September 30th – October 6th, 2024

The astrology for this week of September 30th through the 6th of October 2024 provides the true kickoff to our autumn season and to our future intentions.

The week begins with us feeling ready to put our pedal to the metal and get on with things.  We have the determination to advance our interests and get ever closer to realizing our goals.

One thing for us to keep in mind is the ongoing dance recently between Saturn and Jupiter.  Aspects to the two planets occur in a sequential progression of first Saturn with constraints and restrictions followed by Jupiter with opportunities and expansions.

The early part of the week is on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon prior to Wednesday’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse.  Like any New Moon, made more significant by this one being a Cardinal Sign New Moon and a Solar Eclipse, now is a time for us to take a moment, reflect on where we are and where we want to go, and acknowledge the importance of the universal unfolding in assisting us with accomplishing our plans.

Relationships are key now.  Although Venus is transiting Scorpio, a Sign of Detriment for Venus, it would be wise for us to take our relationships to a deeper level, a level where we engage the essential and avoid the superficial.  We are social animals, not islands unto ourselves, and the interaction with other people is fundamental to our well-being — physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

The latter part of the week can have us engaging social interactions with a recognition that we are doing a filtering in our life, concentrating on the truly significant and ridding ourselves of the superfluous.

The weekend is a beneficial time for a good autumn clear up and clean out.  The more we rid ourselves of diversions and distractions, the better able we are to focus on the truly significant and purposeful.

We are looking to cut to the core and get to the heart of every matter.  There is both a deepening and an awakening available to each of us during this paradigm shift.

Monday, September 30th – Revving our Engines – Mars, Lunar T-Square, Saturn, Sun, Mercury.  Monday begins this week with the Moon in Virgo and with the Virgo Moon sextile Mars and the Moon triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon square Saturn in Pisces today and the Moon square Jupiter in Gemini early tomorrow.  The Sun conjuncts Mercury, and Mars trines Saturn.  We can be ready to go forward assertively and with itinerary in hand today.  It would be wise for us to draw upon the encouragement and support of someone who has both an objective perspective and with our best intentions at heart.  With a Grand Trine in the Water Element by orb, we do need to watch our emotions, and especially with the wild swings between despair and exuberance.  With the Saturn Jupiter interchange going on, our moods might go from a negative viewpoint as if having blinders on to a positive disposition that might even be over-the-top.  The attitude of ‘moderation in all things’ is suggested but hard to come by with the whipsaws of emotions during these highly volatile times.  It would be wise for us to modulate any extreme actions or sentiments.  We may be energized as we start this day, but once we set into motion we could easily be disheartened by any delays or frustrations that get in our way.  Step-by-step today would be far more effective than lunging aggressively forward.

Tuesday, October 1st – Nothing Better Than This – Lunar T-Square, Jupiter, Lunar Grand Trine, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.  Tuesday has the Moon finishing its transit of Virgo with the Moon completing the Mutable Sign T-Square that began yesterday when the Moon was square Saturn in Pisces and early this morning with the Moon square Jupiter in Gemini.  The Moon connects with all three transcendental planets.  The Moon makes a kite pattern chart today with the Virgo Moon triggering an Earth Grand Trine with the Virgo Moon trine Uranus in Taurus and the Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn.  The Moon opposes Neptune, and Neptune sextiles both Uranus and Pluto.  We are on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon prior to tomorrow’s New Moon, a Solar Eclipse.  Late in the day, the Moon exits Virgo and enters Libra.  This is a day for us to acknowledge one of the key characteristics of the paradigm shift through which we are living: that we do NOT have to do it all.  We do have to be mindful of the energies that are operating, heed the signals, and work with the universal forces rather than forcing our will upon conditions and circumstance.  This Tuesday would be a good day for us to get our house in order.  Tomorrow signals a new beginning, so today allows us to consider our prospects and our intended endeavors.  It may be wise for us to accept the truth to the magic and mini miracles of these times, those incidents that some might call ‘divine intervention’.  We are living during extra-ordinary times.  As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet: “There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Wednesday, October 2nd – And so it Begins – Libra New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Sun, Mercury.  Wednesday has the Libra New Moon when the Moon conjuncts the Sun [2:49 PM EDT].  This New Moon is a Solar Eclipse, and the New Moon configuration is also conjunct Mercury.  In the Jewish religion, sundown of this day begins the Jewish New Year with Rosh Hashanah, this day being the day of atonement, which can also be interpreted as at-one-ment.  Not only does the New Moon in a particular Sign truly begin the energies of the Sun’s transit of that Sign.  A New Moon in a Cardinal Sign truly begins the energies of the season.  This is a day for us to take the time to visualize creatively our intended future, what we wish to pursue, what we wish to accomplish, and with whom we want as our companion[s] along the way.  Although we are living during times of this paradigm shift with linear reality giving way to asequential reality and where we are co-creators with the universe unfolding, creative visualization is a powerful tool to focus our intentions, our hopes and wishes for our future.  Years ago, I knew one of the players on the 1969 New York Mets baseball team, a team that was referred to as the ‘Amazin’ Mets’ and the ‘Miracle Mets’.  In their seven previous seasons as a franchise team, the Mets had never had a winning season and had never finished higher than ninth place in the ten-team league.  In 1969, the Mets won it all and became World Series champions.  I was told by the player on that team that before each game they would go through a visualization of the game, visualizing every inning and how it would be played.  The mind is a powerful tool, and the more we focus on positive intention, the more likely we shall achieve success in our endeavors.  Taking time today to visualize our prospects for the future is a seed planting in our mind.

