The astrology for this week of February 17th through the 23rd of 2025 offers a productive week if our appetites and indulgences don’t get the better of us.
The week begins with President’s Day in the US and an extended holiday weekend for some. Conversations and time spent with a special someone might highlight our day. We are more interested in what could be rather than what is.
The Sun exits Aquarius and moves into Pisces on Tuesday reenforcing the Pisces Stellium as the Sun joins Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune in the Mutable Water Sign.
We’re in the last Sign of the Zodiac, many of us amping for the astrological new year to begin next month with the Vernal Equinox. Enough of the winter. We want the spring season and are more than ready for it now.
Mid-week can be a highly productive time of setting a firm base of operations, all the while that we rid ourselves of the extraneous and superfluous. We just need to avoid an impetus to ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’. We could be so engrossed with eliminations that in our haste and determination we throw out certain things that could actually ease our operations and streamline our endeavors.
Let’s not allow our intentions to clean up and clear out get the better of us.
The latter part of the week might prove dicey. We may be so enamored with our efforts and optimistic about our prospects that we take on too much, try too hard, and find ourselves only spinning our wheels.
The weekend would seem primed for a ‘time out’ with us relaxing and reinvigorating after a couple of highly hectic days.
As we close out the week and end the weekend Mars ends its retrograde cycle that has gone on since December and tuns direct. Although still in Cancer, a Sign of Fall for Mars, Mars turning direct puts more wind in our sails.
Monday, February 17th – Hail to the Chief – Sun. Monday begins this week with the Moon in Libra and towards the end of the day the Moon trines the Sun. The Moon exits Libra and enters Scorpio in the evening. This is President’s Day in the US. For some people, this Monday is the end of a long holiday weekend. To goose consumer spending, there are various sales, which might entice us if we’re looking at fixing up things around our home, our wardrobe, a personal makeover. Although we could be scurrying around on this Monday, there is not a great deal of energy, and we certainly do not want to encounter discord or disharmony. We would far prefer serenity, pleasant time, and fun engagements with our special someone[s]. This day would be well served appreciating all the blessings and bounties we have in our life. Stepping away from contentious issues and concentrating on the good and upbeat can help us recharge and reinvigorate. There is no need to make definitive decisions or long-term commitments but to consider and reflect on the prospects that lie ahead of us. Discussing plans with friends may offer insights and interesting tidbits of which we were not aware.
Tuesday, February 18th – Will, Way – Pluto, Mercury, Sun Pisces. Tuesday continues with the Scorpio Moon with the Moon square Pluto in the early morning hour and the Moon trine Mercury late in the morning. The Sun exits Aquarius and enters Pisces [5:07 AM EST] adding to the Mutable Water Stellium as the Sun joins Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces. Late Monday, early Tuesday we might feel as though all our hopes and wishes are being dashed against the seeming reality of our lack of resources, whether those resources are our time, our finances, our abilities. We can feel slightly despondent as though we’re operating behind the eight ball and having to react to situations rather than taking a proactive stance to influence our conditions and circumstance. If we refuse to give in and not engage a self-pity party, we could determine ways by which we might achieve our goals. As the saying goes: “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” We also need to acknowledge that during this paradigm shift things can happen in the most inexplicable manner as if by some form of magic or miracle. We just need to have faith, recognize that each of one of us has our own individual journey, our personal destiny, and believe that if certain things are meant to happen, they will occur no matter the impediments in the way. With the four planets in Pisces, we could find this to be a highly spiritual time. If we get too engrossed with narcissism, we could assume that everything will go right in accord with our wishes. But it would be wise for us to have faith in the process, even if only blind faith, and appreciate that everything does work out in the end. There are times when great tragedies morph into great blessings.
Wednesday, February 19th – Power of Prayer – Lunar Grand Trine, Mars, Saturn, Uranus. Wednesday continues with the Scorpio Moon with the Moon today triggering a Water Grand Trine as the Scorpio Moon trines Mars in Cancer and the Moon trines Saturn in Pisces. Later in the day, the Moon squares Uranus. Much can be accomplished today if we concentrate on the truly meaningful, remove the unnecessary from our considerations, and avoid pushing too hard. This is one of those days when things can unfold smoothly and easily. We just need to take one step at a time, be reflective as we move along, and recognize that during this paradigm shift we are co-creators with the universal energies. Since many of us are engrained with a type A personality and a mindset conditioning of making things happen, we tend to assume that we are in total control of conditions and circumstance. Ha-ha-ha-ha. As we were taught in the 1970s television show Kung Fu: “patience, young grasshopper.” Intention, prayer, faith, and our spiritual character all contribute to our being on the right path. We might have stumbles over pebbles in our way, but there is a guiding force leading us if we would listen and heed the signs along the way. Today is one of those days when by getting out of our own way we can be in the flow proceeding effectively and productively. The evening could have a curveball or two to threaten knocking us off center, but it’s the universe’s way of keeping us humble, alert, and adaptable to changing circumstance.
