October 7th – 13th, 2024

The astrology for this week of October 7th through the 13th of 2024 may be reminiscent of the classic spaghetti western movie The Good, the Bad and the Ugly with the various twists and turns that we are likely to encounter.

The week begins with a slow start and our mind focused elsewhere, anywhere other than where we are.  There doesn’t seem to be a lot going on as we start the week, although our emotions may be driving us, so it would be wise to keep our optimism up or, at least, find some slice of joy to keep us buoyed.

Things ratchet up as we get beyond Monday.  Relationships can be close to idyllic, conversations lively and uplifting, and good times had by all.  We just need to avoid too much of a good time or feeling that we are invincible.

As the saying goes: “the higher the climb, the harder the fall.”

Mid-week has the first of this week’s two changes in planetary direction as Jupiter turns retrograde on Wednesday and Pluto turns direct on Friday.

Much of our exuberance and confidence might be muted as Jupiter turns retrograde.  We may have great intentions, but little follow through to make our plans a reality.  We could feel as though the wind is no longer in our sails and that our forward movement has stalled.

The end of the week has Pluto turning direct, ending its five-and-a-half-months retrograde cycle.  We are liable to witness dramatic releases of energy that can take the form of earthquakes and volcanic activity, intense storms systems, violent acting out, and edging closer to the precipice of war. 

With Pluto direct, Pluto will complete its transit of Capricorn on the 19th of November when Pluto enters Aquarius for its twenty years cycle through the Fixed Air Sign.  Between now and the latter part of November we could see signs of the wise adage: ‘build upon rock or build upon sand’.

The weak and outmoded are liable to be washed away and various organizations may crumble in the process.

The weekend would be a time for adventures and explorations and getting out of Dodge.  It’s Columbus Day weekend, now referred to as Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a long weekend which in the northern latitudes is considered the prime ‘leaf peeping’ weekend of viewing the colorful autumn country landscape.

It is suggested that we keep the weekend light and airy, but someone might pontificate with a liability of conversations turning into heated arguments with consequent damage to the relationship.  Why go there when most of our discussions are based more on opinion rather than fact, our subjective sense rather than objective reality? 

Monday, October 7th – Out of Sight, Out of Mind – Saturn.  Monday begins this week with the Moon in Sagittarius.  There is not a great amount of energy to start off.  Late in the day, the Moon squares Saturn.  This can be one of those days when we procrastinate, put everything on the back burner, and decide to split whether physically or mentally.  ‘Nobody’s home’ could be our rallying cry and avoidance our disposition for this day.  We don’t want to be bothered with mundane reality, might prefer to get lost in our daydreams or plans for future adventures.  Towards the end of the day, we are liable to engage the ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’ of self-recrimination as we recognize how much is in our inbox and how little we might have achieved today.  Let’s write this day off as a ‘mental health’ day, a day for us to recoup our energy, give thought to a wide range of possibilities and feel as though we have choices that we can make rather than being driven by our routine of day-in, day-out.  We all need a break at times, and we could use this Monday as one of those times.

Tuesday, October 8th – Making Up for Lost Time – Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Mars.  Tuesday continues with the Sagittarius Moon with the Moon today sextile both the Sun and Mercury both in Libra, and the Moon opposed Jupiter.  Venus trines Mars, and Mercury trines Jupiter.  We might feel bad that we wasted some of yesterday dithering around without accomplishing much.  This Tuesday can have us energized, enthusiastic, and ready to take on the world.  Even though we are confident of our abilities, we could try to take on too much.  Let’s have a plan of action for this day and make some time for a special person in our life.  Balancing what we need to get done with quality time with someone can have us feeling good about ourselves and feeling good about what we can accomplish.  Today is quite a difference from yesterday. Today may have us going for the gold and without stepping on any toes or annoying anyone.  Everything might seem like we’re operating on greased wheels with things developing smoothly and easily.  The main liability is overconfidence and taking on too much.  If we would tame our ambitions to realizable goals that are well planned out, we can advance many of our interests without obstacles getting in our way.  A primo day for our plans and our relationships.

Wednesday, October 9th – Turn Around – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Jupiter retrograde.  Wednesday has the Moon finishing its transit of Sagittarius in the early morning hours.  The Moon squares Neptune before the Moon goes Void-of-Course for over three and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Sagittarius and before the Moon enters Capricorn early in the day.  The Capricorn Moon makes no connections to the planets today.  Jupiter turns retrograde [3:05 AM EDT] for the next four months until early February when Jupiter turns direct.  We may feel at sixes and sevens on this Wednesday not knowing what to do or what to do first.  Welcome to the roller coaster ride of our lives.  Monday didn’t have a great deal of energy.  Yesterday could have had us feeling like we were on steroids getting everything and then some done.  Today, we could question the sense of it all and whether our goals are realistic or even have any true meaning for us.  Whenever a planet changes direction, things are liable to get squirrely.  With Jupiter turning retrograde, we might have the sense that many of our plans are only castles in the air, great in concept but unlikely to be realized.  We need to avoid getting disheartened today. As Mark Twain said about New England weather: “If you don’t like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.”  And so it may be with our attitudes during this time of paradigm shift when things can change suddenly and dramatically in a nanosecond with hardly any forewarning.

