October 21st – 27th, 2024

The astrology for this week of October 21st through the 27th of 2024 can feel like the weather outside with an increasing chill in the air.

The Mars Pluto opposition that will cast its shadow increasingly over this autumn and much of next year could be felt with everyone on edge, as if on their last nerve, and liable to pop off in an aggressive venting with little indication beforehand.  Talk about anxiety-provoking!

The week starts off pleasantly enough, more so if our focus is on our friends and connections and future possibilities rather than the hard, cold truths of present reality with Debbie Downers on the street corners despairing like Cassandras all the ills of the world.

The Sign change of the Sun on Tuesday as the Sun exits Libra to enter Scorpio can have us looking for places to hide out, keeping our cards close to our chest, and questioning the intentions of anyone and everyone we encounter.

The latter part of the week might have us industrious, utilizing new ways of doing things, streamlining our operations, and being more effective with less expenditure of energy.

We may decide to pursue our projects alone or have people playing second fiddle to our grand opus.  We are more interested in standing out rather than fitting in, preferring to be on center stage than in the background.

The end of the week and early part of the weekend can have us participating in fun activities, getting out of town, or engaging creative outlets to express our talents.

The weekend would be a good time for an autumn clean up and clear out.  We can address what we want to keep and what we want to throw out.  Let’s just be sure that we’re not ‘throwing the baby out with the bath water’.

A week of another ride on the roller coaster.

N.B.  Although there may be little mention by Western media of a most significant event this week, the 16th BRICS Summit will be held in Kazan, Russia, from Tuesday the 22nd to Thursday the 24th.  As the world turns…

Monday, October 21st – Worthy Possibilities or Slightly Delusional – Jupiter, Neptune, Sun, Moon Void-of-Course.  Monday begins this week with the Moon completing its transit of Gemini and with the Gemini Moon today conjunct Jupiter, the Moon square Neptune, and the Moon trine the Sun.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost two hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Gemini and before the Moon enters Cancer in the evening.  This is a day when we might start off feeling optimistic and enthusiastic about our future prospects.  Everything may seem possible, realizable, and with little concern about the details or the challenges we could face along the way.  Our exuberance can be squelched as the day unfolds and we try to implement our grand plans for our future.  Resources might be limited, a grip on reality could come to bear, and our confidence diminished as we question whether our grand plans are solely castles in the air.  Although the air may be let out of our tires, we can get a second wind in the evening from a good friend and advocate who encourages us that ‘all things are possible’.  And during this paradigm shift, in deed they are.  Nonetheless, this Monday is liable to be a day of up and down when we try to figure out the reality of possibilities as opposed to delusional fantasies.

Tuesday, October 22nd – Slow and Steady – Lunar Grand Trine, Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Pluto, Sun Scorpio.  Tuesday has the Cancer Moon triggering a Water Grand Trine with the Cancer Moon trine Saturn in Pisces and the Moon trine Mercury in Scorpio.  Mercury trines Saturn, and the Sun squares Pluto just before the Sun exits Libra to enter Scorpio [6:15 PM EDT].  In the Aesop fable of The Tortoise and the Hare we are advised that “slow and steady wins the race.”  Such advice should be noted on this Tuesday, for we could experience that our best results come not from pushing the envelope and trying to force things to happen in accord with our will, but rather a willingness on our part to strategize and devise a best practices approach and then work with the conditions and circumstances in a persistent yet step-by-step manner.  We might want to take on any number of activities today, but in so doing we could be slipshod, gloss over important particulars, and wind up doing more harm than good in working towards our goals.  This is a day when focus and awareness to changing currents work far better than pushing the envelope and arrogantly pressing forward.  The Sun entering Scorpio, a Sign co-ruled by Pluto and Mars, and with the Mars Pluto opposition in orb and moving closer to exactitude, we need to be wary of intensity acting out in aggressive and even violent behavior.  Increasingly, we had best be aware and mindful, careful and cautious, in whatever we do.

Wednesday, October 23rd – Faith in the Process – Mars, Uranus, Neptune.  Wednesday has the Cancer Moon conjunct Mars, the Moon sextile Uranus, and the Moon trine Neptune.  The three transcendental planets are engaged again with the Moon aspecting Uranus and Neptune today and Pluto early on Thursday morning.  Wednesday is a day for us to balance our desires to put our personal imprint upon our involvements with a willingness to heed the muses and collaborate with the universal forces.  Wednesday and Thursday can be two highly productive days if we don’t get in our own way.  Faith in the process, a belief that things work out, and an acknowledgment of the paradigm shift with its asequential happenings could prove a necessary tonic to salve our desires for control and our determining our right course of action.  We can become aware that things happen almost magically if we heed the muse of the universal unfolding.  It would be wise for us to become accustomed to the tiny, small incidents of what seem almost magical, even mini miraculous occurrences.  The paradigm shift of these times allows things to change significantly, often suddenly, whether we are in step with the natural unfolding or choose to counter it by our ego’s necessity of control.  As the 12-step programs remind us: “Let go and Let God”.