Thursday, February 20th – Centering the Core – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Sun, Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter. Thursday has the Moon completing its transit of Scorpio with the Scorpio Moon trine Neptune. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost three hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Scorpio and before the Moon enters Sagittarius where today the Sagittarius Moon squares the Sun and the Moon sextiles Pluto. Mercury squares Jupiter. Perhaps we effectively dealt with any disruptions to our plans yesterday. We might awaken with a sense that we are divinely guided [and we are if we heed the indications along our way]. With the Moon moving into the expansive and exuberant Sign of Sagittarius, we could feel as though we can do no wrong, everything we do as right. Such confidence and optimism unless grounded in reality could lead us down the alleyway of illusion and delusion. What we see, we might not get. What we hear may not be the truth. This day suggests, even demands, that we temper our enthusiasm and take the time to evaluate whatever we are considering engaging. No need for us to run after castles in the air. Although we can be enticed by distractions and diversions, this day calls for us to center, come from our core and look only at the truly meaningful involvements that hold real purpose for us. The challenge today is our ability to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Friday, February 21st – Learning Lessons – Venus, Lunar T-Square, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn. Friday continues with the Sagittarius Moon with the Moon today trine Venus in the early morning hours. The Moon for much of this Friday triggers a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Sagittarius Moon opposed Jupiter and the Moon square both Mercury and Saturn both in Pisces. Whenever we have a T-Square, it’s like having a car with three wheels and necessitates the fourth wheel, in this case the Mutable Earth Sign of Virgo. Virgo offers us scrutiny, the ability to look beyond the surface appearance, focus on the details and specifics, and provide a critical reasoning approach. And boy we might surely need such scrutiny on this Friday. Whether on a sugar high or just a ‘feel good’ disposition, we could be off flying on this Friday as if on a wing and a prayer. We might decide to juggle any number of things today with the liability of not doing so well in our juggling attempts. We may need to apply the brakes now and again today, pare down some of our exploits, and not get carried away by our high energy octane. We might not want to seriously consider what we’re doing, but it would save us a great amount of difficulty, even heartache, down the road. Let’s take our foot off the accelerator, have an itinerary in hand, and consider whether our long list of activities for this day are well worth our time, effort, and energy. Learning lessons doesn’t have to be hard or an ordeal. When the universe taps us on the shoulder, it would be wise for us to heed the indication. Failing that, the universe is likely to tap a little harder. Our failing to heed notice even then, the universe might provide us with a lateral lobotomy or whack on the side of the head. Life is like school where we have the need to learn our lessons. It can be the easy way or the hard way, eventually we learn the lesson.
Saturday, February 22nd – Nap Time – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course. Saturday has the Moon completing its transit of Sagittarius with the Sagittarius Moon square Neptune. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for two and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Sagittarius and before the Moon moves into Capricorn. The Capricorn Moon makes no connections to the planets today. Life has become this hurly-burly of exciting opportunities and unexpected challenges. It’s enough to make one anxious or even crazy. Heightened fearfulness seems part of this paradigm shift for those people unable to adapt and alter as conditions warrant. As the Taoist saying suggests: “bend like a reed or break like an oak.” Unfortunately, too many of us are oak-like with a rigidity and fixity attached to a security where the only saving grace during these times is the security of insecurity. This Saturday suggests we take a ‘time out’, a nap to restore our health and well-being. So many people are sleep deprived, running on adrenaline, trying to keep up with everything, but letting their batteries drain. This Saturday is a day for us to step away from our engagements and enjoy some quiet time. We might prefer racing around, searching for the perfect wave or an idyllic diversion, but it would be suggested that we take time for ourselves, take the intensity down a notch or two, and put out the sign ‘do not disturb’.
Sunday, February 23rd – Picking Up the Pace – Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Mars direct. Sunday has the Capricorn Moon sextile the Sun and the Moon square Venus. Mercury trines Mars, and the day ends, and the week ends, with Mars turning direct [9:00 PM EST]. Hopefully, we took some of yesterday to ‘chill out’, relax, and reinvigorate. We could be up and at it early on this Sunday. This is a day for us to take care of what needs to get done. We might have to put some of our own personal desires on the back burner as we attend to our obligations and our responsibilities. We could sense the energy shift, feel as though we are getting a second wind, and in deed we are. With Mars turning direct, Mars ends its retrograde cycle that has gone on since December 6th of last year. Transiting Cancer, Mars is in a Sign of its Fall with Mars not being in a strong position, but at least turning direct Mars will help us increase our physical energy with less fatigue. We’re moving into picking up our pace so let’s focus more on what we need to do rather than just what we want to do. Getting things in order around our home environment would be suggested. A good winter clean up and clear out would help us prepare for the initiations and new beginnings that are likely to come with the spring season starting next month.