Thursday, October 10th – Push Pulls – Saturn, Venus, Lunar T-Square, Sun, Mars.   The Capricorn Moon today sextiles Saturn in Pisces to begin the day and the Moon sextiles Venus in Scorpio to end the day.  Mid-day, the Capricorn Moon triggers an Earth Sign T-Square with the Capricorn Moon square the Sun in Libra and the Moon square Mars in Cancer.  The energy on this day suggests we plan out our day and concentrate on a well-designed schedule.  We may be called upon to assist someone with their issues, attend to maintenance and repair problems around our home, and find ourselves pushed and pulled in various directions.  This day might be exhausting, but if we take things step-by-step, we could achieve successful results.  We need to avoid feeling flummoxed by all that we must do and concentrate on one thing at a time.  The evening can be a pleasant time when we appreciate what we have accomplished and receive gratitude from someone for our assistance in addressing their problems.  Orderly progression during these volatile times may be challenging, but we might be especially effective if we are flexible and adaptable to changing conditions and circumstance.

Friday, October 11th – Boom, Bang, Blast – Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Pluto direct.  Much of today’s energy occurs in the morning hours until the major shift in energy at the end of the day.  This Friday has the Capricorn Moon square Mercury, the Moon trine Uranus, the Moon sextile Neptune, and the Moon conjunct Pluto.  Around midday, the Moon exits Capricorn to enter Aquarius, but the Aquarius Moon makes no connections to the planets today.  Pluto ends its five plus months retrograde cycle and turns direct [8:34 PM EDT].  As we have experienced over recent months, all three of the transcendental planets are engaged today.  This day suggests we trust our own instincts, keep aware of the shifting tides, and work with the unfolding energies.  Someone might be highly opinionated and try to sell us something with their gift of gab.  Let’s take things we hear with a grain of salt, since opinion often differs widely from reality.  Increasingly, it is important for us to engage humility and a willingness to be receptive to whatever is going on and how things are proceeding.  Assumptions may prove baseless, so it would be important for us to be mindful and aware of the shifting currents.  Pluto changing direction can be highly impactful with a liability of earthquake and volcanic activity, intense storm systems, warlike behavior, and violent acting out.  This day, and especially the evening hours, suggests we be cautious in our actions and in our discussions.  Why set ourselves up for conflict or confrontation?  Many people seem to be on their last nerve, ready to pop off at any moment. Now is a time for us to be careful out there and judicious in our behavior and in our expressions.

Saturday, October 12th – Blank Slate for Good Times – Sun.  The Aquarius Moon trines the Sun to end this Saturday.  Other than that, there is not a great deal of energy on this Saturday. Today is a far better day for exploration and doing whatever we want.  It’s a blank slate kind of day, so let’s be certain that our mind is clear, our spirit of adventure attuned, and our writing implement ready to use.  In the US, this is part of the long holiday weekend and a weekend when in the northern latitudes people stream out of the cities to view the rural landscape awash in the autumnal colors of reds, oranges, golds, and yellows as the tree leaves exhibit their wild array of color.  Evening hours can have us engaging in fun social get-togethers whether as part of many, a special time with a special someone, or just enjoying alone time for ourselves.  The magic of nature can prove uplifting and affirming that ‘life is good’.

Sunday, October 13th – Mixed Bag – Jupiter, Lunar T-Square, Venus, Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Mercury, Pluto, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury Scorpio.  The early morning hours of Sunday has the Aquarius Moon trine Jupiter.  The Moon then triggers a Fixed Sign T-Square with the Aquarius Moon square Venus in Scorpio and the Moon square Uranus in Taurus.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost six hours with the Moon making no further connection to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces where the Pisces Moon trines Mercury, which has just exited Libra to enter Scorpio [3:23 PM EDT].  Before Mercury enters Scorpio, the Libra Mercury squares Pluto.  The Sun trines Jupiter to end the day.  Relationships can be critical and fault-finding as we begin this day.  There could be a tug-of-war between conflicting interests.  We need to avoid discussions turning into heated arguments eventually leading to walkaways without areas of disagreement resolved.  Our mind shifts from an interest in collaboration and other people’s concerns to a sharp, even biting thought process where we drill down into what is really going on but may not reveal what we find and instead keep our cards close to our chest.  There is a brightening up that occurs late at night.  Like water under the bridge, arguments are forgotten, relationships likely healed, even though we may be more focused on what we want to do and how we want to do it with scant attention to what is going on with someone else.