December 30th, 2024 – January 5th, 2025

The astrology for this week of December 30th through the 5th of January bridges the old year with the new year and has us considering our options, our resolutions and how we might become more aligned with our personal destiny.

The week begins with the Capricorn New Moon, truly triggering the winter season with a large focus on ‘out with the old, in with the new’.  It would be suggested that we tie up loose ends and bring completion to matters we would prefer not to bring into the new year.

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day may provide some interesting and unanticipated incidents that make us aware that we are no longer living in a sequential, linear reality but instead have entered asequential reality where things occur in the most unexpected manner.  We are in a paradigm shift, and this move from 2024 into 2025 can amplify the sense that we are living in a volatile and revolutionary period of significant transformations.

Although we all tend to make resolutions for a new year, let our foremost resolution for this new year be one of acknowledgement and willingness to engage the major changes we are likely to experience in 2025 with dramatic shifts triggered as Pluto becomes entrenched in Aquarius, Uranus exits Taurus to enter Gemini, and both Saturn and Neptune exit Pisces to enter Aries.

Hopefully, we can engage the sentiments expressed in the lyrics of the classic song by R.E.M.: “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”

The latter part of the week could prove explosive with the Mars Pluto opposition that has been challenging us and will be challenging us in exact aspect on Friday.  The liability of people acting out with violent behavior and explosive actions cannot be discounted and demands that we be especially careful in everything we do.  Rash actions could create disastrous consequences.

The weekend might best be served as a time to avoid confrontations, catch our breath, meditate, and focus on the otherworldly and our spiritual interests.

If we take the time to recharge and reinvigorate, we can end the weekend with machete in hand and ready to initiate new projects and new involvements for the new year.

Monday, December 30th – All in Place – Capricorn New Moon, Sun.  Monday begins this week with the Moon in Capricorn and with the Capricorn New Moon as the Moon conjuncts the Sun [5:27 PM EST].  The New Moon triggers the energy of that particular Sign and in the case of a Cardinal Sign New Moon truly imprints the season.  Winter is upon us, and we might be considering the foundation stones we wish to lay down to create a solid base from which to operate during this coming new year.  Ridding ourselves of the old and completing matters that we do not wish to bring into 2025 would be a good use of today’s energy.  While we might be ramping up for our new year’s celebrations, I would suggest we use some of our time today to tie up loose ends and bring closure to outstanding matters so that we have a clean, or cleaner, slate in which to draw upon in the coming new year.  We can determine a best practices approach for whatever projects we plan to begin, but we do need to be unencumbered by our past in order to streamline our operations and be more effective with less expenditure of energy.  This is a day for us to straighten out things, make a budget, take care of pressing matters, and pay bills.  Before we come into the new, it’s important that we disengage from the old.

Tuesday, December 31st – On the Threshold – Saturn, Uranus.  Tuesday has the Capricorn Moon sextile Saturn at the beginning of the day, and the Moon trine Uranus in the evening.  This day can be reflective of the push – pull between old and new.  We might start with the idea of our putting everything in order, taking care of business, and feeling totally competent in whatever we are planning.  The old mindset of being in control of situations may have us feeling that we are on top of things, have all the bases covered, and have accounted for all factors.  The evening could provide some surprising developments.  As the saying goes: “If you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans.”   The evening can be most magical as we usher out the old and welcome in the new.  Tuesday night, early Wednesday morning can make us aware through various incidents that we are truly in the midst of a paradigm shift where things occur inexplicably and often to our benefit.  Although things may not go according to our plan, they make work out better than we could possibly imagine.  We just need to be open to receive, maintain a positive attitude, and throw off the victim shroud so prevalent in society. 

Wednesday, January 1st – Birthing Pains – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Mars.  Wednesday begins with the Capricorn Moon sextile Neptune.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost five hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Capricorn and before the Moon enters Aquarius where today the Aquarius Moon conjuncts Pluto and the Moon opposes Mars.  New Year’s Eve and early New Year’s morning could give us glimpses as to what could be, the wide realm of possibilities with our hopes and wishes engaged and a slight nod in acknowledgment to the asequential realities in which we find ourselves.  Although we could have spent the evening in a lilting, almost wistful, manner of what could be, the day might bring us back to hard, cold reality.  The liability of explosive situations is accentuated with people acting out, bomb blasts, and other extreme conditions to thwart any sense of serenity we might have drawn upon.  On a conceptual level, we are able to live in an idyllic world.  The daily reality could be something else, but if we see these dynamic, volatile, challenging experiences as labor pains from birthing into the new, then we can accept that where we are is not where we intend to be and by our grit and persistence and with a little help from the universal energies, we can truly create a heaven on earth.  Happy New Year!  Embrace the paradigm shift!

