September 2nd – 8th, 2024

The astrology for this week of September 2nd through the 8th of 2024 has us under the Virgo New Moon influence and would suggest that we give thought over the next two weeks to our health and exercise regimen and avoid the whipsaws that impetuousness often triggers.

The week begins in the US with Labor Day, the long holiday weekend signaling the unofficial end to summer and the return to our routine and familiar ways.

It might be hard for us to get back on track, and we do need to avoid the wild swings of shifting moods, the desire to step away from demands placed upon us, and any tendency to chase after pipedreams.

Although we might be reticent about getting back in harness, the midweek period could prove highly productive especially if we are willing to work smarter rather than harder.  With our return to our daily lives after a summer hiatus, we can incorporate new technologies, new techniques, and be more effective with less expenditure of energy.

The latter part of the week is primed for pleasant relationship interactions.  Taking the time to appreciate the special people in our life can buoy our exuberance with good feelings proving contagious.

Better to enjoy ourselves during the latter part of the week, for the weekend could prove dicey with unexpected disruptions upsetting our plans and some people being on edge.  Let’s avoid the parade rainers and seek solace in withdrawing from the hurly-burly of the maddening crowd.  The weekend may be best served with a good clean up and clear out of the extraneous matters in our life.

Monday, September 2nd – Setting our Goals – Virgo New Moon, Sun.  Monday has the Moon in Virgo with the New Moon late in the day when the Moon conjuncts the Sun [9:56 PM EDT].  This Monday is Labor Day in the US, the long holiday weekend that unofficially signals the end of summer and the return to our familiar schedule.   We may be more interested in preparing ourselves for a productive and successful month, but we’re really not there yet.  This day would best be served by enjoying ourselves and taking the time to consider our long-term ‘to do’ list, the various projects we intend to engage.  We don’t have to ‘rush the river’ but prepare ourselves for what we hope to be a successful rest of the year.  We can concentrate on the different areas of our life and how best to improve ourselves.  Let’s give thought to our health regimen, commit to healthy well-being with a recognition that we are all living under stressful conditions during the paradigm shift.  A ‘go slow’ attitude is called for especially in light of yesterday’s two major shifts in energy by Uranus turning retrograde and Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn.  The structures of our life are to be questioned and refashioned.  We might determine how we can operate at our optimum.

Tuesday, September 3rd – Too Far, Too Fast – Lunar T-Square, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune.  Tuesday continues with the Virgo Moon with the Moon today triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon opposed Saturn and the Moon square Jupiter.  Mars squares Neptune.  Whether we enjoyed a relaxing long holiday weekend or used the weekend to consider all the things we intend to do during this coming autumn season, this Tuesday could have us fast out of the gate. We need to be careful that we’re not spinning our wheels as we fully engage this week.  The two opposite forces of expansion [Jupiter] and contraction [Saturn] are engaged.  We may find ourselves restricted as we try to forge ahead before overexpanding our activities.  We also need to be careful that by being fast out of the gate we’re not driven solely by an adrenaline rush but have a plan of action in mind. The liability of this Tuesday is that we could force issues and do too much, but more with an impulsive, impetuous manner rather than a well-strategized trajectory.  It would be wise for us to plan out our day before we jump into it.  The metronome energy of this day might have our movement delayed or limited to begin the day and then broadening to taking on too much as the day unfolds.  Let’s modulate our actions and intentions today, instead of the crazy-making antics of taking on too much.

Wednesday, September 4th – Either Or – Lunar T-Square, Neptune, Mars, Lunar Grand Trine Uranus, Pluto, Mars Cancer. Wednesday continues with the Virgo Moon with the Moon replicating yesterday’s Mutable Sign T-Square with the Virgo Moon today opposed Neptune and the Moon square Mars.  The Moon also triggers an Earth Grand Trine with the Virgo Moon trine Uranus in Taurus and the Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn.  The Moon enters Libra around mid-day EDT with the Libra Moon making no connections to the planets today.  Mars exits Gemini and enters Cancer [3:46 PM EDT].  The frenzied activity we might have experienced yesterday could continue this Wednesday.  If we are able to harness the energy, then this could be a highly effective and productive day.  Drawing upon innovative techniques, streamlined operations, and concentrating on the specifics of a situation, we may virtually move mountains and accomplish a great amount today.  We need to avoid getting lost in our conceptualizations and desire to get things done quickly.  This is a day for us to work smarter rather than harder, tame our impulsive energy, and not be distracted by pointless diversions.  Mars is in ‘fall’ in Cancer with the physical energy of Mars becoming muted, more reactive, moodier, and less self-assertive.  Time spent at home and with family can be nourishing and revitalizing, but our physical energy may not be as impetuous or vibrant as when Mars was in Gemini.

