The astrology for this week of January 13th through the 19th of 2025 can be a highly productive time of streamlining our involvements as long as we don’t get emotionally wrought by solely looking at endings rather than acknowledging beginnings.
The week starts with the Cancer Full Moon with the Sun Moon opposition harmoniously connecting with Uranus. We may be impelled to make changes whether we do so by our choice or by the universe shifting conditions. Although our emotions might be heightened, we do not have to fall prey to being victim to circumstance.
As the Taoist saying asserts, this is a time for us to ‘bend like a reed or break like an oak’.
Any fixity rather than fluidity could be severely challenged with dire consequences. Let’s keep in mind that judgments are often based on opinion rather than objective fact. What we see and what we project may be more from our perspective and personal bias instead of hard cold reality.
This week is likely to trigger wake-up calls, even if we don’t necessarily like what we become aware of.
Push – pulls may be evident, and it would be suggested that we keep a strong grip on our moods and emotions, suspend judgment until we have further information, and take things one step at a time.
The end of the week and early part of the weekend would be a good time to get our house in order — ridding ourselves of the extraneous, lining things up for our new endeavors, and acknowledging the transformation we are all going through, both individually and as a society.
The weekend ends with the Sun exiting Capricorn to enter Aquarius. We are now taking a step into our future.
Monday, January 13th – Trust the Process – Saturn, Uranus, Cancer Full Moon, Sun, Mars, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course. Monday begins this week with the Moon in Cancer. The Cancer Moon today trines Saturn to begin the day, the Moon sextiles Uranus, the Moon opposes the Sun at the Cancer Full Moon [5:27 PM EST], the Moon conjuncts Mars, and the Moon trines Neptune at the end of the day. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for four and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Cancer and before the Moon enters Leo early on Tuesday morning. The Sun trines Uranus. The highlight of this day is the Cancer Full Moon with both the Sun and Moon harmoniously connected to Uranus. Things may happen in the most unexpected manner as if operating on greased wheels, smoothly, easily. Surprising developments can occur with little insistence on our part. Rather, we might find ourselves being in the right place at the right time. This is a day for us to harness our energy but to be open to altering our course of action as conditions warrant. Instead of prejudging or overly critiquing whatever is going on, it would be wise for us to get a grip on our emotions, engage the child-like quality of awe and wonder, and catch the wave and feel like we’re sitting on top of the world. Monday encourages us to trust the process.
Tuesday, January 14th – Too Big a Bite – Pluto, Venus, Jupiter. Tuesday has the Moon entering Leo where today the Leo Moon opposes Pluto. The two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, are in square aspect. Tuesday is a day when we might experience our eyes being bigger than our stomach. The liability of trying to do too much with the consequent effect of severe pushbacks or a sense of overwhelm cannot be discounted on this Tuesday. Perhaps everything seemed so easy yesterday, and we could assume that this Tuesday will continue in the same vein. Certainly, our intentions might pace the way for all this and more and more, but such a disposition can find us racing into a wall. The proverbial ‘moderation in all things’ is suggested for this Tuesday, but people’s arrogance may know no bounds with a belief that we can do it all and then some. Excess and indulgence are liable on this Tuesday. Even relationships may suffer with many people wanting to be on center stage, narcissism pumped up, and little affinity for collaboration or consideration. This is a day when some people are liable to inflict on other people the sentiment of ‘my way or the highway’. This Tuesday calls for us to avoid being overconfident, overoptimistic, and overexuberant. There could be too many overs today, so it would be important for us to apply brakes now and again and see whether we are on the right track and going at an appropriate speed.
Wednesday, January 15th – Hasty, Wasty – Jupiter, Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Sun, Mars. Wednesday continues with the Leo Moon with the Moon today sextile Jupiter early in the morning and the Moon square Uranus at the end of the day. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for twelve and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Leo and before the Moon enters Virgo around midday [EST] on Thursday. The Sun opposes Mars. We could be feeling our oats as we start this Wednesday. As the saying goes: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” If we didn’t rein in our overs yesterday, we could start this Wednesday in the same vein, being a little too sure of ourselves, assuming that everything will go the way we want it to, and engaging our various forms of over — overconfidence, overoptimism, overexuberance, et. al. No matter what we do today, if our activities have not been ‘right action’, the latter part of the day can have us feeling like the rug is being pulled out from under us. The universe may not be playing nice, but it is likely to give us a rap on the side of the head if we err too far off course of ‘right action’. Trying to get a lot done today, we are liable to rush through our different activities with a tendency to be slipshod in our approach and the liability of our engaging the proverbial ‘haste makes waste’. This is a day for us to release some of our hot air, not get too full of ourselves, and give focused attention to whatever we take part in.