Thursday, January 2nd – Fun and Games – Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Venus Pisces.   Thursday continues with the Aquarius Moon with the Moon trine Jupiter early in the day, and the Moon sextile Mercury late in the day, and the Moon square Uranus to close out the day.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for eleven hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces on Friday.  Venus exits Aquarius to enter Pisces [10:24 PM EST], a Sign of Exaltation for Venus.  As the saying goes: “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.”  We could be enjoying ourselves to the max on this Thursday but oblivious to the costs involved.  Even if we have started to consider our finances, our budget, and any debt load that we’re carrying, our concerns can fly out the window due to our ‘feel good’ attitude.  We may live for today and forget about tomorrow.  Unfortunately, being oblivious to our own personal reality and to what is occurring in the macro financial realm might prove disastrous for our long-term security.  With the Mars Pluto opposition exact tomorrow, we must watch our temperament.  People are liable to fly off the handle with any insignificant matter triggering a huge, over-the-top response.  While Venus entering Pisces is likely to enhance our compassion, the Venus entry into Pisces also triggers a Stellium in the Mutable Water Sign as Venus joins Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.  Let’s avoid playing the victim card, which is so done and so yesterday.  Victimhood justifies a lack of responsibility and dismisses accountability.  It’s time for everyone to be a grown up.

Friday, January 3rd – All Fall Down – Moon Void-of-Course, Venus, Mars, Pluto.  Friday begins with the Void-of-Course Moon finishing its transit of Aquarius without making any connections to the planets.  The Moon then enters Pisces where the Pisces Moon today conjuncts Venus.  Mars opposes Pluto.  Our emotions can be overwrought today.  We have been suffering through the influence of the Mars Pluto opposition over the past two months and will continue to feel its influence through the spring.  Reckless action, knee-jerk reactions, and violent outbursts are all liable effects of this energy configuration.  It’s as though a lot of people are angry, seething, and venting their frustrations in heated discussions, road rage driving, and physical altercations.  We may be feeling the ending of a cycle and not merely the winter doldrums, but the end of a phase, the completion of one epoch, and feeling vulnerable to whatever comes next.  These are volatile times, dynamic times, and we might feel as though we have neither the roadmap nor the skill set to navigate the currents.  If we would trust in the process, assume that life is good, and not fall prey to the threats and challenges projected upon us; then we can successfully make it through the dark of night, transmute difficulties into opportunities, awaken to the asequential nature of these times, and ascend in consciousness with an enhancement of our spiritual character.  We may all fall down, but many of us can then rise up.

Saturday, January 4th – Whittling Down – Jupiter, Sun, Saturn.  Saturday continues with the Pisces Moon with the Moon square Jupiter to begin the day, followed by the Moon sextile the Sun and the Moon conjunct Saturn.  The Sun sextiles Saturn.  We might have great plans for this Saturday with our ‘to do’ list almost infinite.  Let’s avoid overwhelm and prioritize whatever we choose to do today.  The Jupiter Saturn square is engaged, an energy configuration that talks about expansion and likely overexpansion until the need to compress and whittle down.  This accordion-like quality can be tempered where instead of extremes between increase and decrease we can modulate the two and have less of a whipsaw movement.  By concentrating on the truly significant, structuring our efforts, and drawing upon a best practices approach, we could accomplish a great deal today.  Tasks and chores may be easily addressed today if we strategize before implementing.  This Saturday is a good day for a clean-up and clear out and organize the components of our intended endeavors.

Sunday, January 5th – Endings and Beginnings – Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Mars, Pluto.  Sunday has the Moon completing its transit of Pisces with the Pisces Moon today sextile Uranus, the Moon square Mercury, and the Moon conjunct Neptune.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for four and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Pisces and before the Moon enters Aries where today the Aries Moon trines Mars and the Moon sextiles Pluto.  Like days over recent months, the Moon aspects the three transcendental planets today.  This Sunday also has the end of the Moon’s monthly transit cycle through the Zodiac and the Moon beginning a new monthly cycle.  During these volatile times of paradigm shift, it is essential that we accept our role as co-creators with the energies unfolding rather than assuming that we are in control of conditions and circumstance.  Let’s make it easy on ourselves and work with the energies rather than vying against them.  We can bring matters to conclusion if we don’t try to force things to our will.  Although we are dealing with a Mars Pluto opposition, the Aries Moon mitigates the conflict today and allows us to draw upon the power and determination that the beneficial connections of these two energies motivate.  This is a day of endings and beginnings.  The first half of the day provides the energy to conclude matters in an expeditious and streamlined manner.  The second half of the day encourages us to enjoy ourselves with good friends and participate in re-creational activities.  We may gain a second wind and a thrust of energy as this Sunday progresses.