Thursday, September 5th – Special Someone – Venus.  Thursday has the Libra Moon conjunct Venus.  Love is in the air with our appreciation strong for our soulmate and those special people who give value to our life.  There is not a great deal of energy on this Thursday, which could seem a welcome relief from the past two days of frenetic energies.  This Thursday is a day for us to stop and smell the flowers by taking the time to enjoy the company of someone with whom we share interests and a deep, abiding friendship.  Today and tomorrow have the two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm, Venus and Jupiter, beneficially impacted with Venus engaged today, Jupiter tomorrow.  These two days are geared to enjoying oneself without feeling the push – pull of demands, needs, or responsibilities.  To some degree, this Thursday and Friday could prove ‘mental health’ days when we realize that the ‘best things in life are free’.  The past two days may have been intense, and the weekend could be tumultuous, so today and tomorrow are two days for us to renew, revitalize and reinvigorate and preferably in the company of someone with whom we enjoy the dance of life.  This is a day for us to see the half glass of water as half full and filling.  Let’s keep in mind that during this paradigm shift we are co-creators with the universal energies and that life, our life, is unfolding as it will.  Yes, life is good.  It would be wise for us to appreciate the good times and the special moments that each of us experiences.

Friday, September 6th – Look to the Horizon – Jupiter, Mercury.  Friday continues with the Libra Moon with the Moon today trine Jupiter early in the day and the Moon sextile Mercury later in the day.  We can feel optimistic and enthusiastic in whatever we pursue.  Yesterday and today could have advocates by our side encouraging us to reach beyond our limits.  As Richard Bach wrote in Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah: “The original sin is to limit the Is. Don’t.”   More so than ever before with us in the paradigm shift operating presently, the sense of magic and miracles, the impossible being possible, are becoming virtually commonplace and certainly witnessed as corroborating evidence.  Last month, I experienced my own major indication of divine intervention preventing a major auto accident.  Even if we are not moving mountains, each of us is likely to see evidence of mini-miracles and magical happenings.  Yesterday and today are two days for us to stop, get out of our own way, and contemplate the wide range of possibilities often with the suggestions and support of someone who advocates for us.  The evening hours could be pleasant times of fun events and enjoyable social occasions.  Every now and then we need to look up and look to the distant horizon.  This Friday is one of those days.

Saturday, September 7th – From Sublime to Ridiculous – Pluto, Mars, Mercury, Uranus.  Saturday has the Libra Moon square Pluto early on Saturday.  The Moon then moves into Scorpio with the Scorpio Moon trine Mars.  Mercury squares Uranus.  Thursday and Friday could have been close to sublime, today and tomorrow less so.  With the volatility of these times increasingly apparent, we could experience the extreme shift of the past two days into the convoluted mess of today and early tomorrow.  The Mercury square Uranus is the third one of the summer and with it comes the liability of unexpected disruptions and interferences making us feel like we’re trudging through quicksand with not even a vine to pull ourselves out.  This weekend can be all sorts of wrong.  I would advise using this weekend as a time of spiritual retreat, having alone time, and not putting oneself in harm’s way.  Either resting and regrouping or using these two days as a pre-autumn clear up and clean out might be the best use of these energies.  Home stay and alone time should be considered since they do like us in our sanctuary and could thereby avoid contentious situations.  While relationships may have been quite pleasant the past two days, late Friday and early Saturday could have some relationship issues and upsets that contribute to this idea of whipsaw from the sublime to the ridiculous.  Let’s lower our expectations for this weekend, take things easy, and not push ourselves.  Turning on the TV and watching football, anyone?  Or just cleaning up our messes?

Sunday, September 8th – Do What We Need to Do – Saturn, Sun.  Sunday has the Scorpio Moon trine Saturn, and the Moon sextile the Sun.  The Sun opposes Saturn.  If we put ourselves in harm’s way yesterday and didn’t use the day as a spiritual retreat, or at least a retreat from the crazy antics out in the world, then we could find late on Saturday, early Sunday feeling totally wiped out, emotionally drained, physically exhausted.  Any irritation yesterday could impact our sleep state with us tossing and turning as if trying to release ourselves from real or imagined entanglements.  As this Sunday unfolds, we can get a better grip on things by concentrating on what we need to get done.  This weekend is not a walk in the park, even if we physically do so.  But emotionally, this weekend can be challenging.  It may be far better for us to do what needs to get done with a detached attitude, no emotion, but just accomplishing outstanding matters around our environment that need to be addressed.  Let’s lower our expectations for this weekend.  Hopefully, we took some time on Thursday and Friday to enjoy ourselves, engage with other people, so we don’t need to try and force a good time on this weekend when our efforts might be met with resistance or a nasty blowback.  The whipsaws can be extreme with enjoying close to the idyllic Thursday and Friday and crashing against walls on Saturday and Sunday.  It’s all about timing and working with the energies.