Thursday, January 16th – Shifting Sands – Moon Void-of-Course. The first half of this Thursday has the Void-of-Course Moon finishing its transit of Leo without making any further connections to the planets. The Moon then moves into Virgo where today the Virgo Moon makes no connections to the planets. There is not a great deal of energy today. It might not be the Dead Zone, but it is a day when we can temper our self-importance and begin to focus on the details that may have been lost over the past few days while we were riding along on our high horse. If we glossed over specifics and negated the particulars over the past several days, we could use this Thursday to go back over and attend to necessary details and straighten things up. The next two days may be highly productive, and we can get a head start today by considering what we want to do, prioritize our engagements, and concentrate on the truly significant. Strategic planning today might help us to be expeditious in our efforts over the next three days. We don’t always have to be active and on an adrenaline rush. This Thursday is a day for us to slow things down, take our time, and figure out what and how we want to proceed over the next few days.
Friday, January 17th – Slow it Down or Carom – Mercury, Lunar T-Square, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun, Neptune. Friday has the Virgo Moon trine Mercury, and the Moon triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Virgo Moon square Jupiter in Gemini and the Moon opposed both Venus and Saturn both in Pisces. The Sun sextiles Neptune. Hopefully, we used yesterday to strategize how we intend to implement our plans today and over the weekend, for without proper planning we could be all over the place today, trying to do too much and possibly without addressing the specifics or taking care of necessary details. Although we might want to be fast out the door today with a long ‘to do’ list to accomplish on this Friday, it would be wise for us to slow down and prioritize our course of action. As the wise carpenter idiom suggests: “measure twice, cut once.” Time management skills and strategic planning would forego a lot of running around but can assist us in being more effective with less expenditure of energy. With Sunday changing our focus from our present ambitions to our future goals, the next few days suggest we tie up loose ends and complete various matters so that we are unburdened by our past and can focus more on our future intentions.
Saturday, January 18th – Smarter not Harder – Lunar Grand Trine, Uranus, Sun, Mars, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Venus, Saturn. Saturday continues with the Virgo Moon with the Moon today sextile Mars, and the Moon opposed Neptune. The Virgo Moon triggers an Earth Grand Trine with the Moon trine Uranus in Taurus to start the day and the Moon trine the Sun in Capricorn toward the end of the day. The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Virgo and before the Moon enters Libra to end the day. Venus conjuncts Saturn. This Saturday would best be spent with nose to grindstone, engage home projects, mundane errands, and accomplish more than we might imagine. Social involvements may only be a distraction but with someone demanding our attention and distracting us from what we really wish to accomplish. We can work smarter rather than harder today drawing upon innovative ways or technological tools to get more done than drawing upon old ways, outmoded techniques. Today and tomorrow could have us accomplishing a great amount. We do have to ward off any annoying irritations or diverting intrusions. If someone needs our attention, we might lessen their influence by turning them into minion mode, have them join us in our projects, and keep them busy even if only with busy work. There’s no need for us to alter our focused energy today no matter what our previous commitments for this day may have been.
Sunday, January 19th – Stepping into our Future – Lunar Grand Trine, Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Sun Aquarius. Sunday has the Libra Moon triggering an Air Grand Trine with the Libra Moon trine Pluto in Aquarius early on this Sunday, and the Libra Moon trine Jupiter in Gemini at the end of the day. Mercury sextiles both Saturn and Venus both in Pisces. The Sun exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius [3:00 PM EST]. This weekend offers powerful energy configurations to allow us both to focus on our present endeavors and to look ahead to our future engagements. While someone might have proven to be a bit of a nuisance yesterday unless we were able to channel their energy into helping us, this Sunday encourages us to draw upon the input of someone both with their suggestions from an objective perspective and their assistance of hands-on participation. We may want to resolve various matters and prepare for projects we wish to pursue as we move forward and with the possibility of exploring new trajectories for ourselves. This weekend can be a highly productive time for us to complete outstanding issues and also consider our prospects for the days ahead.