perhaps much of the narcissism has become muted, at least for the time being.
Sunday, March 16th – Nothing Happening Here – Mars, Moon Void-of-Course. Sunday begins with the Libra Moon square Mars. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for the rest of the day and for twenty-one and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Libra and before the Moon enters Scorpio early on Monday morning. There is not a great deal of energy on this Sunday, so it might be best for us to catch our breath, recharge our batteries, and just relax. We may have home projects or family matters to attend to, but some people are also likely to engage St. Patrick’s Day festivities. Whether we have tomorrow off or not, this Sunday could have us going to St. Patty’s Day parades, having a pint of Guinness or two, and enjoying the ritual meal of corned beef and cabbage and boiled potato. This Sunday does not have a great deal of energy, but we can use the day to enjoy ourselves with family and friends. Let’s keep in mind that we’re dealing with the early phase of the Mercury retrograde, so let’s be cautious no matter what we choose to do.