September 9th – 15th, 2024

The astrology for this week of September 9th through the 15th of 2024 provides the impetus for us to figure things out and consider the best way forward without our being overly confident or exaggerating our abilities.

The week begins with Mercury coming back into its own Sign of Virgo.  We lose any of the Fire Element, but our reasoning mind is strengthened, and we could successfully blend our analytical faculties with our intuitive feelings to devise a best practices approach.

Mid-week, Mercury comes out from its retrograde ‘shadow’.  Our clarity is stronger, and we might draw upon brain to enhance brawn, a powerful combination if we are willing to temper our enthusiasm wanting to make giant leaps into our future rather than focusing on our present.

The end of the week may be highly productive if we take care of the specifics and draw upon innovative means to accomplish our ends.  This is a time for us to ‘work smarter rather than harder’.  Strategy and finesse are more meaningful than assertiveness and forging ahead.

The weekend is geared to social interactions and good times with good friends. 

Sunday completes the week with love in the air and appreciation for the special people in our life.

Monday, September 9th – Think Again – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Mercury, Mercury Virgo.  Monday begins this week with the Scorpio Moon opposed Uranus, the Moon trine Neptune, and the Moon sextile Pluto.  The Moon then moves into Sagittarius where today the Sagittarius Moon squares Mercury in Virgo.  Mercury exits Leo and re-enters is own Sign of Virgo [2:50 AM EDT], reducing the influence of the Fire Element.  As we have experienced over recent weeks, the three transcendental planets are triggered.  While we are asked to look beyond the mere, mundane reality to which we are accustomed and instead consider a force greater than ourselves, the Age of Reason has indoctrinated many of us to consider only that which seems to be tangible, material, physical, and in the process diminish enchantment, magic, miracles and asequential reality.  The paradigm shift is prodding us to accept possibilities that are seemingly impossible, extraordinary events hard to explain.  With Mercury coming back into Virgo, our reasoning, rational mind with its emphasis on critical analysis may seem to hold sway.  Such a reinforcement does not have to put blinders on us so that we see only that which is right in front of us, that which appears to us.  On the contrary, we can be more open to the mini miracles of these times and then decipher them in accord with what our consciousness allows.  Unexpected developments could occur on this Monday that force us to draw not only on our rational interpretation of what is going on but also on our intuitive sense of what we feel is occurring.  As the day unfolds, our perspective can broaden, and we might be willing to acknowledge the possibility of good and positive situations happening and largely because of our attitude of confidence, optimism, and acceptance of our role as co-creators with the universe unfolding.

Tuesday, September 10th – Pushing Beyond Limits – Venus, Lunar Grand Cross, Saturn.  Tuesday continues with the Sagittarius Moon with the Moon sextile Venus early in the day.  Late in the day, the Moon initiates a Mutable Sign Grand Cross that will go on through Wednesday.  Tonight, the Sagittarius Moon squares Saturn.  We may start this day feeling good about our life, our prospects, and our relationships.  Everything might seem beautiful in its own way.  Unfortunately, our elation earlier in the day can shift to despair or feeling blocked late in the day.  Instead of confidence that might have been stirred by a loving friend, we could suddenly sense obstacles and impediments in our way forward.  The bloom may have come off the rose, as hard, cold reality presents itself but in truth possibly a viewpoint that might be too extreme.  During these times, the volatility also triggers wild mood swings and this Tuesday evening we could suffer from a deflation of our enthusiasm that was perhaps off the charts.  “Moderation in all things” is a wise idiom and especially appropriate as an affirmation during these wild and crazy times.  While we might want what we want, delays and frustrations can be necessary to hone and refine whatever we are trying to achieve.  Tonight through tomorrow, we need to back off the gas, watch our nerves, and not try to force issues.  We may want to assert ourselves, but the liability of pushbacks cannot be discounted.  Tuesday and Wednesday are two days to slow things down and not get caught up in the frantic nature of these times.

Wednesday, September 11th – Out of the Shadow – Lunar Grand Cross, Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Mercury, Mars.  Wednesday has the Sagittarius Moon triggering a Mutable Sign Grand Cross that we might have begun feeling Tuesday night.  The Sagittarius Moon today squares the Sun in Virgo, the Moon opposes Jupiter in Gemini, and the Moon squares Neptune in Pisces.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for over two hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Sagittarius and before the Moon moves into Capricorn late in the day.  Mercury comes out of the ‘shadow’ of the Mercury retrograde as Mercury reaches the degree at which Mercury turned retrograde back on August 5th.  Our mind can be stronger and clearer and especially thanks to Mercury being in its own Sign of Virgo.  Mercury sextiles Mars and would allow us to merge brain and brawn whereby we have both the attention to detail and the persistence to move our interests forward.  The Grand Cross can be problematic with Saturn [contraction] having been engaged late yesterday and Jupiter [expansion] engaged early on this Wednesday morning.  The metronome swings could be extreme, and the more we’re able to slow things down, think things through, and proceed cautiously, the less likely we are to create havoc for ourselves.  We might want to do any number of things today impelled by heightened nervous energy, but we have the offsetting factor of the Mercury Mars aspect to apply the brakes, tone things down, and get us off the fast-revolving carousel of adrenaline rush.