Thursday, October 3rd – Tighten Up – Mars, Jupiter.  The Moon continues its transit of Libra with the Moon square Mars in the early morning hours, followed by the Moon trine Jupiter midday.  We may have a lot on our plate, or assume that we do, as we start this Thursday.  Why does everyone have to be in such a frenzy?  The energies of these volatile times can be crazy making but why go there when we could slow things down, reflect now and then, and not solely get caught up in frantic ways and confusing daze.  Our emotions are ratcheted up, and we need to avoid making decisions based upon how we feel rather than drawing upon our reasoning mind and critical analysis.  While we might start the day anxious and harried, if we would tighten up, we can get a grip on our moods and shift the energy for ourselves, just as the energy shifts.  The second half of this Thursday is far more pleasant, and a great time to get together with a good friend[s].  We all know the saying ‘misery loves company’ but the right company could also brighten us up, put a smile on our face and relieve us of our anxieties. Thursday is a good time to get with good friends and good feelings. 

Friday, October 4th – Remember When – Pluto, Venus, Saturn.  Friday has the Moon completing its transit of Libra in the early morning with the Libra Moon square Pluto.  The Moon then moves into Scorpio, but the Scorpio Moon makes no connections to the planets today.  Venus in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces highlighting the Water Grand Trine that Venus will complete next Tuesday when Venus trines Mars in Cancer.  Reconnections with old friends and quality time with a special someone could spark magical moments tonight and over the weekend.  Our emotions are accentuated with possible reminiscences of loving memories.  We might have certain matters to address today, but let’s attend to them early in the day so that we can take the energy down a notch or two, relax and reinvigorate later in the day.  If we are able to start the weekend early, we may be inclined to do so.  Today starts a three-day period when we can enjoy a passionate, loving interchange with someone.  Going away, putting our phone on voicemail, and focusing on stepping away from our ordinary routine could be appealing.  Or we might find ourselves using this weekend for a major clean up and clear out with the recognition that as we go through our stuff, we are liable to open a pandora’s box of old events with their attachment of haunting thoughts and extreme feelings.  You must remember when.

Saturday, October 5th – Quality in Living – Venus, Lunar Grand Trine, Saturn, Mars.  Saturday continues with the Scorpio Moon and with the Water Grand Trine influence.  The Moon conjuncts Venus, and the Scorpio Moon triggers the Water Grand Trine with the Moon trine Saturn in Pisces and the Moon trine Mars in Cancer.  We could continue with an autumnal clearing and feathering our nest for the impending wintertime.  We might choose to enjoy the comforts of home.  Or we may decide to do something special with someone like going to a concert, a walk out in nature, a drive into the country to see the turning leaves, or any event that gives us warm and comforting feelings.  This day is all about celebrating quality in our life.  Our emotions are heightened with a tendency to see the good in our life and in the world.  No matter how crazy things may seem in the world-at-large, they are unable to put a damper on our moods today.  We are feeling depth in everything and everyone we encounter today.  There might seem a radiant quality to life today with us understanding that appearance can be one thing, content far more substantial and essential.  Today is a day for us to savor the essence of life and living.

Sunday, October 6th – Seeing Perfection in an Imperfect World – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury, Mars.  The Moon completes its transit of Scorpio with the Scorpio Moon today connecting with the three transcendental planets.  The Moon opposes Uranus, the Moon trines Neptune, and the Moon sextiles Pluto.  In the evening, the Moon exits Scorpio to enter Sagittarius.  Mercury squares Mars.  While yesterday might have felt close to idyllic, or at least had the potential to be so, it often seems that human nature has the liability of messing things up.  It’s a strange phenomenon that whenever life is serene and content, there is an inclination to throw some element of excitement, even discord, into the mix.  This Sunday not only has the liability of our relationships taking a turn and becoming testy, but unexpected developments might throw a wrench in whatever we have planned for our Sunday.  The challenge today will be to avoid intense reactions either to relationship miscues or to unavoidable upsets to our plans.  This day calls for us to be flexible and adaptable with the appreciation for the truth in the statement that ‘god and the higher forces have far greater plans for us than we could have devised for ourselves’.  Today may not go according to plan but might provide far more interesting experience than what we had arranged.  As the Taoist saying suggests: ‘bend like a reed or break like an oak.’