 Thursday, October 24th – Smarter, Not Harder – Pluto, Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus.  Thursday has the Cancer Moon opposed Pluto in the early morning hours.  The Moon then moves into Leo where today the Leo Moon squares the Sun early in the day, and the Moon trines Venus late in the day.  Mars sextiles Uranus.  Wednesday and Thursday of this week can be highly productive and effective if we keep our ego in check and employ both humility and new ways of doing things.  Although we might feel blocked as we begin our Thursday, the obstacles may be more our responsibilities and what we need to do rather than any significant challenges.  By attending to our obligations early in the day and doing so by new techniques and streamlined operation, we could accomplish more than we might have thought possible.  This is a day for us to work smarter rather than harder with a recognition that the old ways of doing things may be outmoded and that there could be better ways of achieving successful results.  Let’s be open to trying things out, experimenting, and exploring, and not allow any sense of newness make us feel less than.  Life is a school with continuous lessons, and we are never too old to adapt to the developing technologies that can make our efforts far easier and more productive.  The evening hours could have pleasant times with a special someone or with friends.  Life is for living, and en joying ourselves.

Friday, October 25th – Not What You Think – Mercury, Jupiter.  Friday continues with the Leo Moon with the Moon today square Mercury and the Moon sextile Jupiter as we come into the evening hours.. Although there is a saying that ‘what you see is what you get’, that sentiment is often dispelled during this paradigm shift.  Instead of accepting things at face value or believing that we know what is going on, this paradigm shift through which we are living tends to throw various curveballs and monkey wrenches into appearances and assumptions.  The content or substance of a situation might not adhere to the image or presentation.  This Friday is one of those days when conditions demand that we use forensic abilities to dissect whatever is going on.  It would be too easy for us to assume that we understand all the facets of a scenario, but such an assumption could prove to be lazy thinking.  These times demand that we be astute not only to the overall picture of a situation but that we look deeply into the intricate details and the likely consequences that might unfold.  Conversations may get heated today with someone pontificating on their opinion.  Let’s keep in mind that everyone is liable to be on edge, so it would be important for us to neither immediately react to someone’s contention nor act impetuously.  These are times for us to exemplify the British wartime slogan: ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’.  The evening can be a ‘feel good’ time and prime for good times with good friends and

Saturday, October 26th – Plans Made, God Laughs – Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, Sun.  Saturday begins with the Moon finishing its transit of Leo with the Leo Moon square Uranus early in the day.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for over seven and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Leo and before the Moon enters Virgo where late today the Virgo Moon sextiles the Sun.  Whatever we intend for this day, things might not work out.  As the saying goes: “If you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans.”  An unexpected situation could dash our plans for this Saturday.  We might not have the resources we would want to engage our intended activities.  There could be developments that put a kibosh on our plans.  Although we may have intended a fun-filled day, whatever upsets our applecart today also forces us to switch gears.  Instead of bemoaning our situation, we can shift our focus and attend to mundane matters that have been awaiting our attention.  If we use this day as a cleanup and clear out kind of day, we might accomplish a great deal.  Straightening our mess gives us a better handle on our environment and our ‘to do’ list.  By evening, we could pride ourselves on our achievements today, feel like we have sanctified our sanctuary, and eliminated the superfluous from our life.

Sunday, October 27th – Stuck in the Muddle – Lunar T-Square, Venus, Saturn.  Sunday continues with the Virgo Moon with the Moon today triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Virgo Moon square Venus and the Moon opposed Saturn.  We may have lauded ourselves last evening for yesterday’s accomplishments and assumed that we were one and done.  Perhaps not quite yet, for this Sunday beckons us to keep on, keeping on with our clean up and clear out.  We might far prefer hitting the high road, going off on some grand adventure, but we may also realize there is still more work to be done.  If we would hunker done, avoid any resentment, and just ‘grin and bear it’, we can get a lot out of our way.  The more we stress about matters, the more we exhaust ourselves.  While we would prefer our weekends to be primarily focused on good times and good friends, this weekend is primed for a good autumn cleanse. Once we’ve done the straightening up and clearing out, we don’t have it hanging over us, and we have fewer distractions around us.  Perhaps not the funnest of weekends, but a weekend that could be highly productive in taking care of the niggling matters of our lives.