Thursday, September 12th – Tap the Brakes – Mars, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter.  Early on this Thursday, the Capricorn Moon opposes Mars and the Moon trines Mercury.  The Sun squares Jupiter.  We may be a little full of ourselves as we start this Thursday, adamant to prove our worth and liable to risky behavior.  Let’s avoid being stupid.  There’s no need to prove anything to anyone, including ourselves.  This is a day when we might start off assertively with the sentiment in mind of “a strong offense is a good defense.”  Although we could overdo as we start  our Thursday, we can come to our senses early on.  Rational thinking may take hold, help us to tap the brakes, slow down our trajectory, and provide a more reasonable approach to matters.  This week, like much of life recently, seems like whipsaws of emotions, swings of behavior, and shifts in attitude.  Could we say that the circumstances in life and the conditions around us are crazy making?  Certainly, a lot is being thrown at us, and the velocity is such that we could easily get caught up in the frantic energies.  Tapping the brakes now and then and stepping away from all the stimuli would help us center ourselves and assist us in dealing with whatever comes our way.  Let’s just keep in mind the need to tap the brakes every now and then.

Friday, September 13th – On All Cylinders – Saturn, Venus, Lunar Grand Trine, Sun, Uranus.  Friday continues with the Moon in Capricorn with the Moon today sextile Saturn, the Moon square Venus and the Moon triggering an Earth Grand Trine with the Capricorn Moon trine the Sun in Virgo and the Moon trine Uranus in Taurus.  Why suffer friggatriskaidekaphobia [fear of Friday the 13th] on this Friday when we could be operating on greased wheels?  Of all the days this week, this Friday might prove the most productive.   This day may best be served with nose to grindstone and focus on our goals and what we need to get done.  Relationships could be a little dicey today, and today is not so much a day for relationships but rather a day for us to attend to what we personally wish to accomplish.  We can make nice with people on Sunday when our relationships could seem close to idyllic, but this Friday has us operating on all cylinders and is a day to get things done.  The energies today are a prelude to the end of the month and give us a good indication of how productive we can be with the mundane matters in our life.

Saturday, September 14th – Doing What We Will – Neptune, Pluto.  The early morning hours of this Saturday has the Capricorn Moon sextile Neptune and the Moon conjunct Pluto.  The Moon then moves into Aquarius where today the Aquarius Moon makes no connections to the planets.  We might work late into Friday night to accomplish the results we wish to achieve.  By clearing the decks late Friday, we provide a blank slate for ourselves to do whatever we choose to do on this Saturday.  Saturday is a day to be spontaneous, not feel compelled to do anything but engage whatever catches our fancy.  It’s refreshing to have time when we aren’t feeling pressured to do this, that, or some other thing.  We could have a real sense of freedom on this Saturday with the opportunity of considering options and alternatives that are not always available to us.  This weekend is a time to enjoy oneself, to get together with friends, or head out onto some grand adventure.  The choice today is ours.  Even if we can’t figure what to do with ourselves today, it’s nice to know that we have time and space that is totally our own without responsibilities, or even desires, determining our decisions.

Sunday, September 15th – Better than This – Lunar Grand Trine, Jupiter, Venus.  Sunday has the Aquarius Moon triggering an Air Grand Trine as the Aquarius Moon trines Jupiter in Gemini and the Moon trines Venus in Libra.  Venus trines Jupiter.  With the two ‘good guys’, Venus and Jupiter, pleasantly engaged today, we might wonder how it could possibly get better than this.  Relationships are highlighted today.  Love and affection are in the air, and this Sunday is a primo day to spend time with a special someone or those people who add sparkle to our lives.  Even the most critical of people can see the radiant splendor in others today.  Everyone may be more considerate of other people’s wishes, more appreciative of the uniqueness of each person.  This Sunday is one of those days when we can recognize the many blessings in our lives.  We do need to be open to receive, let go of our expectations, and enjoy the flowering of good feelings.  Even if the vagaries of these times have created consternation and despair, today is a day to affirm the truth to the natural law that it is often darkest before the dawn.